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Messianic Teachings Alef Tav (The Alef (Alap) is the first letter and Tav (Taw) is the last letter in the Hebrew (Aramaic) Alphabet which also means; The Alpha and the Omega which also means; The Beginning and the End, the First and the Last). In the beginning, El Shaddai created the heavens and the earth And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the waters. And El Shaddai said, Let there be light and there was light. Genesis (B’resheet) 1:1-3 shiaia or or means “Let there be light and there was light”. yehi 'or means “Let there be light”. (Either way God said it he had Moshe (Moses) write “Let there be light and there was light”). Within these first three lines of the Torah reveals wonderfully deep elements of Mashiyach, that are far beyond coincidence. The very first word b’resheet (Genesis) contains a hidden Messianic prophecy teaching us that the son will be the head of all things [or the head of all of El Shaddai’s creation]. Bar is the Aramaic word for “son” and resh means “head, chief” as well as “starting point”. The use of the direct object pointer, as showing what part of a Hebrew sentence receives an action, is also a hint for the deeper truth of the son as the Alef and Tav (the first and the last), the beginning and the completion.
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