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The Roman Empire was responsible for the purge of the bible which is why the 1905 C.E. of the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) scrolls was the only one which survived the purge known today as the Peshitta English Aramaic Critical Edition of the Khabouris Codex and the 1905 Critical Edition of the Syriac Brit Chadasha. At the time of Rabbi Yeshua the daily language in the land was Aramaic, however in the Temples and Synagogues the spoken and written language was always in the Hebrew language. All those which wrote the Bible were Jewish Born and it is the practice in the Hebrew Beliefs to write and teach in the Hebrew language, however, to say that, during the purge the Hebrew writings were destroyed, and we will never know if this is the case, as the only survivable copy of the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) was written in the Aramaic language. We know it was first written in Hebrew then translated into Aramaic (not Arabic) and when the purge occurred the Hebrew was destroyed or sent to the Vatican Vault. The Brit Chadashah was never written first in Greek but was later retranslated into Greek and Latin, because of the Roman Empires occupation of Greece that when you wrote in either Latin or Greek it would be universal to each other. What was in the Latin became Greek, and what was in Greek became Latin. In the middle of the 20th Century unto today in the 21st Century, the Aramaic Brit Chadasha known today was retranslated into English from the 1905 C.E. Khabouris Codex, one of 360 manuscripts (scrolls) that make up the Eastern Peshitta Brit Chadasha and the rewritings of the 70 C.E. scrolls published in 1920 C.E., which sparked the Messianic Jewish Religion, and many Jews came to know the truth of who El Shaddai is actually, and his Son, HaMashiach/HaMashiyach (The Messiah) truly is. All of Christianity today needs to turn away from all Christian Bibles and embrace the Hebrew Tanach and Aramaic Tanakh and the Aramaic Brit Chadasha as their “New Christian Bible” because of the many false writings within the Latin and Greek Bibles. Ephesians chapter 4 clearly defines this fact, by saying “until we all become one and the same in faith” meaning Jews, Christians, and all religions of the entire world. Ephesians 4:13. “Until we all become one and the same, in faith and in the knowledge of the Son of El Shaddai, and one complete man according to the measure of the stature of the fullness of HaMashiach”. Many Christians will refuse to hear this truth, thus putting themselves under that law. Not everything is wrong in the Christian Bibles, but a lot is. Each person which calls him/herself a Christian and each Christian Minister needs to compare the Christian Bible versions with the Aramaic to see where the truth is at, and the falseness within the Christian Bible is at. I have documented many at my website at This is the only way you can see why Revelation 22:18-19 was written some 312 years prior to the Christian Bible was created making the Christian Bibles in violation of God’s Mitzvot (Commandments) and a violation of Revelation 22:18-19 from the Roman [Empire] Catholic Church and why God had placed into the Brit Chadashah Revelation chapters 17-18 as the Roman [Empire] Catholic Church is the Harlot of Babylon and God calls her teachings (the Christian Bibles) as “Full of names of Blasphemy”.
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