Wrong Doctrines by M. Eichhorst And that we might not be children uprooted and turned about by every direction of wind by the “wrong doctrines of men” who plot to seduce by their cunning. Ephesians 4:14 Yochanan (John) the Zewdi (Zebedee) was one of Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the Immerser) disciple and later became Rav Yehoshua (Rabbi Yeshua) disciple. After the Execution of Rabbi John, the Immerser and after the Execution Crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua, John of Zebedee was arrested and sentenced to the Prison Island of Patmos, Greece which was of the Roman Empire by Emperor Domitianus (Domitian). After Emperor Domitian died in 96 C.E., John of Zebedee was released from the Prison Island of Patmos and went to Ephesus, Anatolia (Turkey) and helped in the starting of the Synagogue in Ephesus which before his death in 100 C.E. wrote the books of John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and “The Revelation of Rabbi Yeshua”. All 5 of these books were written between 96 C.E. and 100 C.E. and these books were the last 5 books which completed the Brit Chadashah. There are Misconceptions in the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) which appeared after the death of John of Zebedee which are therefore considered “added to” texts and do not appear in the Eastern Peshitta Scrolls which are from the original Hebrew Scrolls translated into Aramaic Eastern Peshitta Scrolls (not Arabic) of all those who wrote the Brit Chadashah. If it doesn’t appear in this text, it is “added to” texts and adopted by Christian-Paganism teachings which are a violation of the Commandments written in the Torah and a violation of Revelation 22:18-19. Revelation 22:18-19. I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, that if anyone will add to them, El Shaddai will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if anyone will take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, El Shaddai will take away his portion from the tree of life and from the Set Apart city, which are described in this book. It is these Paganism teaching which was adopted by the Roman Empire, the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church, and every Christian Bible in Latin, Greek, and English. This includes all Christian translations after 100 C.E. Korean, Chinese, Russian, Egyptian, etc. Some Wrong Doctrines and Teachings are; (1) John 8:1-11 (talks about the deity of Rabbi Yeshua – this is paganism teachings - not in the original Hebrew/Aramaic Bibles written before 100 C.E.) (2) First John 5:7 (talks about the trinity of God – this is paganism teachings - not in the original Hebrew/Aramaic Bibles written before 100 C.E.) (3) Ephesus 4:14 (talks about “wrong doctrines”) (4) Revelation 17:3 (talks about how there are “full of the names of Blasphemy”) (5) Revelation 17:9 (talks about the location of the “wrong doctrines of men” which are “full of the names of Blasphemy”) False Prophets and False Teachers Matthew 7:15. Beware of false prophets that come among you in the clothing of lambs, but from within are ravenous wolves. First Timothy 6:3-5. 3. But if there be anyone who teaches a different doctrine and does not agree to the foundational Words of our Master Yeshua HaMashiach (the Messiah) and to the doctrine of the Fear of El Shaddai (God Almighty), 4. he is one that exalts himself while he knows nothing; and he languishes in the search and inquiry about words from which come envy and contention and railing and evil suspicions 5. and the constant arguing of men whose minds are corrupt and devoid of the truth, and who suppose that gain is without El Shaddai. But from these stand away. There appears to be eighteen paganism teaching which appear in “all Christian Bibles” within the New Testament which do not appear in the original Hebrew Scrolls and do not appear in the sister language of Aramaic Eastern Peshitta Scrolls. Which all of this means that if it does not appear in the Aramaic Eastern Peshitta Scrolls translated from the Hebrew Brit Chadashah than it is Paganism teaching of the Roman Empire Catholic Church teachings and should not be part of the Hebrew Faith described in Ephesians 4 as “One Faith” and is why I no longer adhere to any Christian teachings. More teachings https://www.goodtreasureministry.org/ourfaith.htm https://www.goodtreasureministry.org/bible.htm https://www.goodtreasureministry.org/john8111.htm
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Wrong Doctrines by M. Eichhorst And that we might not be children uprooted and turned about by every direction of wind by the “wrong doctrines of men” who plot to seduce by their cunning. Ephesians 4:14 Yochanan (John) the Zewdi (Zebedee) was one of Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the Immerser) disciple and later became Rav Yehoshua (Rabbi Yeshua) disciple. After the Execution of Rabbi John, the Immerser and after the Execution Crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua, John of Zebedee was arrested and sentenced to the Prison Island of Patmos, Greece which was of the Roman Empire by Emperor Domitianus (Domitian). After Emperor Domitian died in 96 C.E., John of Zebedee was released from the Prison Island of Patmos and went to Ephesus, Anatolia (Turkey) and helped in the starting of the Synagogue in Ephesus which before his death in 100 C.E. wrote the books of John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and “The Revelation of Rabbi Yeshua”. All 5 of these books were written between 96 C.E. and 100 C.E. and these books were the last 5 books which completed the Brit Chadashah. There are Misconceptions in the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) which appeared after the death of John of Zebedee which are therefore considered “added to” texts and do not appear in the Eastern Peshitta Scrolls which are from the original Hebrew Scrolls translated into Aramaic Eastern Peshitta Scrolls (not Arabic) of all those who wrote the Brit Chadashah. If it doesn’t appear in this text, it is “added to” texts and adopted by Christian- Paganism teachings which are a violation of the Commandments written in the Torah and a violation of Revelation 22:18-19. Revelation 22:18-19. I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, that if anyone will add to them, El Shaddai will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if anyone will take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, El Shaddai will take away his portion from the tree of life and from the Set Apart city, which are described in this book. It is these Paganism teaching which was adopted by the Roman Empire, the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church, and every Christian Bible in Latin, Greek, and English. This includes all Christian translations after 100 C.E. Korean, Chinese, Russian, Egyptian, etc. Some Wrong Doctrines and Teachings are; (1) John 8:1-11 (talks about the deity of Rabbi Yeshua – this is paganism teachings - not in the original Hebrew/Aramaic Bibles written before 100 C.E.) (2) First John 5:7 (talks about the trinity of God – this is paganism teachings - not in the original Hebrew/Aramaic Bibles written before 100 C.E.) (3) Ephesus 4:14 (talks about “wrong doctrines”) (4) Revelation 17:3 (talks about how there are “full of the names of Blasphemy”) (5) Revelation 17:9 (talks about the location of the “wrong doctrines of men” which are “full of the names of Blasphemy”) False Prophets and False Teachers Matthew 7:15. Beware of false prophets that come among you in the clothing of lambs, but from within are ravenous wolves. First Timothy 6:3-5. 3. But if there be anyone who teaches a different doctrine and does not agree to the foundational Words of our Master Yeshua HaMashiach (the Messiah) and to the doctrine of the Fear of El Shaddai (God Almighty), 4. he is one that exalts himself while he knows nothing; and he languishes in the search and inquiry about words from which come envy and contention and railing and evil suspicions 5. and the constant arguing of men whose minds are corrupt and devoid of the truth, and who suppose that gain is without El Shaddai. But from these stand away. There appears to be eighteen paganism teaching which appear in “all Christian Bibles” within the New Testament which do not appear in the original Hebrew Scrolls and do not appear in the sister language of Aramaic Eastern Peshitta Scrolls. Which all of this means that if it does not appear in the Aramaic Eastern Peshitta Scrolls translated from the Hebrew Brit Chadashah than it is Paganism teaching of the Roman Empire Catholic Church teachings and should not be part of the Hebrew Faith described in Ephesians 4 as “One Faith” and is why I no longer adhere to any Christian teachings. More teachings https://www.goodtreasureministry.org/ourfaith.ht m https://www.goodtreasureministry.org/bible.htm https://www.goodtreasureministry.org/john8111. htm
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