Happy Birthday Yeshua

by M. Eichhorst Now the birth of Yeshua, HaMashiach, was like this: While Maryam his mother was betrothed to Yosef, without them being united, she was found pregnant by Ruach HaKodesh. Matthew 1:18 The Savior - The Messiah - The Son of God - The Word of God - The head of all God’s Creation Yehoshua Ben Yosef (Yeshua the Son of Joseph) (Yehoshua means “YHVH is with us” which is the same as Ammanuel, Immanuel, Emmanuel or “our El is with us.” or “Our God is with us” not that he is God but that he is the reminiscent (mirror image) of God as the Son of God. There is one El Shaddai (God Almighty) and one Mashiach which means in English Messiah. Yeshua is his shortened name and is spelled In Hebrew “Yeshua” and in Aramaic is “Y’shua”. Yeshua, the Son of El Shaddai does not know everything of El Shaddai (God Almighty) in the end time prophecy, because if he had, than he would be God and not the Son of God, the Messiah, and the one who died for our sins). The 15 Day of the Month of Tishri, 5 B.C.E. in the Hebrew calendar is the real birthday of Yehoshua Ben Yosef (Yeshua the son of Joseph). This day is affirmed every 50 years and precisely on that day with the 4 Blood Red Moons or Tetrad Blood Red Moons. The last time these occurred were in 2014 - 2015 on the Passover (Rabbi Yeshua’s Last Supper) on the 15th Day of the Month of Nisan and on the Sukkot (Yeshua’s Birth) on the 15th Day of the Month of Tishri and with other signs like the census, the star, and some others. This day also corresponds with the first day of the Sukkot (Succos) the Feast of the Tabernacles. Sukkot is for 9 days total, but Yeshua’s Birth is only the first day. The Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) records it this way. Matthew 1:18-25 18. Now the birth of Yeshua, HaMashiach, (Yeshua the Messiah) was like this: While Maryam (Mary) his mother was betrothed to Yosef (Joseph), without them being united (no sex - a virgin), she was found pregnant by the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit). (note: They did not have sexual relations but they were married). 19. But Yosef (Joseph), her husband was just and did not desire to expose her, yet he was thinking in secret that he would dismiss her. 20. While he was thinking these things, a messenger of Master YHVH (El Shaddai) appeared to him in a dream, and said to him, “Josef (Joseph), the son of David, do not have fear to take Miriam (Mary) as your wife, for he that is begotten in her (is) from the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit). 21. And she will bear a son and she will call his name Yeshua, for he will save his people from their sins.” 22. And this all happened that it might be fulfilled what was said by Master YHVH (El Shaddai) through the prophet, 23. “Behold, a virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call his name Ammanuel (Immanuel), which is interpreted ‘our El is with us.’ (our El Shaddai is with us)” (note: “our El Shaddai is with us” refers to that Yeshua is the reminiscent of God) 24. When Josef (Joseph) now rose from his sleep, he did as the messenger of Master YHVH (El Shaddai) commanded him, and he took his wife. 25. And he did not know her until she had given birth to her first-born son, and she called his name Yeshua. Matthew 2:1-23 1. And when Yeshua was born in Beth-Lekhem (Bethlehem) of Yehuda (Judah), in the days of Herodus, the king, the Magoshi (Magi) came from the east to Urishlim (Jerusalem). (note: “came from the east” refers to the Babylon area of Judah, Iraq today). 2. And they said, “Where is he who has been born the king of the Yehudeans (Judeans)? For we saw his star in the East and have come to worship him.” 3. And Herodus, the king heard, and was troubled and all of Urishlim (Jerusalem) with him. 4. And he gathered all the chief priests and scribes in Urishlim, and was asking the people, “where would Mashiach (Messiah) be born?” 5. And they answered like this, “in Beth-Lekhem (Bethlehem) of Yehuda (Judah) for it is written by the prophet,” 6. And you Beth-Lekhem (Bethlehem) of Yehuda (Judah) you will not be the least of Yehuda (Judah). From you, therefore, will go out a king who will shepherd among the kings, my people, Israel. 7. Then Herodus, in secret, called to the Magoshi (Magi) and learned from them by which time the star appeared to them, 8. And sent them to Beth-Lekhem (Bethlehem) and said to them, “go on and inquire very carefully concerning the boy, and when you have found him, come inform me so that I also can go and worship him. 9. And when they heard from the king, they departed, and behold the star which they saw in the East was going before them until it came and stood from over where the boy was. 10. And when they saw the star, they rejoiced with very great joy. 11. And they entered the house and they saw the boy with Miriam (Mary), his mother, and they fell (and) worshiped him, and they opened their treasures and offered to him gifts of gold and myrrh and incense. 12. And was shown to them in a dream that they should not return to Herodus, and by a different road, they went to their country. 13. And when they went, the messenger of Master YHVH (El Shaddai) appeared to Yosef (Joseph) in a dream and said to him, “Arise, take the boy and his mother and flee to Misrayin (Egypt) and there remain until I tell you. For Herodus is going to seek the boy as to destroy him.” 14. Yosef arose and took the boy and his mother in the night and fled to Misrayin (Egypt). 15. That might be fulfilled the thing that was spoken from Master YHVH (El Shaddai) by the prophet which said that, “From Misrayin (Egypt) I have called my son.” 16. Then, when Herodus saw that the Magoshi (Magi) mocked him, he was very angry and sent (and) killed all the boys of Beth-Lekhem (Bethlehem) and of all from its borders two years and under, according to the time that he inquired from the Magoshi (Magi). 17. Then was fulfilled the thing that was spoken through Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) the prophet who said, 18. “A voice was heard in Ramtha, great crying and wailing. Rakhiel crying for her sons and not desiring to be comforted because they were not.” 19. And when Herodus, the king, died, the messenger of Master YHVH (El Shaddai) appeared in a dream to Yosef (Joseph) in Misrayin (Egypt), 20. And said to him, “Arise, take the boy and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for they have died, those who were seeking the life of the boy. 21. And Yosip (Joseph) arose, took the boy and his mother, and came to the land of Israel. 22. And when he heard that Arkhilius was king in Yehuda (Judah) in place of Herodus his father, he was afraid to go there, and it was revealed to him in a dream that he should go to the land of Galeela (Galilee). 23. And he came and dwelled in the city that is called Nasrath (Nazareth), so that might be fulfilled the thing which was spoken by the prophet that “He will be called a Nasraya. (Nazarene)”
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