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The Reminiscent of God The Son of God is like God so therefore he is a reminiscent of God which is why he said; if you see me you see the father, but not God; because if he were God than it would be a violation of the commandments in the Torah and Rav Yehoshua (Rabbi Yeshua) never violated the commandments and Rabbi Yeshua also said that he came not to do his works but to do the works of the father which sent him. The Bible further indicates that we are a reminiscent of God not that we are God, but we are like God, this doesn’t mean we are God either, but are a reminiscent of him. The Hebrew/Aramaic Tanach/Tanakh in the Torah - Genesis 1:26-27 – “And God – El Shaddai said; Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”. The Hebrew Tanach from the Hebrew Faith writes that “us” means that God – El Shaddai was in council with the other Angels; however, I take a different stance as the “us” meaning (1) the Father, (2) the Son (the Word of God), were there and in council when Creation occurred and the Kodesh of El Shaddai called the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) hovered over the waters to create. The Father Spoke his Words to Create. In Messianic Judaism teachings it states that a hidden message in the Torah in the first and second verses in Bereishis (Genesis) but is part of the Messianic teachings where HaMashiach (The Messiah) is also mentioned with Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) when El Shaddai our God created.
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