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Yochanan Ben Zawdi (John the Son of Zebedee) one of Rav Y’hoshua Twelve Talmids (one of Rabbi Y’shua Twelve Disciples) and wrote 5 books in the Brit Chadasha (Covenant New) and they are; The First Testimony of Rav Y’hoshua’s Talmid Yochanan (Rabbi Y’shua’s Disciple John) (1) Yochanan HaTalmid (John the Disciple) or the book of the Gospel of John The Second Testimonies of Rav Y’hoshua’s Talmid Yochanan (Rabbi Y’shua’s Disciple John) (2) First Yochanan HaTalmid (1st John the Disciple) or the book of 1st John (3) Second Yochanan HaTalmid (2nd John the Disciple) or the book of 2nd John (4) Third Yochanan HaTalmid (3rd John the Disciple) or the book of 3rd John (5) HaHitgallut of Y’hoshua’s HaMashiyach (The Revelation of Y’shua the Messiah) or Revelation John the Immerser YYochanan Ben Zecharya (John the Son of Zachariah) was born Hebrew (Jewish) and was the son of Zechariah the Kohen or the Cohen meaning “Priest” in the Second Temple of God in Jerusalem and his mother was Elizabeth of the lineage of Aaron for many generations (ex: great, great, great, etc. granddaughter of Aaron) and her Son Yochanan (John) was born in 5 B.C.E. (A.D.) which was 6 months before Yehoshua Ben Josef (Yeshua Son of Joseph) was born and was somewhere in the Month of Nisan and in the Month of the Pesach (Passover) Feast of the Unleavened Bread, and was born in Urishlim, Yehuda (Jerusalem, Judea). As he grew, he was a reminiscent to the Prophet Eliyahu (Elijah) and later Yochanan (John) became a Rabbi, Rav Yochanan Ben Zecharya (Rabbi John the Son of Zachariah) and was also known as Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the Immerser). Zachariah the Priest was one of the later Priests and is not the same as the Prophet Zachariah. What Rav Yochanan Ben Zecharya (Rabbi John the Son of Zecharya) was doing when he was HaMatbil (The Immersion) was actually the Hebrew “Mikveh” which is the purification in water ceremony or cleansing ceremony when a new believer comes to the faith or a woman before her wedding. This begun thousands of years prior to John the Immerser but he was following the faith. This was a normal practice in the faith and did not begin with Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the Immerser or John the Baptist), however what Rav Yochanan was doing was the cleansing in faith of the religion of Hebrew Faith of HaMashiach (The Messiah) and the “Mikveh” or “Matbil” (immersion) with water.
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