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Christian Teachings The Trinity, the Rapture and others are a product of misinterpretation of adding to and taking away from the real interpretations in the Aramaic from the Roman Empire Catholic Church which blatantly lied when they interpreted the Bible and is why God called them the Harlot of Babylon, “Wrong Doctrines of Men”, and “Full of the Names of Blasphemy” and what their punishment will be in Revelation chapters 17 through 19 and a violation of the commandments described in the Torah and a violation of Revelation 22:18-19 in the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant). The Harlot of Babylon sits at the 7 Mountains and the 7 Mountains are only in Rome and nowhere else in the entire world and is where the “Temple of Janus” once stood and is where the “Temple of Vaticanus” now stands and is known as the Roman Empire Catholic Church or the Roman Catholic Church. In Conclusion God will let you believe the things you want to because of “free will” but to actually know the truth you must seek God in prayer over and over again in spirit as God is spirit, for the truth. Sometimes this might result in, that you need to give a fasting of prayer unto God but if you don’t tell him “I want to believe the truth no matter what the truth is” than he will let you to continue to believe what you do. Open yourself up to learning the real truth from God – El Shaddai and his Mashiach (Messiah), this is why there is a Set Apart “Ruach HaKodesh of El Shaddai” (The Holy Spirit of God Almighty) (God is Spirit so this is another name for God) to learn the real truth no matter what your current beliefs are. He will either affirm what you believe, or he will show you what is wrong and then what the real truth is. The free will choice is yours to make. Ephesians chapter 4 tells us that there is only one God which is El Shaddai (God Almighty) and that there is one head of all of God’s Creation which is HaMashiach (the Messiah) and there is one spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) and one faith (Hebrew religion) and one immersion (baptism) in water and in the spirit until we all become one and the same in faith. We need to be Ha Kedoshim (The Set Apart Ones or The Set Apart Peoples) in the world today unto Righteousness, keeping El Shaddai’s Mitzvot (Commandments). The word Kedoshim goes back thousands of years to the time that the Torah was written. The truth will set you free and free indeed.
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