Saint Elmo’s Fire

St. Elmo’s Fire is when super-heated particles from ash or a ash cloud occur causing lightning, usually with a Lava flow. This is also known as volcanic lightning or ball lightning. This lightning comes out the earth when volcanic lava occurs, unlike normal lightning from the sky.

Dome Lava

Dome Lava is extremely rare and is when lava forms under pressure as a bubble which is also know as Bubble Lava. A lava dome is a mound that will form when lava piles up over a volcano’s vent instead of moving away. Since the eruption of lava is slow there is no chance for a lava flow to occur and therefore sometimes the lava dome will form. It can be within a crater or exposed as this picture of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii in 1969.

Pyroclastic Flow (Pyroclastic Cloud)

A pyroclastic flow (also known scientifically as a pyroclastic density current) is a fast-moving current of hot gas and rock (collectively known as tephra), which reaches speeds moving away from a volcano of up to 700 km/h (450 mph). The gas can reach temperatures of about 1,000 °C (1,830 °F). Pyroclastic flows normally hug the ground and travel downhill, or spread laterally under gravity.

Volcanic Bomb (Lava Bomb)

A volcanic bomb is a mass of molten rock (tephra) larger than 64 mm (2.5 inches) in diameter, formed when a volcano ejects viscous fragments of lava during an eruption. They cool into solid fragments before they reach the ground. Because volcanic bombs cool after they leave the volcano, they do not have grains making them extrusive igneous rocks.
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Volcanic Blast Wave

Volcanic Blast Waves are virtually unseen except by special measuring devices and move out in rings from the initial blast of a volcano like a earthquake or a nuclear blast. It can knock you off your feet or kill you. The blast is also register on a seismograph. It can also take the tops off of volcano’s mountain as it did with Mount Saint Helens in 1980 throwing rocks & debris. It can also cause Tidal Waves (Tsunami) as it did with the Krakatoa Volcano in 1883.

Lava Flow

Lava Flows are extremely dangerous where they can move extremely slow or extremely fast and always with extreme destructive force. They can move extremely slow about a snails pace or they can generally move at about 5-6 miles per hour to about 19 miles per hour, however some have been recorded at about 30 miles per hour. They vary with each flow. Some people believe that things within hell, to include evil spirits (demons - Nephilim) travel through volcano eruption and lava flows to inflect as much anger and destruction on this earth as possible, however the Bible does not affirm this theory.
Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry

Volcanic Vog

Volcanic Vog is Fog which has Sulfur-Dioxide and other harmful toxic chemicals in it from a volcano. This Vog can cause respiratory infections and distress, and can kill you. Gas Masks must be warn.
Volcano by M. Eichhorst And the second Messenger Angel sounded the Shofar and, as it were a great mountain burning with fire, was cast into the sea; and also a third part of the sea became blood. And a third part of all the creatures in the sea that had life, died; and a third part of the ships were destroyed.” Revelation 8:8-9 Volcanoes have a destructive force which can destroy everything in its path to include throwing cities into the sea. What we are witnessing today is the beginning of this Bible Prophecy coming to pass. Volcanoes are one of the signs in the earth. There will be many, many volcano’s erupting causing the sea to become like blood, many lives lost and many ships destroyed amounting to a third of the entire earth. December 20, 2020, the Kilauea Volcano Erupted of the Island of Hawaii and is still erupting. February 11, 2021, we had many more in this region with the Loyalty Islands 7.2, 7.6, 7.9, 6.2, 6.1, 6.0 and thousands of smaller quakes. Under-Sea Volcanoes Region. February 13, 2021, 7.1 Earthquake Fukushima on the Island of Japan was near the nuclear power plant. February 28, 2021, the Mt. Etna Volcano Eruption on the Island of Sicily, Italy and is still erupting. March 4, 2021, we have had multiple major earthquakes in the Kermadec Island region. 7.3, 7.5, 8.0, 6.1, 6.5 and thousands of smaller quakes are some of the earthquakes in this area. Under-Sea Volcanoes Region. March 4, 2021, Iceland Island has been hit with a swarm of earthquakes over 17,000 and says a volcano eruption is imminent. Reykjanes Fagradalsfjall Volcano is expected to erupt at any time as it did in 2010. March 19, 2021, Friday, on the Island of Iceland, the Fagradalsfjall Volcano Erupted spewing ash. The next day on Saturday, Lava began to spew. April 8, 2021, Thursday 6:26pm the Second Eruption of the La Soufrière Volcano occurred spewing lava on the Caribbean Island of Saint Vincent. September 19, 2021 Volcano Eruption - Mt. Cumbre Vieja, La Palma Island, Spain -- 4.2 Earthquake occurred as molten lava spewed from Mt. Cumbre Vieja. October 6, 2021 Secondary Volcano Eruption - Mt. Cumbre Vieja, La Palma Island, Spain -- a secondary fissure opened up about 50 feet from the main crater eruption spewing much more lava, lava bombs, ash, ash ripple clouds, and the threat of acid rain exists and has gone to the sea causing the land mass to expand, making the island larger. October 19, 2021 Fukutoku-Okanoba undersea Volcano Erupted - An underwater volcano called Fukutoku-Okanoba in the Ogasawara Islands located some 800 miles south of Tokyo, Japan erupted. Fukutoku-Okanoba’s eruption caused a small islet (small island) consisting of pumice and volcanic ash to rise above the waves. A day after, the nearby Nishinoshima volcano erupted for the first time in a year. Japanese publication Asahi Shimbun dispatched an aircraft with reporters and experts to see what’s going on in the region and spotted the ghostly-looking ships sitting on the coast of Iwo To (Iwo Jima) . January 7, 2022 Wolf Volcano Eruption - Isabela Island, Galápagos National Park, Ecuador - The Wolf Volcano (Mount Whiton) Erupted spewing lava on the Island as a M2.4 Earthquake occurred at 9:35 p.m. There was no immediate danger to populated areas. November 28, 2022 Mauna Loa Volcano Erupted - Volcano National Park, Hawai’i - The Mauna Loa Volcano is the largest active volcano in the world. - The volcano erupted overnight which caused a 4.4 Earthquake and a 4.1 Earthquake with hundreds of smaller earthquakes. The volcano eruption was not at the volcanoes crater but was to fissures 1, 2, 3 which has threatened a major highway which has caused the Hawaiian Nation Guard to be mobilized. December 5, 2022 Kilauea Volcano Erupted - Volcano National Park, Hawai’i - The volcano which is only erupting in it’s crater as a result of the Mauna Loa Volcano Eruption. History shows us the destructibility of the Greek Santorini Island Volcano Eruption which was the largest recorded earthquake volcano eruption of all time and occurred some 3,600 years ago and the island today is only a shadow of what it once was. The Santorini Island Volcano Eruption was far more devastating then Pompeii was. A huge earthquake on the Santorini Island occurred as the island erupted spewing molten lava and paracletic clouds of fire and then the volcano "IMPLODED" causing the volcano to go into the sea. Large Stone Steps were cracked into two, and others where cast into the sea. Dwellings were crumbled. Towns were buried under 600 plus feet of ash. This Santorini Island Eruption caused the seas to rise (tidal wave - tsunami wave) some 90 feet high causing devastation to Greece, Greek Islands, Turkey, Cyprus Island and even was recorded in Egypt. Today the many island of Santorini was actually once one big island. The ash cloud spewed over many lands blocking out the sun for a few years. This was called as the dark years of about 2 1/2-3 years of darkness. Mount Vesuvius Volcano Eruption in 79 C.E. buried the town under 75 Feet of Ash and killed as many as 16,000 people, mummifying them like concrete, which is unlike the Santorini Volcano Eruption which killed no one. The people of Pompeii did not have much time to escape and killed fish, boats, and people escaping while Santorini the people had time to escape as archaeologists have uncovered where the residents of Santorini began repairing their structures. It is believed they all escaped in ships before the major eruption. Revelation 8:8-9. And the second Messenger Angel sounded the Shofar and, as it were a great mountain burning with fire, was cast into the sea; and also, a third part of the sea became blood. And a third part of all the creatures in the sea that had life, died; and a third part of the ships were destroyed. Since between the 1500's to the 1900's there was 37 Earthquakes over 7.0. Severe increase in the 20th Century. There was recorded 49 Earthquakes over a 7.0 or greater in the 20th Century. In the 21st Century we have already seen 43 Earthquakes over a 7.0 which does not include today with 3 more. This Century will far surpass anything of the past. Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled as we are witnessing today. We are currently in the time of "Great Sufferings" that the Bible talks about. Christians have gotten this prophecy wrong. We are currently in this time and what we are witnessing today in the world is in-fact what El Shaddai (God Almighty) and His Mashiach (Messiah) said through those who were faithful. The Bible describes this time of Great Sufferings as "unlike anything of the past or anything of the future". The time of “Great Sufferings” began in 1995 C.E., 2,000 years after the birth of HaMashiach (the Messiah). 2,000 years after his Crucifixion is the year 2030 C.E., what will it bring about? The Bible says “All Mountains and Islands were removed out of their places” and there will be "NO MORE ISLANDS". Today we are witnessing this beginning. Is this because the islands will be merged with the land? or is it that the islands will be no more? either way we are witnessing Bible Prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. Revelation 6:14. And the heavens separated, as a scroll is rolled up: and all mountains and islands were removed out of their places Hawaii Islands, Sicily Islands, Kermadec Islands, Indonesia Islands are some of the Islands that volcanoes are erupting today. Australia although today is considered a continent is actually an extremely large island surrounded on all sides by the sea. The definition of an "Island" is it must be surrounded on all sides with the sea. This is what Australia is. What would cause Australia to disappear? A Super Volcano or maybe an asteroid strike as described in Revelation as the wormwood prophecy. Think about it! []

Undersea Volcano Eruption

Undersea Volcano Eruptions are extremely bad as they are not seen. The damage they cause can destroy islands. These eruptions on an island can cause the volcano to implode as in the case of the Island of Santorini when the Island was cast into the sea.
And every island fled away;  and the mountains were not found.  Revelation 16:20
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St. Elmo’s Fire

St. Elmo’s Fire is when super- heated particles from ash or a ash cloud occur causing lightning, usually with a Lava flow. This is also known as volcanic lightning or ball lightning. This lightning comes out the earth when volcanic lava occurs, unlike normal lightning from the sky. .

Dome Lava

Dome Lava is extremely rare and is when lava forms under pressure as a bubble which is also know as Bubble Lava. A lava dome is a mound that will form when lava piles up over a volcano’s vent instead of moving away. Since the eruption of lava is slow there is no chance for a lava flow to occur and therefore sometimes the lava dome will form. It can be within a crater or exposed as this picture of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii in 1969.

Pyroclastic Flow (Pyroclastic


A pyroclastic flow (also known scientifically as a pyroclastic density current) is a fast- moving current of hot gas and rock (collectively known as tephra), which reaches speeds moving away from a volcano of up to 700 km/h (450 mph). The gas can reach temperatures of about 1,000 °C (1,830 °F). Pyroclastic flows normally hug the ground and travel downhill, or spread laterally under gravity.

Volcanic Bomb (Lava Bomb)

A volcanic bomb is a mass of molten rock (tephra) larger than 64 mm (2.5 inches) in diameter, formed when a volcano ejects viscous fragments of lava during an eruption. They cool into solid fragments before they reach the ground. Because volcanic bombs cool after they leave the volcano, they do not have grains making them extrusive igneous rocks.

Volcanic Blast Wave

Volcanic Blast Waves are virtually unseen except by special measuring devices and move out in rings from the initial blast of a volcano like a earthquake or a nuclear blast. It can knock you off your feet or kill you. The blast is also register on a seismograph. It can also take the tops off of volcano’s mountain as it did with Mount Saint Helens in 1980 throwing rocks & debris. It can also cause Tidal Waves (Tsunami) as it did with the Krakatoa Volcano in 1883.

Lava Flow

Lava Flows are extremely dangerous where they can move extremely slow or extremely fast and always with extreme destructive force. They can move extremely slow about a snails pace or they can generally move at about 5-6 miles per hour to about 19 miles per hour, however some have been recorded at about 30 miles per hour. They vary with each flow. Some people believe that things within hell, to include evil spirits (demons - Nephilim) travel through volcano eruption and lava flows to inflect as much anger and destruction on this earth as possible, however the Bible does not affirm this theory.
Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry

Volcanic Vog

Volcanic Vog is Fog which has Sulfur-Dioxide and other harmful toxic chemicals in it from a volcano. This Vog can cause respiratory infections and distress, and can kill you. Gas Masks must be warn.
Volcano by M. Eichhorst “And the second Messenger Angel sounded the Shofar and, as it were a great mountain burning with fire, was cast into the sea; and also a third part of the sea became blood. And a third part of all the creatures in the sea that had life, died; and a third part of the ships were destroyed.” Revelation 8:8-9 Volcanoes have a destructive force which can destroy everything in its path to include throwing cities into the sea. What we are witnessing today is the beginning of this Bible Prophecy coming to pass. Volcano’s are one of the signs in the earth. There will be many, many volcano’s erupting causing the sea to become like blood, many lives lost and many ships destroyed amounting to a third of the entire earth. December 20, 2020, the Kilauea Volcano Erupted of the Island of Hawaii and is still erupting. February 11, 2021, we had many more in this region with the Loyalty Islands 7.2, 7.6, 7.9, 6.2, 6.1, 6.0 and thousands of smaller quakes. Under-Sea Volcanoes Region. February 13, 2021, 7.1 Earthquake Fukushima on the Island of Japan was near the nuclear power plant. February 28, 2021, the Mt. Etna Volcano Eruption on the Island of Sicily, Italy and is still erupting. March 4, 2021, we have had multiple major earthquakes in the Kermadec Island region. 7.3, 7.5, 8.0, 6.1, 6.5 and thousands of smaller quakes are some of the earthquakes in this area. Under-Sea Volcanoes Region. March 19, 2021, Friday, on the Island of Iceland, the Fagradalsfjall Volcano Erupted spewing ash. The next day on Saturday, Lava began to spew. April 8, 2021, Thursday 6:26pm the Second Eruption of the La Soufrière Volcano occurred spewing lava on the Caribbean Island of Saint Vincent. September 19, 2021 Volcano Eruption - Mt. Cumbre Vieja, La Palma Island, Spain -- 4.2 Earthquake occurred as molten lava spewed from Mt. Cumbre Vieja. October 6, 2021 Secondary Volcano Eruption - Mt. Cumbre Vieja, La Palma Island, Spain -- a secondary fissure opened up about 50 feet from the main crater eruption spewing much more lava, lava bombs, ash, ash ripple clouds, and the threat of acid rain exists and has gone to the sea causing the land mass to expand, making the island larger. October 19, 2021 Fukutoku-Okanoba undersea Volcano Erupted - An underwater volcano called Fukutoku-Okanoba in the Ogasawara Islands located some 800 miles south of Tokyo, Japan erupted. Fukutoku-Okanoba’s eruption caused a small islet (small island) consisting of pumice and volcanic ash to rise above the waves. A day after, the nearby Nishinoshima volcano erupted for the first time in a year. Japanese publication Asahi Shimbun dispatched an aircraft with reporters and experts to see what’s going on in the region and spotted the ghostly-looking ships sitting on the coast of Iwo To (Iwo Jima). January 7, 2022 Wolf Volcano Eruption - Isabela Island, Galápagos National Park, Ecuador - The Wolf Volcano (Mount Whiton) Erupted spewing lava on the Island as a M2.4 Earthquake occurred at 9:35 p.m. There was no immediate danger to populated areas. November 28, 2022 Mauna Loa Volcano Erupted - Volcano National Park, Hawai’i - The Mauna Loa Volcano is the largest active volcano in the world. - The volcano erupted overnight which caused a 4.4 Earthquake and a 4.1 Earthquake with hundreds of smaller earthquakes. The volcano eruption was not at the volcanoes crater but was to fissures 1, 2, 3 which has threatened a major highway which has caused the Hawaiian Nation Guard to be mobilized. December 5, 2022 Kilauea Volcano Erupted - Volcano National Park, Hawai’i - The volcano which is only erupting in it’s crater as a result of the Mauna Loa Volcano Eruption. History shows us the destructibility of the Greek Santorini Island Volcano Eruption which was the largest recorded earthquake volcano eruption of all time and occurred some 3,600 years ago and the island today is only a shadow of what it once was. The Santorini Island Volcano Eruption was far more devastating then Pompeii was. A huge earthquake on the Santorini Island occurred as the island erupted spewing molten lava and paracletic clouds of fire and then the volcano "IMPLODED" causing the volcano to go into the sea. Large Stone Steps were cracked into two, and others where cast into the sea. Dwellings were crumbled. Towns were buried under 600 plus feet of ash. This Santorini Island Eruption caused the seas to rise (tidal wave - tsunami wave) some 90 feet high causing devastation to Greece, Greek Islands, Turkey, Cyprus Island and even was recorded in Egypt. Today the many island of Santorini was actually once one big island. The ash cloud spewed over many lands blocking out the sun for a few years. This was called as the dark years of about 2 1/2-3 years of darkness. Mount Vesuvius Volcano Eruption in 79 C.E. buried the town under 75 Feet of Ash and killed as many as 16,000 people, mummifying them like concrete, which is unlike the Santorini Volcano Eruption which killed no one. The people of Pompeii did not have much time to escape and killed fish, boats, and people escaping while Santorini the people had time to escape as archaeologists have uncovered where the residents of Santorini began repairing their structures. It is believed they all escaped in ships before the major eruption. Revelation 8:8-9. And the second Messenger Angel sounded the Shofar and, as it were a great mountain burning with fire, was cast into the sea; and also, a third part of the sea became blood. And a third part of all the creatures in the sea that had life, died; and a third part of the ships were destroyed. Since between the 1500's to the 1900's there was 37 Earthquakes over 7.0. Severe increase in the 20th Century. There was recorded 49 Earthquakes over a 7.0 or greater in the 20th Century. In the 21st Century we have already seen 43 Earthquakes over a 7.0 which does not include today with 3 more. This Century will far surpass anything of the past. Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled as we are witnessing today. We are currently in the time of "Great Sufferings" that the Bible talks about. Christians have gotten this prophecy wrong. We are currently in this time and what we are witnessing today in the world is in-fact what El Shaddai (God Almighty) and His Mashiach (Messiah) said through those who were faithful. The Bible describes this time of Great Sufferings as "unlike anything of the past or anything of the future". The time of “Great Sufferings” began in 1995 C.E., 2,000 years after the birth of HaMashiach (the Messiah). 2,000 years after his Crucifixion is the year 2030 C.E., what will it bring about? The Bible says “All Mountains and Islands were removed out of their places” and there will be "NO MORE ISLANDS". Today we are witnessing this beginning. Is this because the islands will be merged with the land? or is it that the islands will be no more? either way we are witnessing Bible Prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. Revelation 6:14. And the heavens separated, as a scroll is rolled up: and all mountains and islands were removed out of their places Hawaii Islands, Sicily Islands, Kermadec Islands, Indonesia Islands are some of the Islands that volcanoes are erupting today. Australia although today is considered a continent is actually an extremely large island surrounded on all sides by the sea. The definition of an "Island" is it must be surrounded on all sides with the sea. This is what Australia is. What would cause Australia to disappear? A Super Volcano or maybe an asteroid strike as described in Revelation as the wormwood prophecy. Think about it! [ .htm]

Undersea Volcano Eruption

Undersea Volcano Eruptions are extremely bad as they are not seen. The damage they cause can destroy islands. These eruptions on an island can cause the volcano to implode as in the case of the Island of Santorini when the Island was cast into the sea.
And every island fled away; and the mountains were not found.  Revelation 16:20