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How many more are false or fabrication or called into question? I have found many things. Christians need to be careful of what is the truth or what has been added to and taken away from the Bible. The Aramaic English Bible: Yochanan 8:21. “And you will know the truth and that truth will set you free”. The First Testament of John and the Second Testament of John Yochanan Ben Zawdi (John the Son of Zebedee) was born Hebrew (Jewish) in Bethsaida, Galeela (Galilee) Israel which is a coastal city in the northwestern end of the Sea of Galilee. Yochanan Ben Zawdi (John the Son of Zebedee) was one of Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the Immerser) disciples and later before the murder of Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the Immerser), he became one of Rav Yehoshua (Rabbi Yeshua) twelve Talmidim (Disciples). One day on the prison Island of Patmos he was in the spirit on the Shabbat Day (Sabbath Day) which in the Hebrew Calendar begin on Friday at 6:00pm which is “The Evening” of 12 hours and concludes after “The Morning” of 12 hours on Saturday at 6:00pm. (Reference: Genesis 1:5 “…And there was evening and there was morning, one day”). Yochanan Ben Zawdi (John the son of Zebedee) was banished as a Talmid (Disciple) of Rabbi Yeshua to the prison Island of Patmos, Greece after the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Rabbi Yeshua and while he was on the Shabbat (Sabbath) he was in the spirit and saw “a vision” of things to come. One of the things to come was the harlot of Babylon as described in Revelation chapters 17 & 18.
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