The Religion of Rome by M. Eichhorst “It is a bitter thought, how different a thing the Christianity of the world might have been, if the Christian faith had been adopted as the religion of the empire under the auspices of Markus Aurelius instead of those of Constantine”. Flavius Valerius Constantinus Constantine the Great – The First Emperor Pope What was the Religion of Rome before Rabbi Yeshua? The Crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua was in 30 C.E. by the Roman Empire. The Religion of Rome before this time was made up of various degrees from satan. The Roman Republic was founded in 509 B.C.E. and the Temple of Janus was founded in 260 B.C.E. and was for satanic worship of various degrees to include Satanism, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Black Magic, Paganism, and Sexual Immoralities. The Roman Republic became the Roman Empire in 27 B.C.E. The Roman Empire’s Catholic Church was founded in 313 C.E. by Flavius Valerius Constantinus (Emperor Constantine) and he became the First Pope known as the “Emperor Pope” where all power and authority went into the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church where he issued a decree (edict) to kill those Christians who do not believe in the Trinity and it’s doctrines from the First Council of Nicaea in 325 C.E. What kind of Religious Belief’s is it that is done by force? This is why El Shaddai (God Almighty) and Ha Mashiach (the Messiah) had the Talmid (Disciple) Yochanan (John) write Revelation 17 and 18 where he talked about the mystery. The Temple of Janus which was incorporated into the Temple of Mons Vaticanus which became the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church in 313 C.E. Vatican City was not a city until the treaty was signed on February 11, 1929 C.E. before that it was Rome. The Boundaries of the Temple of Mons Vaticanus was renamed to the City of Mons Vaticanus when it incorporated the area where the Temple of Janus was. The meaning of “the City of Mons Vaticanus” is “the City of the Dead”. You can’t hide who you are by changing your name. “For you know the works of the flesh, which are these: adultery, impurity and lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, stubbornness, treacheries, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelry and all like things. Those who do things like these, THEY WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF EL SHADDAI”. Galatians 5:19-21 This is why El Shaddai (God Almighty) told the Talmid (Disciple) of Yeshua, Yochanan (John) while he was on the Roman Empire’s Prison Island of Patmos, Greece through the vision of “HaHitgallut of Yehoshua’s HaMashiach” (The Revelation of Yeshua, the Messiah) to write in Revelation chapters 17 and 18 calling the Roman Catholic Church, the Harlot of Babylon and he also called them that their Christian Religion and their Christian Bible was “Full of the Names of Blasphemy”. Yochanan (John) was Hebrew (Jewish) and one of the twelve Disciples of Yeshua. The Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah was written by Yochanan (John) between 69 C.E. and 100 C.E. over 213 years before the Roman Empire Catholic Church was founded in 313 C.E. The Roman Empire had never totally fallen as everything in the Empire went into the Catholic Church for domination and control. The Roman Empire became the Religious Roman Empire which became the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church which became the Roman Catholic Church. Today the Roman Empire with millions and millions of converts throughout the world, all preaching the lies imposed by the Empire. Catholicism and the offspring of Catholicism was its weapon. What do I mean by “the offspring of Catholicism?” The First person to break away from the Catholic Church was a Priest by the name of “Dr. Martin Luther” from Germany. Dr. Martin Luther had 2 doctorates and forged the Reformation Church and it’s doctrines which today is the Lutheran Church. Soon others would follow as the break away from the Reformation Church to forge the many Christian Churches and Denominations of today. The problem with this caused the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church’s Doctrines to be past along into the Many Churches of today. So, if the first was wrong then caused the others to follow which is why the Bible calls this “Full of the Names of Blasphemy”. And he led me in spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting on a red beast of prey, which was “full of names of blasphemy”, and had seven heads and ten horns. ~ Revelation 17:3 John Wycliffe transcribed the Latin and the Greek into English, but the problem was the Greek was retranslated from the Latin and was never retranslated from the Aramaic properly. The Latin was misinterpreted and added to and took away text from the Hebrew and the Aramaic which was written before Yohanan Ben Zavdi (John the son of Zebedee) death at 100 C.E. I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, that if anyone will add to them, El Shaddai (God Almighty) will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if anyone will take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, El Shaddai (God Almighty) will take away his portion from the tree of life and from the Set Apart Holy City, which are described in this book. ~ Revelation 22:18-19 All of the beliefs of Catholicism went into all the Christian Churches of today. We need to remember what the first writers wrote and believed which were Hebrew (Jewish) and turn away from these false Christian beliefs. We need to turn toward the first Hebrew Beliefs written in the Hebrew and retranslated into Aramaic and then retranslated into English today for the Set Apart Believers of Yeshua, the Messiah which is the head of all El Shaddai’s creation. There is only one true Religion and it is the Religion of GOD ALMIGHTY with His Son the Messiah and is the “Hebrew Faith” for all the peoples of the world for all Jews and Goyim (non-Jews) alike. This Hebrew Faith is not Judaism but does resemble it and is not Christianity, not Muslim, not Buddhism, not Hinduism, or the many other faith’s of the world. It is strictly from El Shaddai (God Almighty). The Roman Empire is alive today We must further understand that there was no organized religion in Rome and the Roman Empire before Catholicism Christianity, but we must understand what they worshipped prior. The language spoken in Rome was “Latin” and is still being spoken today. The Roman Empire worshipped several deities which were inseminated into their society as they conquered each nation. I am not going to go into each one of them, but I will say is that, they were an Empire which dominated the culture. Greek Mythology once in Rome was changed to Roman Mythology where they added several new gods to worship. Satanism was running ramped as well as Paganism. Sexuality was openly everywhere both Homosexuality, Heterosexuality and interchangeable. A new religion was coming into play during the time of Rabbi Yeshua and it was Mithraism. It wasn’t until hundreds of years after the crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua did the Roman Empire inseminate Christianity, and like each other religions it inseminated into its culture and Christianity was no exception. How could the Empire control all of its citizens with various beliefs? At the time of Rabbi Yeshua, Rome was a coastal seaport city and Italy’s capital controlling the entire Roman Empire, especially in Israel. The Roman Empire spread wild throughout Europe, Israel, Africa to include Britannia. King Arthur was a Roman Centurion for the Roman Empire and became King of all Britannia which is now Britain, England, or the United Kingdom. After Rabbi Yeshua was Crucified on the Cross, His message, and His teachings spread like wildfire upon the land in Israel, the Arab Nations, and the surrounding lands to include Italy and England. Rav Shaul (Rabbi Saul) of Tarsus called Paul by the Romans was known as a Roman Sympathizer. He had the permission of the Roman Emperor to hunt down killing thousands of True Believers of Rabbi Yeshua where some were taken to Rome and other placed into various Flavian Amphitheatre’s such as the Colosseum in Rome to be killed. The first book of the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) was the Book of Yochanan (John) called Markus (Mark) and was written 20 years after the Crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua and far before the Roman Catholic Church existed. Many True Believers were of the Hebrew Faith and only some small factions called themselves Kristianae (Christian) in Antioch. By the time the Hebrew Faith reached Italy it became the Christian Faith and that’s where the problems began. When the Roman Empire Fell or should I say it never fell but was incorporated into the Newly Created Roman Catholic Catholicism Christianity from the Roman Empire and was installed by satan uniting all of the previous religions of Rome. Homosexuality and Heterosexuality was running ramped openly in the Roman Empire. The Temple of Janus was a place for Satanism, Sorcery, Witchcraft, and Black Magic. Satanism, Paganism, Roman Mythology and Mithraism was predominately the religions of the Roman Empire and after many years, after 313 C.E. did Rabbi Saul of Tarsus became what was called and known as the Apostle Paul. The word apostle was added to the Christian Bible but was never in the Hebrew or the Aramaic translations. The Roman Catholic Catholicism Christianity perverted his teachings and incorporated all the prior Religions of its citizens into one Religion controlled by the Roman Empire and later incorporated into the Roman Church known as the “Revived Roman Empire.” The Temple of Vaticanus was built at the site of the Temple of Janus. Rome was moved to surround the Vatican and is where it stands today. Idol Worship They prayed to other people such as the Arch Angel Gabriel, the Protector Saint, and others. The teaching of Rabbi Yeshua was perverted by the Church changing some of its meanings. Mary the mother of Yeshua was changed to the “Virgin Mother Mary” and was worshipped and prayed to as an idol and a god, taking away from praying to Yeshua and/or the Father in Heaven, and ignoring the fact of the Ten Commandment about other gods making the Roman Catholic Church and Catholicism Christianity a false religion created by satan taking away the true meaning of Rabbi Yeshua and putting a stop to the “True Believers of Rabbi Yeshua” perverting the Truth. The True Believers were some Jews and Arabs, later it spread around the world. They prayed to other gods in the Temple of Janus before Catholicism, and when they changed, they brought along the same idol worship. The Revived Roman Empire Catholicism was the new Religion of the Roman Empire and when the Roman Empire Fell the power and authority of the Roman Empire was incorporated into their religion where they now have military, banks, leaders of the world, to name a few at its beckoning call. People were killed and tortured by the Church for not believing in their ways, and today your beliefs and salvation are dependent on you staying within the Church. The Roman Catholic Church created the Muslim and Islam Religions to stop the True Believers of Rabbi Yeshua. The Roman Church found a new convert Mohammad by allowing the Angel of Light (satan) to appear to and the Roman Catholic Bishops to create another new religion and the Qur’an. This caused another false religion by the Roman Church, but the people rebelled and refused to comply with the new religion of the Roman Church, so the Roman Catholic “Emperor Pope” created the crusaders to take Jerusalem, Israel. Britain was a vital part of this. They invaded the city and created the Dome of the Rock where the First and Second Temples of God once stood. According to the Roman Catholic Church if you do not believe in their ways you are an Infidel, and to the Muslims and Islam if you do not believe in their ways you are an Infidel, all other churches in the world do not believe this way. The Muslim Islamic Religion was to stop the spread of the True Believers of Rabbi Yeshua. The Roman Catholic Church went after as much documents, texts, transcripts, and teachings as they could, then placing them in the Vatican Library for only those of high ranking within the church to see. It is unclear how much restructure the Roman Catholic Church did to the Holy Bible, but the Dead Sea Scrolls would reteach us from the True Believers. However there still remain other teaching banned from the bible which have meaning as a history book, like the Book of Solomon, the Book of Enoch, the Book of the Maccabees, and others. The Roman Empire created what is known today as “The Purge” which is their destroying documents and texts which does not meet their standards. This is what is believed happened to the Hebrew scrolls and is why the Aramaic is the only retranslated version of the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) today. The Aramaic was the only survivable version of the Brit Chadashah from the Roman Purge. The current Hebrew Brit Chadashah is the retranslated back into Hebrew from the Aramaic and is why the Aramaic remains Hebrew in origin and is why the Arabic is not. The Arabic language did not come about until after the Muslim Religion was founded in 610 C.E. The Catholic Church today has a list of Popes and spew lies about them. Pope means Father and the priests are called father, but the Pope in the Vatican City is really the “Emperor Pope” because he is the head of the Church and there are thousands of priests, but only one “Emperor Pope”. So, when they say Pope, they are actually trying to downplay who the Pope really is and that is the “Emperor Pope” with all power and authority of the Roman Empire at his/her choosing. There has been only one woman as the Emperor Pope throughout history. Today the Roman Empire through the Catholic Church is the largest entity ever which spans the entire globe with millions of converts and has lasted over 2,500 years and counting and answers to no governments, but many governments answer to the Church. The Emperor Pope, the Catholic Church and it’s teaching, the Christian Bible, is considered as a false prophet, a false Church, and false Bible of doctrines and teachings which are “full of the names of Blasphemy” as described in Revelation 17:3 and a violation of Revelation 22:18-19 and a violation of the Ten Commandments and a violation of the teachings of Rabbi Yeshua through El Shaddai’s True HaMiltha (the Word). We must all return to what El Shaddai (God Almighty) meant for all of us and that faith is Hebrew in origin through His Son, Yeshua HaMashiach (The Messiah). The Bible tells us that there was only one language and only one race thousands of years ago and it further tells us that there will be only one language and only one race again in the future, so why not start with the Truth? And return back to that which was forgotten about years ago.
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The Religion of Rome By M. Eichhorst “It is a bitter thought, how different a thing the Christianity of the world might have been, if the Christian faith had been adopted as the religion of the empire under the auspices of Markus Aurelius instead of those of Constantine”. Flavius Valerius Constantinus Constantine the Great – The First Emperor Pope What was the Religion of Rome before Rabbi Yeshua? The Crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua was in 30 C.E. by the Roman Empire. The Religion of Rome before this time was made up of various degrees from satan. The Roman Republic was founded in 509 B.C.E. and the Temple of Janus was founded in 260 B.C.E. and was for satanic worship of various degrees to include Satanism, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Black Magic, Paganism, and Sexual Immoralities. The Roman Republic became the Roman Empire in 27 B.C.E. The Roman Empire’s Catholic Church was founded in 313 C.E. by Flavius Valerius Constantinus (Emperor Constantine) and he became the First Pope known as the “Emperor Pope” where all power and authority went into the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church where he issued a decree (edict) to kill those Christians who do not believe in the Trinity and it’s doctrines from the First Council of Nicaea in 325 C.E. What kind of Religious Belief’s is it that is done by force? This is why El Shaddai (God Almighty) and Ha Mashiach (the Messiah) had the Talmid (Disciple) Yochanan (John) write Revelation 17 and 18 where he talked about the mystery. The Temple of Janus which was incorporated into the Temple of Mons Vaticanus which became the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church in 313 C.E. Vatican City was not a city until the treaty was signed on February 11, 1929 C.E. before that it was Rome. The Boundaries of the Temple of Mons Vaticanus was renamed to the City of Mons Vaticanus when it incorporated the area where the Temple of Janus was. The meaning of “the City of Mons Vaticanus” is “the City of the Dead”. You can’t hide who you are by changing your name. “For you know the works of the flesh, which are these: adultery, impurity and lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, stubbornness, treacheries, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelry and all like things. Those who do things like these, THEY WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF EL SHADDAI”. Galatians 5:19-21 This is why El Shaddai (God Almighty) told the Talmid (Disciple) of Yeshua, Yochanan (John) while he was on the Roman Empire’s Prison Island of Patmos, Greece through the vision of “HaHitgallut of Yehoshua’s HaMashiach” (The Revelation of Yeshua, the Messiah) to write in Revelation chapters 17 and 18 calling the Roman Catholic Church, the Harlot of Babylon and he also called them that their Christian Religion and their Christian Bible was “Full of the Names of Blasphemy”. Yochanan (John) was Hebrew (Jewish) and one of the twelve Disciples of Yeshua. The Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah was written by Yochanan (John) between 69 C.E. and 100 C.E. over 213 years before the Roman Empire Catholic Church was founded in 313 C.E. The Roman Empire had never totally fallen as everything in the Empire went into the Catholic Church for domination and control. The Roman Empire became the Religious Roman Empire which became the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church which became the Roman Catholic Church. Today the Roman Empire with millions and millions of converts throughout the world, all preaching the lies imposed by the Empire. Catholicism and the offspring of Catholicism was its weapon. What do I mean by “the offspring of Catholicism?” The First person to break away from the Catholic Church was a Priest by the name of “Dr. Martin Luther” from Germany. Dr. Martin Luther had 2 doctorates and forged the Reformation Church and it’s doctrines which today is the Lutheran Church. Soon others would follow as the break away from the Reformation Church to forge the many Christian Churches and Denominations of today. The problem with this caused the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church’s Doctrines to be past along into the Many Churches of today. So, if the first was wrong then caused the others to follow which is why the Bible calls this “Full of the Names of Blasphemy”. And he led me in spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting on a red beast of prey, which was “full of names of blasphemy”, and had seven heads and ten horns. ~ Revelation 17:3 John Wycliffe transcribed the Latin and the Greek into English, but the problem was the Greek was retranslated from the Latin and was never retranslated from the Aramaic properly. The Latin was misinterpreted and added to and took away text from the Hebrew and the Aramaic which was written before Yohanan Ben Zavdi (John the son of Zebedee) death at 100 C.E. I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, that if anyone will add to them, El Shaddai (God Almighty) will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if anyone will take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, El Shaddai (God Almighty) will take away his portion from the tree of life and from the Set Apart Holy City, which are described in this book. ~ Revelation 22:18-19 All of the beliefs of Catholicism went into all the Christian Churches of today. We need to remember what the first writers wrote and believed which were Hebrew (Jewish) and turn away from these false Christian beliefs. We need to turn toward the first Hebrew Beliefs written in the Hebrew and retranslated into Aramaic and then retranslated into English today for the Set Apart Believers of Yeshua, the Messiah which is the head of all El Shaddai’s creation. There is only one true Religion and it is the Religion of GOD ALMIGHTY with His Son the Messiah and is the “Hebrew Faith” for all the peoples of the world for all Jews and Goyim (non-Jews) alike. This Hebrew Faith is not Judaism but does resemble it and is not Christianity, not Muslim, not Buddhism, not Hinduism, or the many other faith’s of the world. It is strictly from El Shaddai (God Almighty). The Roman Empire is alive today We must further understand that there was no organized religion in Rome and the Roman Empire before Catholicism Christianity, but we must understand what they worshipped prior. The language spoken in Rome was “Latin” and is still being spoken today. The Roman Empire worshipped several deities which were inseminated into their society as they conquered each nation. I am not going to go into each one of them, but I will say is that, they were an Empire which dominated the culture. Greek Mythology once in Rome was changed to Roman Mythology where they added several new gods to worship. Satanism was running ramped as well as Paganism. Sexuality was openly everywhere both Homosexuality, Heterosexuality and interchangeable. A new religion was coming into play during the time of Rabbi Yeshua and it was Mithraism. It wasn’t until hundreds of years after the crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua did the Roman Empire inseminate Christianity, and like each other religions it inseminated into its culture and Christianity was no exception. How could the Empire control all of its citizens with various beliefs? At the time of Rabbi Yeshua, Rome was a coastal seaport city and Italy’s capital controlling the entire Roman Empire, especially in Israel. The Roman Empire spread wild throughout Europe, Israel, Africa to include Britannia. King Arthur was a Roman Centurion for the Roman Empire and became King of all Britannia which is now Britain, England, or the United Kingdom. After Rabbi Yeshua was Crucified on the Cross, His message, and His teachings spread like wildfire upon the land in Israel, the Arab Nations, and the surrounding lands to include Italy and England. Rav Shaul (Rabbi Saul) of Tarsus called Paul by the Romans was known as a Roman Sympathizer. He had the permission of the Roman Emperor to hunt down killing thousands of True Believers of Rabbi Yeshua where some were taken to Rome and other placed into various Flavian Amphitheatre’s such as the Colosseum in Rome to be killed. The first book of the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) was the Book of Yochanan (John) called Markus (Mark) and was written 20 years after the Crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua and far before the Roman Catholic Church existed. Many True Believers were of the Hebrew Faith and only some small factions called themselves Kristianae (Christian) in Antioch. By the time the Hebrew Faith reached Italy it became the Christian Faith and that’s where the problems began. When the Roman Empire Fell or should I say it never fell but was incorporated into the Newly Created Roman Catholic Catholicism Christianity from the Roman Empire and was installed by satan uniting all of the previous religions of Rome. Homosexuality and Heterosexuality was running ramped openly in the Roman Empire. The Temple of Janus was a place for Satanism, Sorcery, Witchcraft, and Black Magic. Satanism, Paganism, Roman Mythology and Mithraism was predominately the religions of the Roman Empire and after many years, after 313 C.E. did Rabbi Saul of Tarsus became what was called and known as the Apostle Paul. The word apostle was added to the Christian Bible but was never in the Hebrew or the Aramaic translations. The Roman Catholic Catholicism Christianity perverted his teachings and incorporated all the prior Religions of its citizens into one Religion controlled by the Roman Empire and later incorporated into the Roman Church known as the “Revived Roman Empire.” The Temple of Vaticanus was built at the site of the Temple of Janus. Rome was moved to surround the Vatican and is where it stands today. Idol Worship They prayed to other people such as the Arch Angel Gabriel, the Protector Saint, and others. The teaching of Rabbi Yeshua was perverted by the Church changing some of its meanings. Mary the mother of Yeshua was changed to the “Virgin Mother Mary” and was worshipped and prayed to as an idol and a god, taking away from praying to Yeshua and/or the Father in Heaven, and ignoring the fact of the Ten Commandment about other gods making the Roman Catholic Church and Catholicism Christianity a false religion created by satan taking away the true meaning of Rabbi Yeshua and putting a stop to the “True Believers of Rabbi Yeshua” perverting the Truth. The True Believers were some Jews and Arabs, later it spread around the world. They prayed to other gods in the Temple of Janus before Catholicism, and when they changed, they brought along the same idol worship. The Revived Roman Empire Catholicism was the new Religion of the Roman Empire and when the Roman Empire Fell the power and authority of the Roman Empire was incorporated into their religion where they now have military, banks, leaders of the world, to name a few at its beckoning call. People were killed and tortured by the Church for not believing in their ways, and today your beliefs and salvation are dependent on you staying within the Church. The Roman Catholic Church created the Muslim and Islam Religions to stop the True Believers of Rabbi Yeshua. The Roman Church found a new convert Mohammad by allowing the Angel of Light (satan) to appear to and the Roman Catholic Bishops to create another new religion and the Qur’an. This caused another false religion by the Roman Church, but the people rebelled and refused to comply with the new religion of the Roman Church, so the Roman Catholic “Emperor Pope” created the crusaders to take Jerusalem, Israel. Britain was a vital part of this. They invaded the city and created the Dome of the Rock where the First and Second Temples of God once stood. According to the Roman Catholic Church if you do not believe in their ways you are an Infidel, and to the Muslims and Islam if you do not believe in their ways you are an Infidel, all other churches in the world do not believe this way. The Muslim Islamic Religion was to stop the spread of the True Believers of Rabbi Yeshua. The Roman Catholic Church went after as much documents, texts, transcripts, and teachings as they could, then placing them in the Vatican Library for only those of high ranking within the church to see. It is unclear how much restructure the Roman Catholic Church did to the Holy Bible, but the Dead Sea Scrolls would reteach us from the True Believers. However there still remain other teaching banned from the bible which have meaning as a history book, like the Book of Solomon, the Book of Enoch, the Book of the Maccabees, and others. The Roman Empire created what is known today as “The Purge” which is their destroying documents and texts which does not meet their standards. This is what is believed happened to the Hebrew scrolls and is why the Aramaic is the only retranslated version of the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) today. The Aramaic was the only survivable version of the Brit Chadashah from the Roman Purge. The current Hebrew Brit Chadashah is the retranslated back into Hebrew from the Aramaic and is why the Aramaic remains Hebrew in origin and is why the Arabic is not. The Arabic language did not come about until after the Muslim Religion was founded in 610 C.E. The Catholic Church today has a list of Popes and spew lies about them. Pope means Father and the priests are called father, but the Pope in the Vatican City is really the “Emperor Pope” because he is the head of the Church and there are thousands of priests, but only one “Emperor Pope”. So, when they say Pope, they are actually trying to downplay who the Pope really is and that is the “Emperor Pope” with all power and authority of the Roman Empire at his/her choosing. There has been only one woman as the Emperor Pope throughout history. Today the Roman Empire through the Catholic Church is the largest entity ever which spans the entire globe with millions of converts and has lasted over 2,500 years and counting and answers to no governments, but many governments answer to the Church. The Emperor Pope, the Catholic Church and it’s teaching, the Christian Bible, is considered as a false prophet, a false Church, and false Bible of doctrines and teachings which are “full of the names of Blasphemy” as described in Revelation 17:3 and a violation of Revelation 22:18-19 and a violation of the Ten Commandments and a violation of the teachings of Rabbi Yeshua through El Shaddai’s True HaMiltha (the Word). We must all return to what El Shaddai (God Almighty) meant for all of us and that faith is Hebrew in origin through His Son, Yeshua HaMashiach (The Messiah). The Bible tells us that there was only one language and only one race thousands of years ago and it further tells us that there will be only one language and only one race again in the future, so why not start with the Truth? And return back to that which was forgotten about years ago.
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