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The Prophecy of the Harlot of Babylon and her Babylon System Yochanan Ben Zawdi (John the Son of Zebedee) HaTalmid of Rav Yeshua (The Disciple of Rabbi Y’shua) was pursued and captured by the Roman Empire after Rabbi Y’shua’s Crucifixion and was plunged into a vat of boiling hot oil at the Coliseum in Rome where all were astonished at the miracle that Yochanan survived suffering no effects whatsoever. It was believed that all who witnessed this event became Kristianae (Christians). This angered the Roman Emperor Domitianus (Domitian) and Yochanan was taken from Rome and banished to the Roman Prison Island of Patmos, Greece where many were placed on the Island which was known as a prison. [this story appears in Catholic Christianity but not in the Brit Chadashah] Not much is known after he was placed on the Prison Island of Patmos but is believed that he died in Ephesus, Anotolia which was on the western shores of Anotolia also known as Asia Minor or Turkey Today. He died at about the age of 93 or 94 and was already nearing this age when he was on the Prison Island of Patmos, Greece and received the vision. Rabbi Saul called Paul. Rav Shaul (Rabbi Saul) was born Hebrew (Jewish) in the city of Tarsus, Anotolia (Asia Minor or Turkey) which was about 85 miles southwest of Antiochi, Syria (Antioch, Syria -- Turkey) where Doctor Luke was born and Rav Shaul witnessed the life and crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua while he was in Urishlim, Yehuda (Jerusalem, Judea) but refused to believe. Later while on the road to Damascus, Syria Rav Shaul called Paul (Rabbi Saul called Paul) encounter the voice of Yeshua and a great light surrounded him. Afterwards this is when he began speaking to people about Rabbi Yeshua. Christians today call this the conversion of Saul and then his name was changed to Paul, this is a lie as his name was never changed. The Good News of Luke the Physician Luke was born in Antiochi, Syria (Antioch, Syria – Turkey today) and was born Hebrew (Jewish) and as he grew became a Physician in compliance with the Torah in the Tanach and wrote Luke and the Acts of the Shlichim (Acts) and was personal friends with Rav Shaul of Tarsus (Rabbi Saul called Paul of Tarsus).
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