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Yeshua (Y’shua) was born “Yehoshua Ben Yosef” meaning Yeshua Son of Joseph, and was born under the HaMashiach (HaMashiyach) The Messiah’s star on the 15th Day of the Hebrew Month of Tishri in the year of 5 B.C.E. about 1 year before King Herodus (Herod) the great died in 4 B.C.E., and Yeshua’s birth corresponds with the Succos (Sukkot) feast of the tabernacles and was conceived by Rauch HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) on the 25th Day of the Month of Kislev which was 9 months exactly earlier which corresponds with the first day of Hanukkah. Like the star that appeared on Yeshua’s Birth after his death in about 30 C.E and about every 50 years later, a sign was placed in Heaven by El Shaddai (God Almighty) of his son’s birth and his last supper which is the Passover feast, the Blood Red Moons appeared precisely when they are to appear on the exact days. The last time they appeared was in 2014 at Passover in the Hebrew Month of Nisan, and in 2014 at the Hebrew Month of Tishri on the exact days of the 15th day and in 2015 the same. These are called today as the Tetrad Blood Red Moons which corresponds exactly when they are supposed to as an affirmation and celebration of Yeshua and as a sign in Heaven. On or about 70 C.E. some 40 years after the crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua his followers which were “all born Hebrew” in different nations wrote the Hebrew/Aramaic Brit Chadashah which means Brit (Covenant) Chadashah (New) and El Shaddai through his son Yeshua had his faithful servant Yochanan Ben Zedwi (John the Son of Zebedee) placed Revelation 22:18-19 in it. In 313 C.E. the Roman Empire Emperor Constantinus (Constantine) commissioned the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church. In 382 C.E. they commissioned the first Christian Bible to be written “adding to and taking away from” and misinterpreted the Hebrew/Aramaic which placed the first Christian Bible in Latin in violation of the Revelation 22:18-19 and in violation of the Mitzvot (Commandments) of God. Sometime after c.382 C.E. when the Latin Christian Bible was commissioned in the council of Rome, the Greek Bible was written from the Latin Christian Bible adding to names and extra stories in Greek, just as the Roman Empire did. In around 1500 C.E. the Greek Bible was rewritten. In around c.1300 C.E. John Wycliffe retranslated the Latin and Greek Bibles and wrote the first Christian Bible in English utilizing these two versions only but failed to acknowledge the Hebrew or the Aramaic. As the damage was already done in Latin and Greek, the English followed suit as every Christian Bible today was taken from the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church. Christian teaching always points to the first Christians but is this correct as the Roman Empire Catholic Church is responsible for its teaching and many of which is in violation of El Shaddai’s Mitzvot (God Almighty’s Commandments).
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