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Matthew, Yochanan called Marqus (Mark), Dr. Luke, the First and Second testimonies of Yochanan, Rav Shaul (Rabbi Saul) called Paul, and the Letter and writings were all written by those of “Hebrew Birth” and followed the teachings of Rabbi Yeshua and the Hebrew Faith. How we got the word Christian The Hebrew word Kristianae and the Aramaic word Kristianay which is where we get the word Christian from those who called themselves Christian and in those days were only a small faction while majority of those Believers of Rabbi Yeshua believed in the Hebrew Faith, matter-in-fact Rav Shaul (Rabbi Saul) called Paul preached in Hebrew from time to time and not in Aramaic as the language of the day, however majority of the time he used the Aramaic language except when Yochanan (John) called Marqus (Mark) and his cousin Barnabas the translator for Rav Shaul (Rabbi Saul) than used the Roman Latin language. The name Kristianae, Kristianay, or Christian never appears in the Bible. The word Messianic does appear in the place of Christian in the Bible. The original Brit Chadashah was written in Hebrew only then translated into the Aramaic language and the Aramaic version was written with some words in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin but “predominately written in Aramaic”. The first writings were in Hebrew only in compliance with the Hebrew Faith. Jesus Christ The word Jesus Christ is not a good translation of Rav Yehoshua (Rabbi Yeshua) as in Greek which is where we get Jesus from is of the Greek word “Lesus” which means in Greek “Hail Zeus” which is a pagan god in Greek Mythology of the god Apollo and in Roman Mythology of the fallen messenger angels. They took the first letter “L” and changed it to “J”. Christ is from the Greek word Christos which means “the anointed”, so when you say Jesus Christ you are actually saying “Hail Zeus, the anointed”. The Messenger Angel Gabriel told Maryam (Mary) and Josef (Joseph) from the house of David months before the conception from Rauch HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) that his name will be called Yehoshua or Yeshua the shortened name. Yehoshua means “our El is with us” which is the same meaning as Immanuel is. Matthew 1:23. “Behold, a virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call his name Ammanuel (Immanuel, Emmanuel), which is interpreted “our El is with us.” [our El Shaddai is with us]” So, as you can clearly see that there is a distinctive difference from the meaning of “Jesus Christ” to “Yeshua HaMashiach (the Messiah)”. The Son of God cannot be God as the Christian Bibles indicate because this is “a misinterpretation from the original Hebrew/Aramaic Brit Chadashah” as the Son does not know some of the things of the end times prophecies including when he will return only God – El Shaddai (God Almighty) does.
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