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He further said that there will be another (referring to Rabbi Yeshua) which is greater than him and will immerse us with Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit). Christianity does not teach this, this way. Christianity further does not teach that Rabbi John the Immerser was the Second (2nd) cousins to Rabbi Yeshua. Rabbi John the Immerser’s mother “Elizabeth” and Rabbi Y’shua’s mother “Maryam (Mary)” were cousins. Christianity aligns itself with the first baptism was with John the Baptist however this was an age-old tradition in the Hebrew Faith called the “Mikveh”; the “Matbil” meaning “immersion” in water for the purification of the faith for new believers of the faith. Our Savior and the Messiah Yehoshua Ben Josef (Yeshua Son of Joseph) was born Hebrew (Jewish) and was born on the 15th Day of the Hebrew Month of Tishri in Beth-Lekhem, Yehuda (Bethlehem, Judea) in 5 B.C.E. (B.C.) which was on the First Day of the Sukkot Holiday which is the Feast of the Tabernacles. After the order by King Herodus to kill all the first born Yeshua’s family fled to Egypt and then unto Galeela (Galilee) in city of Natzrat (Nazareth) and he would be known as a Nazarene or a Galilean in compliance with Bible Prophecy from the Prophets. The Kohen (Priest) Zachariah’s family also fled to the same location as Yeshua’s family did. Yeshua is HaMashiach (The Messiah) who is linked to “the Prophet” of which Moshe (Moses) said, “unto him you shall listen” (Deuteronomy 18:15 in the Torah). While in Natzrat (Nazareth) both Yochanan and Yeshua grew in the ways of the Hebrew Faith and both became Rabbi’s. The Shlichim (Sent Ones, Emissaries) and can also include the Talmid (Disciple) -- The fivefold ministry principles of the Shlichim are; “Shlichim (Emissaries), Prophets, Preachers, Shepherds, and Teachers” is described in Ephesians 4:11-12, and how to live is the entire chapter 4.
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