World @ War: The Dragon Strikes (Part 2 of the Series) by M. Eichhorst “And the sixth messenger Angel poured his cup upon the great river Euphrates; and its waters dried up so that a way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun. And I saw issuing from "the mouth of the dragon", and from the mouth of the beast of prey, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs”. Revelation 16:12-13 The evildoer in America (Democrats & RINO’s) have given their alliances to China in violation of the U.S. Constitution. China responds with rumors of War and Warfare Acts. Should China obtain control of America, this will make China the #1 Nuclear-Super-Power in the entire World. Mike Pompeo said the CCP will use artificial intelligence to comb through troves of personal data on U.S. citizens. Phase 1: Presidential Decree - Trade Agreement - New World Order (aka: satans World Order) The evildoer Bill Clinton's administration made unrealistic trade with China where the imports were to benefit China to take money from the U.S.A. to be used to strengthened China's Military. This continued to be affirmed by the evildoers H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. Products "Made in China" is everywhere in America while "Made in America" is few and far between. Empty Shipping Containers from China sit at U.S. Ports where we cannot ship them back. Phase 2: Weaponized Biological Attack President Trump attempted to change the trade agreement with Chinese President XI where it was unsuccessful, and China became angry. China responds by having it’s military doctors in the Wuhan, China lab created a weaponized biological strain which got away from them in Nov./Dec. 2019. It was intended to attack the U.S.A. The effects within the world was collateral damage as many are in denial. President Trump wanted to close the U.S./Mexico Border in 2019 but Democrats refused which resulted in Democrats blame-shifting from themselves to President Trump. President Trump orders the borders closed and travel restrictions in Jan./Feb. 2020 as Democrats blamed the President for thousands of deaths from the virus when in-fact it was them which caused the virus to get out of control in America. America and the World turn a blind eye on this facts. Phase 3: Artificial Intelligence Attack & Spying The Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the takeover of the city of Hong Kong brought about Chinese Control and Domination to the region. Will the pending Taiwan War bring about the same? The Bible talks about this "Rumors of War, Revolutions, and War" and is described in multiple bible verses to include Matthew 24 and Luke 21. The Prophets foretold of this war thousands of years ago and is Recorded in the Tanach in Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, Joel 2:31, Zechariah 14:12, and in the Brit Chadashah in Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelation, and some others. China now threatens to attack the U.S.A. with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) to target Chinese Apps in the U.S.A. to steal your private information to be used by the Chinese as a prelude to war. The Chinese Propaganda Communist News Network (CNN) Money said there are some 30 Chinese Apps and 705 million internet users. [reference] The Epoch Times Reports: Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in an interview aired on Feb. 4 that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will use artificial intelligence to comb through troves of personal data on U.S. citizens recovered from Chinese technology and apps and use the intelligence as a weapon to strong-arm the United States. “They will use that information. They will use artificial intelligence to gather it up. And then they will turn around and tell us that if we don’t act in a way that’s consistent with what the Chinese Communist Party wants, they will impose real costs on the United States,” Pompeo told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo. Breitbart Reports: China has been operating concentration camps in Xinjiang, its western most and largest region, since at least 2018. The Daily Wire Reports: Top U.S. Commander: We must assume a very real possibility that we may need to use Nukes against China and Russia. The Daily Wire Reports: Taiwan Signals It Will Ramp Up Military Power In Preparation For War With China. The Daily Wire Reports: ‘Setting Off Alarm Bells’: U.S. Officials Scramble As China Pushes To Build Atlantic Military Base Breitbart Reports: The U.S. government is tracking what its calling a “high-altitude surveillance balloon” over the continental U.S. On Friday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed the balloon is Chinese, but denied it was a spy balloon. NORAD Confirms Reports: NORAD & U.S. Northern Command Statement on the High-Altitude Surveillance Balloon. Fox News Reports: US military shoots down Chinese spy balloon over Atlantic Ocean. OAN Reports: Second Chinese spy balloon spotted CTV News: Vancouver has at least one secret Chinese police station, civil rights group says. Conservative Brief: Covert Chinese Police Station in NYC Closed Following FBI Raid Phase 4: Control & Domination American evildoer Democrats give control to China. The evil one (false messiah) and the false prophet (Roman Catholic Church) with China & Russia (Gog) in power. reference: Gog in the land of Magog - The Mystery of Babylon the Great Phase 5: World @ War The Kings of all the Habitable World: The spirits of demons who work signs. China is the nation which utilizes the Ceremonial Chinese Dragon not to mention worships them. Revelation 16: 12. And the sixth messenger Angel poured his cup upon the great river Euphrates; and its waters dried up so that a way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun. 13. And I saw issuing from "the mouth of the dragon", and from the mouth of the beast of prey, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs: 14. (for they are "the spirits of demons who work signs") and they go forth to all "the kings of all the habitable world", to gather them to the battle of the great day of El Shaddai (God Almighty). “Kings from the rising of the sun” means many kingdoms which are allies of China are from “the spirits of demons who work signs” and will “gather them to the battle of the great day of El Shaddai”. Revelation 9:16. And the number of the warrior horsemen was two myriads of myriads: and I heard their number. “Two myriads of myriads” means 200 million which means China will lead an army of 200 million to battle of the great day of El Shaddai. "The mouth of the dragon" could mean China and its allies. China as a Dragon is being controlled by the Great Dragon satan. "The mouth of the false prophet" could mean the Roman Catholic Church which utilizes the Christian Bible which are "full of the names of blasphemy" (Revelation 17). "The mouth of the beast of prey" is still an unknown but could possible mean "the kings of the habitable world" (world nations to include the united nations). For more [reference] go to World @ War
Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry
Watch Dragon Day Included on Amazon Prime
World @ War: The Dragon Strikes (Part 2 of the Series) by M. Eichhorst “And the sixth messenger Angel poured his cup upon the great river Euphrates; and its waters dried up so that a way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun. And I saw issuing from "the mouth of the dragon", and from the mouth of the beast of prey, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs”. Revelation 16:12-13 The evildoer in America (Democrats & RINO’s) have given their alliances to China in violation of the U.S. Constitution. China responds with rumors of War and Warfare Acts. Should China obtain control of America, this will make China the #1 Nuclear-Super-Power in the entire World. Mike Pompeo said the CCP will use artificial intelligence to comb through troves of personal data on U.S. citizens. Phase 1: Presidential Decree - Trade Agreement - New World Order (aka: satans World Order) The evildoer Bill Clinton's administration made unrealistic trade with China where the imports were to benefit China to take money from the U.S.A. to be used to strengthened China's Military. This continued to be affirmed by the evildoers H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. Products "Made in China" is everywhere in America while "Made in America" is few and far between. Empty Shipping Containers from China sit at U.S. Ports where we cannot ship them back. Phase 2: Weaponized Biological Attack President Trump attempted to change the trade agreement with Chinese President XI where it was unsuccessful, and China became angry. China responds by having it’s military doctors in the Wuhan, China lab created a weaponized biological strain which got away from them in Nov./Dec. 2019. It was intended to attack the U.S.A. The effects within the world was collateral damage as many are in denial. President Trump wanted to close the U.S./Mexico Border in 2019 but Democrats refused which resulted in Democrats blame- shifting from themselves to President Trump. President Trump orders the borders closed and travel restrictions in Jan./Feb. 2020 as Democrats blamed the President for thousands of deaths from the virus when in-fact it was them which caused the virus to get out of control in America. America and the World turn a blind eye on this facts. Phase 3: Artificial Intelligence Attack & Spying The Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the takeover of the city of Hong Kong brought about Chinese Control and Domination to the region. Will the pending Taiwan War bring about the same? The Bible talks about this "Rumors of War, Revolutions, and War" and is described in multiple bible verses to include Matthew 24 and Luke 21. The Prophets foretold of this war thousands of years ago and is Recorded in the Tanach in Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, Joel 2:31, Zechariah 14:12, and in the Brit Chadashah in Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelation, and some others. China now threatens to attack the U.S.A. with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) to target Chinese Apps in the U.S.A. to steal your private information to be used by the Chinese as a prelude to war. The Chinese Propaganda Communist News Network (CNN) Money said there are some 30 Chinese Apps and 705 million internet users. [reference] The Epoch Times Reports: Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in an interview aired on Feb. 4 that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will use artificial intelligence to comb through troves of personal data on U.S. citizens recovered from Chinese technology and apps and use the intelligence as a weapon to strong- arm the United States. “They will use that information. They will use artificial intelligence to gather it up. And then they will turn around and tell us that if we don’t act in a way that’s consistent with what the Chinese Communist Party wants, they will impose real costs on the United States,” Pompeo told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo. Breitbart Reports: China has been operating concentration camps in Xinjiang, its western most and largest region, since at least 2018. The Daily Wire Reports: Top U.S. Commander: We must assume a very real possibility that we may need to use Nukes against China and Russia. The Daily Wire Reports: Taiwan Signals It Will Ramp Up Military Power In Preparation For War With China. The Daily Wire Reports: ‘Setting Off Alarm Bells’: U.S. Officials Scramble As China Pushes To Build Atlantic Military Base Breitbart Reports: The U.S. government is tracking what its calling a “high-altitude surveillance balloon” over the continental U.S. On Friday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed the balloon is Chinese, but denied it was a spy balloon. NORAD Confirms Reports: NORAD & U.S. Northern Command Statement on the High- Altitude Surveillance Balloon. Fox News Reports: US military shoots down Chinese spy balloon over Atlantic Ocean. OAN Reports: Second Chinese spy balloon spotted CTV News: Vancouver has at least one secret Chinese police station, civil rights group says. Conservative Brief: Covert Chinese Police Station in NYC Closed Following FBI Raid Phase 4: Control & Domination American evildoer Democrats give control to China. The evil one (false messiah) and the false prophet (Roman Catholic Church) with China & Russia (Gog) in power. reference: Gog in the land of Magog - The Mystery of Babylon the Great Phase 5: World @ War The Kings of all the Habitable World: The spirits of demons who work signs. China is the nation which utilizes the Ceremonial Chinese Dragon not to mention worships them. Revelation 16: 12. And the sixth messenger Angel poured his cup upon the great river Euphrates; and its waters dried up so that a way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun. 13. And I saw issuing from "the mouth of the dragon", and from the mouth of the beast of prey, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs: 14. (for they are "the spirits of demons who work signs") and they go forth to all "the kings of all the habitable world", to gather them to the battle of the great day of El Shaddai (God Almighty). “Kings from the rising of the sun” means many kingdoms which are allies of China are from “the spirits of demons who work signs” and will “gather them to the battle of the great day of El Shaddai”. Revelation 9:16. And the number of the warrior horsemen was two myriads of myriads: and I heard their number. “Two myriads of myriads” means 200 million which means China will lead an army of 200 million to battle of the great day of El Shaddai. "The mouth of the dragon" could mean China and its allies. China as a Dragon is being controlled by the Great Dragon satan. "The mouth of the false prophet" could mean the Roman Catholic Church which utilizes the Christian Bible which are "full of the names of blasphemy" (Revelation 17). "The mouth of the beast of prey" is still an unknown but could possible mean "the kings of the habitable world" (world nations to include the united nations). For more [reference] go to World @ War
Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry
Watch Dragon Day Included on Amazon Prime