Rabbi Yeshua and the Passover Week by M. Eichhorst And on the fifteenth day of this Month is the Festival of Matzos to El Shaddai; you shall eat matzos for a seven-day period. Leviticus 23:6 Torah The Passover Feast is the 15th Day of the Month of Nisan in the Hebrew Calendar. Everything that was written in the Bible was written according to the Hebrew Calendar. Many Christian Churches today have the story of the Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection Day wrong (misinterpreted) because of the Roman Empire Catholic Church where they have rewritten the story causing many to live a lie (not the exact truth). The Truth is that this was a time of the Passover and in Hebrew it is known as Pesach where he was known in Hebrew as Rabbi Yeshua (Aramaic: Rabbi Y’shua) and preached in Synagogues and in the Temple of Hashem in Jerusalem, so as a Rabbi he and his disciples observed the Passover or Pesach Holiday in compliance with the teachings of the Hebrew faith. Passover is the time of remembrance when the angel of death (Abaddon) passed over the Israelites homes by order of Hashem (GOD), and the next day they were freed from their wrath of bondage in Egypt. The deliverer Moshe (Moses) lead the people to the promised land a little over 40 years later as described in the Torah in the book of Exodus. In Rabbi Yeshua’s day the Eastern Gate also known as the Golden Gate was open, leading into the Temple courtyard which lead to the Temple. Today this gate is sealed shut because of the Muslim occupation (Temple Mount), and when Yeshua returns described in future Bible Prophecy, he will come through this gate a second time supernaturally. The Bible does not describe a third temple being built as many Jews & Christians believe. Day 1: 12 Nisan - Sunday The arrival of Rabbi Yeshua through the Eastern Gate (Golden Gate) in Jerusalem riding on a young calf female donkey (she-donkey) as prophesied by the Prophet Zechariah. This occurred 3 Days prior to the Passover Feast. Rabbi Yeshua arrives in Urishlim, Yehudah (Jerusalem, Judea (Israel)) and was received by the Jewish people and the others living in the city warmly by laying garments and palms tree leaves in the path worshiping him as a King. This angered the Romans because they believed the only king was the Roman Emperor. This tainted the Hebrew Religious Beliefs as the Kohen Gadol (High Priest), the Kohen (Priests), the Sofer (Scribes), and the Zaqen (Elders) followed the leadership of the Roman Governors and the Roman Emperor. This Bible Prophecy of HaMashiach (Aramaic: HaMashiyach - English: The Messiah) was prophesied by the Prophet Zechariah in 487 B.C.E. (487 B.C.) over 500 years prior to when Rabbi Yeshua rode into Jerusalem, Judea (Israel) riding on a donkey. Zechariah 9:9 Tanach (Old Covenant) 9. “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout for joy, O daughter of Jerusalem! For behold, your king will come to you, righteous and victorious is he, a humble man riding upon a donkey, upon a foal, a calf of she-donkeys.” Bible Prophecy was fulfilled when Rabbi Yeshua rode in on a donkey in Jerusalem, Judea (Israel). Matthew 21:5 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 5. “Say to the daughter of Tsiyon (Zion or Sion), behold your king comes to you meek and mounted upon a donkey, and upon a colt the foal of a donkey.” Matthew 21:8-11 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 8. And a multitude of crowds were spreading out their clothes in the road, and others were cutting branches from the trees and cast them on the road. 9. The crowds and those who were going before him and coming after him were crying out and saying “Ushanna (Hosanna) to the Son of Dawid (David). Blessed is he who comes in the name of Master YHVH (*). Ushanna (Hosanna) in the highest!” 10. And when he entered into Urishlim (Jerusalem), all the city was stirred up and saying, “Who is this man?” 11. And the crowds were saying, “This is the prophet Yeshua who is from Nasrath of Galeela (Nazareth of Galilee). (*) In Hebrew is spelled: YHVH and is pronounced in Hebrew: Yahveh. In Aramaic is spelled: YHWH and is pronounced in Aramaic: Yahweh. The Latin and English spelling of Yahweh is wrong as this spelling is only a pronunciation and not an actual word. The Roman Empire’s Catholic Church spelled out what they heard, not taking the time “to learn the word in Hebrew and Aramaic”. A new word was created in Latin and English “Yahweh” but does not appear in Hebrew or Aramaic. The Catholic Church led us astray. Rabbi Yeshua went to the Temple of Hashem in Jerusalem and found the money changes desecrating the outer courtyard. Matthew 21:12-13 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 12. And Yeshua entered into the temple of Hashem and drove out all who were buying and selling in the temple. And he overturned the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those who were selling doves. 13. And he said to them, “It is written that my House will be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a cave of bandits.” While at the Temple, Rabbi Yeshua healed the people. The Chief Priests, the Pharisees and the Scribes were angered, for the people acknowledged that Rabbi Yeshua had healed them and that he was the Son of David. Matthew 21:14-15 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 14. And the blind and the lame in the temple drew near to him, and he healed them. 15. But when the chief priests and the Pharisees saw the wonders that he did, and the children who were crying aloud in the temple and saying, “Ushanna (Hosanna) to the Son of Dawid (David),” they were displeased. After this Rabbi Yeshua went out of the city into Bethany a few miles away, to spend the night. In the evening the day changed to 13 Nisan – Monday. After he had a meal sometime during the night hours, Rabbi Yeshua fell asleep. Day 2: 13 Nisan - Monday In the morning Rabbi Yeshua awoke in Bethany* where he was hungry so he saw a fig tree far off and as he arrived at the tree he found the tree was not yet fruitful, so he was angered briefly and the disciples overheard what he was saying. He cursed the fig tree and it died. * English: Bethany - Hebrew: Beit Anya - Aramaic: Beth Anya - Arabic: Al-Eizariya or al-Azariya - As you can see in the translations of Bethany there is a distinctive difference between Aramaic and Arabic. This is why Aramaic is the sister language to Hebrew while Arabic is not. Mark 11:12-14 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 12. And on another day when he went out from Beth-Anya (Bethany) he hungered. 13. And he saw a certain fig tree from afar that had leaves on it. And he came towards it to see if he could find anything on it. And when he arrived, he did not find anything on it except leaves. For the time of figs had not yet arrived. 14. And he said to it, “Now and forever, man will not eat fruit from you.” And his disciples heard it and they came to Urishlim (Jerusalem). After hearing this Rabbi Yeshua and his disciples traveled back to Jerusalem and went back to the Temple and spent the rest of the day teaching and defying the Chief Priests and the Elders as he was acting on the authority of Hashem in Heaven as described in Matthew 21:23-46, Matthew 22:1-46, and in Matthew 23:1-36. After leaving the Temple Rabbi Yeshua outlined the future events of mankind in Matthew 24, Matthew 25:1-46. Judas goes to the Chief Priests and betrays Rabbi Yeshua. Matthew 26:14-16 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 14. Then one of the twelve who was called Yehuda Skaryota (Judas Iscariot) went to the chief priests. 15. And he said to them, “What are you willing to give me and I will deliver him to you?” And they promised him thirty pieces of silver. 16. And from that time onwards, he would seek an opportunity to betray him. In the evening the day changed to 14 Nisan – Tuesday. Day 3: 14 Nisan - Tuesday Leviticus 23:5 Torah 5. In the first month on the fourteenth day of the month (14 Nisan) in the afternoon is the time of the pesach-offering to El Shaddai. The Passover or Pesach Feast of the Unleavened Bread was prepared, and a Lamb was slain as an offering given unto El Shaddai then Roasted on the Pit for the evening meal when the day changed. Rabbi Yeshua did not preach or teach this day and in the evening the day changed to 15 Nisan – Wednesday. It took most of the day to prepare as the meal needed to be Kosher, for them to eat in the evening. Day 4: 15 Nisan - Wednesday Leviticus 23:6 Torah 6. And on the fifteenth day of this Month (15 Nisan) is the Festival of Matzos (Unleavened Bread) to El Shaddai; you shall eat matzos for a seven-day period. In the evening of Tuesday, the day changed to 15 Nisan Wednesday. It was where in the evening the Passover or Pesach feast or “The Feast of Unleavened Bread” Sukkot (Succos) occurred which was also known as the Last Supper, where Rabbi Yeshua taught the first communion and prophesied of future events of the disciples, where he said that one shall betray him, and Peter will deny him 3 times written in Matthew 26:17-35. The First Communion at the Passover Feast of the Unleavened Bread Matthew 26:26-30 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 26. And while they were dining, Yeshua took bread and blessed it and broke it and gave it to his disciples and said, “Take eat. This is my body.” 27. And he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them and said, “Take drink from it all of you. 28. This is my blood of the renewed covenant, which for the sake of many is shed for the forgiveness of sins. 29. And I say to you that I will not drink this fruit of the vine from now on until the day in which I drink it anew with you in the Kingdom of my Father, El Shaddai 30. And they offered praise and went out to the Mount of Olives. After the Passover feast Rabbi Yeshua and his disciples went out to the mount of Olives and Gethsemane where he was arrested written in Matthew 26:36-56, Luke 22:7-23. After Rabbi Yeshua was arrested he was taken to the court of the Jews in Matthew 26:57-68, and in the morning at about 6:00am he was taken before Pilate in Matthew 27:1-2 shortly thereafter Judas commits suicide and was betrayed by Peter his disciple. Rabbi Yeshua was then taken before the people where they betrayed him and wanted Barabbas a murderer rather than Rabbi Yeshua in Matthew 27:15-31. As soon as Pilate heard that he was a Galilean and a Nazarene he was sent to Governor Herod (not Herod the great) where he was mocked, and his clothes were rent (torn) and sent back to Pilate in Luke 23:1-12. In the evening the day changed to 16 Nisan – Thursday 15 Nisan. He was sent to Governor Herod in the capital city of Tiberias, Galilee along the Sea of Galilee near the Jordan River. It would have taken them most of the day to go to where the Governor was at in Galilee and then throughout the night back to Jerusalem in the morning of Thursday. No Sleep. An extremely brutal “death march” where Rabbi Yeshua would have been extremely beaten, bloody, barely able to walk and extremely exhausted by the time he got back to Jerusalem, Thursday morning, 16 Nisan. Day 5: 16 Nisan - Thursday – Crucifixion – Day 1 in Paradise Rabbi Yeshua was beaten again from the morning until mid- day at about 12:00pm noon, where he was placed on the cross and crucified in Matthew 27:32-56, and in Luke 23:26- 49. Yeshua’s Body was placed in the tomb before nightfall as the burial needed to occur before Sabbath or Sabbat occurred at sundown (6:00pm), however the burial rights were not conducted as they ran out of time before the Passover Sabbath occurred and was just laid in the tomb. Rabbi Yeshua hanging on the cross An inscription was written and place by a Roman Soldier (possible a Centurion) which was written over him in Greek, Roman (Latin), and in Hebrew which translated into English read “This is the King of the Jews” and the English translation of the Hebrew which read “This is the King of the Yehudeans” meaning King of the Judeans or King of the Jews. Luke 23:38 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 38. And there was also an inscription that was written over him in Greek and Roman and Hebrew, “This is the King of the Yehudeans.” (Judeans or Jews) Rabbi Yeshua hung on the cross from the 6th hour which means a time of day which in the Roman time is 1200pm (Noon) until 1:00pm and hung there until the 9th Hour which is 3:00pm until 4:00pm. The Temple of God had draped cloths hanging and in the midst (middle) of the Temple where at the time of Rabbi Yeshua’s death, supernaturally the sun was darkened, a great earthquake occurred where the rocks were torn apart (possible the Earth opened up known as a Fissure), the veil that was hanging in the midst of the 2nd Temple (drapery or draped cloth) was rent (torn) in the middle from the top to the bottom supernaturally by El Shaddai as He cried and wept aloud. Tears must have streamed from His face. His Emotions must have been horrific that all of Heaven not only heard Him but they must have felt his cries. Luke 23:44-45 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 44. And about six hours had passed and darkness was over all the land until the ninth hour. 45. And the sun darkened and the veil of the temple was torn from its middle. Matthew 27:50-51Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 50. Then again Yeshua cried out with a loud voice and gave up his spirit. 51. And immediately, the curtains at the door of the temple were torn in two from the top to the bottom. And the earth was shaken and the rocks were split. Rabbi Yeshua went to Paradise or the "Bosom of Abraham" (Avraham) which it refers to the place of comfort in the Biblical Sheol where the righteous dead await Judgment Day. Rabbi Yeshua to remove all those righteous into the New Paradise in Heaven, thus ending the Biblical Sheol. The Messiah Yeshua said he will go there for 3 days and on the 3rd day he will rise. Yeshua went into “Paradise” which although similar to where Hell is at, it is entirely a different place next to it, because Hell is a place of torment where Paradise is not, but it is a place of utopia or utter bliss with the Rabbi Yeshua and on the 3rd day Paradise was moved into Heaven. In the evening the day changed to 17 Nisan Day 6: 17 Nisan - Friday – Day 2 in Paradise - Passover Sabbath or Pesach Shabbat - Leviticus 23:4-8 The burial rights were not able to be conducted by Jewish law on the Sabbath. The oil and herbs were prepared in the evening of Friday on the 17 Nisan which was the evening of Thursday immediately after Rabbi Yeshua was Crucified when the day changed to the 17 Nisan Friday. This day was the Passover Sabbath and was prepared before the weekly Sabbath occurred and the 18 Nisan in the evening (6:00pm). The days leading up to Palm Sunday a woman anointed Rabbi Yeshua with the burial rights of anointing with oil and herbs. This is why he was not given the burial rights immediately after his death on the cross, because it was already given to him. Matthew 26 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 7. A woman approached him who had with her an alabaster vase of ointment which was a very precious perfume, and she poured it upon the head of Rabbi Yeshua while he was reclining. 8. And his Talmidim (Disciples) saw and it displeased them, and they said, “Why this waste?” 9. For it was able that this be sold for much money and it be given to the poor. 10. But Rabbi Yeshua knew this and said to them, “Why are you troubling the woman, for she has done a good deed for me. 11. For you will always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me. 12. But the one who poured this perfume upon my body, she did it as though for my burial. In the evening the day changed to 18 Nisan Day 7: 18 Nisan - Saturday – Day 3 in Paradise - Regular Sabbath or Weekly Shabbat - Leviticus 23:1-3 The burial rights were not able to be conducted by Jewish law on the Sabbath. In the evening the day changed to 19 Nisan Day 8: 19 Nisan - Resurrection Sunday When it became evening on Saturday (6:00pm) when the day changed after the Sabbath on Saturday to Sunday evening according to the Hebrew Calendar, Maryam, the other Maryam came to the tomb to give the burial rights and the anointing of oil and herbs according to Jewish law and found the tomb open. Matthew 27:52-53 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 52. And the tombs were opened and many bodies of the Set Apart Holy believers who were asleep arose, 53. And went out. And after his resurrection, they entered into the Set Apart [Holy] city (Jerusalem) and were seen by many. Today we already have prepared olive oil which is called Extra Virgin Olive Oil. After the preparation of the olive oil, it was prayed over in compliance to Jewish law and cannot ever be used for cooking, only for holy ceremonies in compliance with Judaism. Once prayed over it cannot be used for cooking in the Hebrew and Christian beliefs to be used only as anointing oil. On the 19th Day of Nisan, in the evening of Saturday night when the day changed to Sunday after 6:00pm, Maryam of the city of Magdalene, Joanna, Maryam the mother of James, and other women went to the tomb where Rabbi Yeshua was placed to give him the burial rights and administering the oils and herbs to find the stone had been rolled away and his body was missing. Rabbi Yeshua was never given these burial rights after the crucifixion because it was already given to him. Maryam of the city of Magdalene entered the tomb where she did not find him but saw two Cherubim Messenger Angels standing at the place where Rabbi Yeshua was laid. One at the head and one at the foot to represent the living ark of the covenant. Later Rabbi Yeshua appeared standing before her. You can further read about the events while at the tomb in Matthew 27:57-66, Matthew 28:1-15, and Luke 24:1-12. Matthew 28:1. Now in the closing (11th Hour: evening of Saturday*) of the Shabbat (Sabbath), as the first of the week was dawning (6:00pm Sunday), came Maryam of Magdala and the other Maryam that they might see the grave. Luke 24:54-55 54. And the day was ending and the (Annual) Shabbat (Sabbath) was closing. (11th Hour: evening of Saturday*) 55. And those women who came with him from Galeela were drawing near, and they saw the tomb, and how his body had been placed. *This is talking about the 11th Hour of daylight in the evening of the Sabbath Saturday and is from 5:00pm to 5:59pm. Then the day changed to the first day of the week Sunday at 6:00pm when the 1st Hour of night began of the New Day. Each day is divided into 12 hours of night and 12 hours of day. The Affirmation of the Yeshua -- Sign in the Heavens: Four Blood Moons or Tetrad Blood Moons Acts of the Shlichim (Acts) 2:19-20 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 19. And I will cause signs in heaven and mighty deeds upon the earth: blood, and fire, and columns of smoke, 20. the sun will be changed into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of Master YHVH. Every 50 years since the Last Supper, Crucifixion, and Resurrection -- God has placed a Sign in the Heavens to commemorate the event of the Messiah Yeshua’s Birth and the Death. Some call this a Jubilation Year however the Jubilation was stopped when the 2nd Temple was destroyed and we no not when it was, which is one of the reasons why they want the 3rd Temple built, to restart the Jubilation each 50 years thereafter, however there is no indication of a 3rd Temple in the Bible. During the SUKKOT (Succos) Feast of Tabernacles on the 15th day of the month of Tishri we celebrate the Birth of Yeshua, and During the PASSOVER Feast of the Unleavened Bread (Exodus from Egypt) on the 15th day of the month of Nissan we celebrate the Last Supper of Yeshua. These 4 Blood Red Moons or Tetrad Blood Red Moons will always be the “SIGN” on or about these dates according to the Hebrew Calendar. The Hebrew or Jewish Calendar never changes only the Roman Calendar as we use today does. In Conclusion There is more about these events listed in the New Testament or Brit Chadashah (New Covenant). The Resurrection Day must comply with the Passover or Pesach Holiday as listed above otherwise it is not the true date and you are living a lie. Easter is a pagan holiday of the Roman Empire Catholic Church of the goddess Inanna or Ishtar and should not be celebrated as the Resurrection Day. Christmas December 25th is a pagan holiday of the Roman Empire Catholic Church of the god of Saturn or the god Saturnalia and should not be celebrated as the Birth of Yeshua. Jesus is a pagan name and is linked to the pagan Greek Mythological god Iesous and the Roman Mythological god in Latin is Iesus which means “Hail Zeus”. Christ means in Latin “The Anointed”, so when you say “Jesus Christ” you are actually saying “Hail Zeus, the Anointed”. This is not what Yeshua means. Immanuel, Emmanuel, Ammanuel, and Yehoshua (Yeshua) all mean the same thing “Our El (God) is with us”. This is talking about the Reminiscent of God the Father within Yeshua. The dates above are precise and affirmed by God’s Sign in the Heavens the 4 Blood Moons. The Hebrew or Jewish Calendar never changes only the Roman Calendar as we use today does where Hashem uses the Hebrew Calendar as His Time, as God is Time. If Kristyane or Kristianay (Christians) today would have used the Hebrew Calendar and Judaism especially when it comes to Bible Prophecy, they’re would not be disagreements or much lessor disagreements. The correct interpretation in the Brit Chadashah is the word “Messianic” not Kristyane, Kristianay, or Christian, however what the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church did was create a new religion called Christian. They took the word “Messianic” and changed it to “Christian” which does not mean the same and is not what the original scrolls says. Today the Roman Empire influences still live today within the Roman Catholic Church also known as the Religious Roman Empire or Revived Roman Empire which also rewrote the Christian Religion and rewrote the Bible which is a violation of Revelation 22:18-19. This is why the Roman Catholic Church is the Harlot of Babylon and it’s Babylon System is the Christian Bible as described in Revelation 17-18.
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Rabbi Yeshua and the Passover Week by M. Eichhorst And on the fifteenth day of this Month is the Festival of Matzos to El Shaddai; you shall eat matzos for a seven- day period. Leviticus 23:6 Torah The Passover Feast is the 15th Day of the Month of Nisan in the Hebrew Calendar. Everything that was written in the Bible was written according to the Hebrew Calendar. Many Christian Churches today have the story of the Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection Day wrong (misinterpreted) because of the Roman Empire Catholic Church where they have rewritten the story causing many to live a lie (not the exact truth). The Truth is that this was a time of the Passover and in Hebrew it is known as Pesach where he was known in Hebrew as Rabbi Yeshua (Aramaic: Rabbi Y’shua) and preached in Synagogues and in the Temple of Hashem in Jerusalem, so as a Rabbi he and his disciples observed the Passover or Pesach Holiday in compliance with the teachings of the Hebrew faith. Passover is the time of remembrance when the angel of death (Abaddon) passed over the Israelites homes by order of Hashem (GOD), and the next day they were freed from their wrath of bondage in Egypt. The deliverer Moshe (Moses) lead the people to the promised land a little over 40 years later as described in the Torah in the book of Exodus. In Rabbi Yeshua’s day the Eastern Gate also known as the Golden Gate was open, leading into the Temple courtyard which lead to the Temple. Today this gate is sealed shut because of the Muslim occupation (Temple Mount), and when Yeshua returns described in future Bible Prophecy, he will come through this gate a second time supernaturally. The Bible does not describe a third temple being built as many Jews & Christians believe. Day 1: 12 Nisan - Sunday The arrival of Rabbi Yeshua through the Eastern Gate (Golden Gate) in Jerusalem riding on a young calf female donkey (she-donkey) as prophesied by the Prophet Zechariah. This occurred 3 Days prior to the Passover Feast. Rabbi Yeshua arrives in Urishlim, Yehudah (Jerusalem, Judea (Israel)) and was received by the Jewish people and the others living in the city warmly by laying garments and palms tree leaves in the path worshiping him as a King. This angered the Romans because they believed the only king was the Roman Emperor. This tainted the Hebrew Religious Beliefs as the Kohen Gadol (High Priest), the Kohen (Priests), the Sofer (Scribes), and the Zaqen (Elders) followed the leadership of the Roman Governors and the Roman Emperor. This Bible Prophecy of HaMashiach (Aramaic: HaMashiyach - English: The Messiah) was prophesied by the Prophet Zechariah in 487 B.C.E. (487 B.C.) over 500 years prior to when Rabbi Yeshua rode into Jerusalem, Judea (Israel) riding on a donkey. Zechariah 9:9 Tanach (Old Covenant) 9. “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout for joy, O daughter of Jerusalem! For behold, your king will come to you, righteous and victorious is he, a humble man riding upon a donkey, upon a foal, a calf of she-donkeys.” Bible Prophecy was fulfilled when Rabbi Yeshua rode in on a donkey in Jerusalem, Judea (Israel). Matthew 21:5 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 5. “Say to the daughter of Tsiyon (Zion or Sion), behold your king comes to you meek and mounted upon a donkey, and upon a colt the foal of a donkey.” Matthew 21:8-11 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 8. And a multitude of crowds were spreading out their clothes in the road, and others were cutting branches from the trees and cast them on the road. 9. The crowds and those who were going before him and coming after him were crying out and saying “Ushanna (Hosanna) to the Son of Dawid (David). Blessed is he who comes in the name of Master YHVH (*). Ushanna (Hosanna) in the highest!” 10. And when he entered into Urishlim (Jerusalem), all the city was stirred up and saying, “Who is this man?” 11. And the crowds were saying, “This is the prophet Yeshua who is from Nasrath of Galeela (Nazareth of Galilee). (*) In Hebrew is spelled: YHVH and is pronounced in Hebrew: Yahveh. In Aramaic is spelled: YHWH and is pronounced in Aramaic: Yahweh. The Latin and English spelling of Yahweh is wrong as this spelling is only a pronunciation and not an actual word. The Roman Empire’s Catholic Church spelled out what they heard, not taking the time “to learn the word in Hebrew and Aramaic”. A new word was created in Latin and English “Yahweh” but does not appear in Hebrew or Aramaic. The Catholic Church led us astray. Rabbi Yeshua went to the Temple of Hashem in Jerusalem and found the money changes desecrating the outer courtyard. Matthew 21:12-13 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 12. And Yeshua entered into the temple of Hashem and drove out all who were buying and selling in the temple. And he overturned the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those who were selling doves. 13. And he said to them, “It is written that my House will be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a cave of bandits.” While at the Temple, Rabbi Yeshua healed the people. The Chief Priests, the Pharisees and the Scribes were angered, for the people acknowledged that Rabbi Yeshua had healed them and that he was the Son of David. Matthew 21:14-15 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 14. And the blind and the lame in the temple drew near to him, and he healed them. 15. But when the chief priests and the Pharisees saw the wonders that he did, and the children who were crying aloud in the temple and saying, “Ushanna (Hosanna) to the Son of Dawid (David),” they were displeased. After this Rabbi Yeshua went out of the city into Bethany a few miles away, to spend the night. In the evening the day changed to 13 Nisan – Monday. After he had a meal sometime during the night hours, Rabbi Yeshua fell asleep. Day 2: 13 Nisan - Monday In the morning Rabbi Yeshua awoke in Bethany* where he was hungry so he saw a fig tree far off and as he arrived at the tree he found the tree was not yet fruitful, so he was angered briefly and the disciples overheard what he was saying. He cursed the fig tree and it died. * English: Bethany - Hebrew: Beit Anya - Aramaic: Beth Anya - Arabic: Al-Eizariya or al-Azariya - As you can see in the translations of Bethany there is a distinctive difference between Aramaic and Arabic. This is why Aramaic is the sister language to Hebrew while Arabic is not. Mark 11:12-14 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 12. And on another day when he went out from Beth-Anya (Bethany) he hungered. 13. And he saw a certain fig tree from afar that had leaves on it. And he came towards it to see if he could find anything on it. And when he arrived, he did not find anything on it except leaves. For the time of figs had not yet arrived. 14. And he said to it, “Now and forever, man will not eat fruit from you.” And his disciples heard it and they came to Urishlim (Jerusalem). After hearing this Rabbi Yeshua and his disciples traveled back to Jerusalem and went back to the Temple and spent the rest of the day teaching and defying the Chief Priests and the Elders as he was acting on the authority of Hashem in Heaven as described in Matthew 21:23-46, Matthew 22:1-46, and in Matthew 23:1-36. After leaving the Temple Rabbi Yeshua outlined the future events of mankind in Matthew 24, Matthew 25:1-46. Judas goes to the Chief Priests and betrays Rabbi Yeshua. Matthew 26:14-16 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 14. Then one of the twelve who was called Yehuda Skaryota (Judas Iscariot) went to the chief priests. 15. And he said to them, “What are you willing to give me and I will deliver him to you?” And they promised him thirty pieces of silver. 16. And from that time onwards, he would seek an opportunity to betray him. In the evening the day changed to 14 Nisan – Tuesday. Day 3: 14 Nisan - Tuesday Leviticus 23:5 Torah 5. In the first month on the fourteenth day of the month (14 Nisan) in the afternoon is the time of the pesach-offering to El Shaddai. The Passover or Pesach Feast of the Unleavened Bread was prepared, and a Lamb was slain as an offering given unto El Shaddai then Roasted on the Pit for the evening meal when the day changed. Rabbi Yeshua did not preach or teach this day and in the evening the day changed to 15 Nisan – Wednesday. It took most of the day to prepare as the meal needed to be Kosher, for them to eat in the evening. Day 4: 15 Nisan - Wednesday Leviticus 23:6 Torah 6. And on the fifteenth day of this Month (15 Nisan) is the Festival of Matzos (Unleavened Bread) to El Shaddai; you shall eat matzos for a seven-day period. In the evening of Tuesday, the day changed to 15 Nisan Wednesday. It was where in the evening the Passover or Pesach feast or “The Feast of Unleavened Bread” Sukkot (Succos) occurred which was also known as the Last Supper, where Rabbi Yeshua taught the first communion and prophesied of future events of the disciples, where he said that one shall betray him, and Peter will deny him 3 times written in Matthew 26:17-35. The First Communion at the Passover Feast of the Unleavened Bread Matthew 26:26-30 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 26. And while they were dining, Yeshua took bread and blessed it and broke it and gave it to his disciples and said, “Take eat. This is my body.” 27. And he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them and said, “Take drink from it all of you. 28. This is my blood of the renewed covenant, which for the sake of many is shed for the forgiveness of sins. 29. And I say to you that I will not drink this fruit of the vine from now on until the day in which I drink it anew with you in the Kingdom of my Father, El Shaddai 30. And they offered praise and went out to the Mount of Olives. After the Passover feast Rabbi Yeshua and his disciples went out to the mount of Olives and Gethsemane where he was arrested written in Matthew 26:36-56, Luke 22:7-23. After Rabbi Yeshua was arrested he was taken to the court of the Jews in Matthew 26:57-68, and in the morning at about 6:00am he was taken before Pilate in Matthew 27:1-2 shortly thereafter Judas commits suicide and was betrayed by Peter his disciple. Rabbi Yeshua was then taken before the people where they betrayed him and wanted Barabbas a murderer rather than Rabbi Yeshua in Matthew 27:15-31. As soon as Pilate heard that he was a Galilean and a Nazarene he was sent to Governor Herod (not Herod the great) where he was mocked, and his clothes were rent (torn) and sent back to Pilate in Luke 23:1-12. In the evening the day changed to 16 Nisan – Thursday 15 Nisan. He was sent to Governor Herod in the capital city of Tiberias, Galilee along the Sea of Galilee near the Jordan River. It would have taken them most of the day to go to where the Governor was at in Galilee and then throughout the night back to Jerusalem in the morning of Thursday. No Sleep. An extremely brutal “death march” where Rabbi Yeshua would have been extremely beaten, bloody, barely able to walk and extremely exhausted by the time he got back to Jerusalem, Thursday morning, 16 Nisan. Day 5: 16 Nisan - Thursday – Crucifixion – Day 1 in Paradise Rabbi Yeshua was beaten again from the morning until mid-day at about 12:00pm noon, where he was placed on the cross and crucified in Matthew 27:32-56, and in Luke 23:26-49. Yeshua’s Body was placed in the tomb before nightfall as the burial needed to occur before Sabbath or Sabbat occurred at sundown (6:00pm), however the burial rights were not conducted as they ran out of time before the Passover Sabbath occurred and was just laid in the tomb. Rabbi Yeshua hanging on the cross An inscription was written and place by a Roman Soldier (possible a Centurion) which was written over him in Greek, Roman (Latin), and in Hebrew which translated into English read “This is the King of the Jews” and the English translation of the Hebrew which read “This is the King of the Yehudeans” meaning King of the Judeans or King of the Jews. Luke 23:38 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 38. And there was also an inscription that was written over him in Greek and Roman and Hebrew, “This is the King of the Yehudeans.” (Judeans or Jews) Rabbi Yeshua hung on the cross from the 6th hour which means a time of day which in the Roman time is 1200pm (Noon) until 1:00pm and hung there until the 9th Hour which is 3:00pm until 4:00pm. The Temple of God had draped cloths hanging and in the midst (middle) of the Temple where at the time of Rabbi Yeshua’s death, supernaturally the sun was darkened, a great earthquake occurred where the rocks were torn apart (possible the Earth opened up known as a Fissure), the veil that was hanging in the midst of the 2nd Temple (drapery or draped cloth) was rent (torn) in the middle from the top to the bottom supernaturally by El Shaddai as He cried and wept aloud. Tears must have streamed from His face. His Emotions must have been horrific that all of Heaven not only heard Him but they must have felt his cries. Luke 23:44-45 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 44. And about six hours had passed and darkness was over all the land until the ninth hour. 45. And the sun darkened and the veil of the temple was torn from its middle. Matthew 27:50-51Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 50. Then again Yeshua cried out with a loud voice and gave up his spirit. 51. And immediately, the curtains at the door of the temple were torn in two from the top to the bottom. And the earth was shaken and the rocks were split. Rabbi Yeshua went to Paradise or the "Bosom of Abraham" (Avraham) which it refers to the place of comfort in the Biblical Sheol where the righteous dead await Judgment Day. Rabbi Yeshua to remove all those righteous into the New Paradise in Heaven, thus ending the Biblical Sheol. The Messiah Yeshua said he will go there for 3 days and on the 3rd day he will rise. Yeshua went into “Paradise” which although similar to where Hell is at, it is entirely a different place next to it, because Hell is a place of torment where Paradise is not, but it is a place of utopia or utter bliss with the Rabbi Yeshua and on the 3rd day Paradise was moved into Heaven. In the evening the day changed to 17 Nisan Day 6: 17 Nisan - Friday – Day 2 in Paradise - Passover Sabbath or Pesach Shabbat - Leviticus 23:4-8 The burial rights were not able to be conducted by Jewish law on the Sabbath. The oil and herbs were prepared in the evening of Friday on the 17 Nisan which was the evening of Thursday immediately after Rabbi Yeshua was Crucified when the day changed to the 17 Nisan Friday. This day was the Passover Sabbath and was prepared before the weekly Sabbath occurred and the 18 Nisan in the evening (6:00pm). The days leading up to Palm Sunday a woman anointed Rabbi Yeshua with the burial rights of anointing with oil and herbs. This is why he was not given the burial rights immediately after his death on the cross, because it was already given to him. Matthew 26 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 7. A woman approached him who had with her an alabaster vase of ointment which was a very precious perfume, and she poured it upon the head of Rabbi Yeshua while he was reclining. 8. And his Talmidim (Disciples) saw and it displeased them, and they said, “Why this waste?” 9. For it was able that this be sold for much money and it be given to the poor. 10. But Rabbi Yeshua knew this and said to them, “Why are you troubling the woman, for she has done a good deed for me. 11. For you will always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me. 12. But the one who poured this perfume upon my body, she did it as though for my burial. In the evening the day changed to 18 Nisan Day 7: 18 Nisan - Saturday – Day 3 in Paradise - Regular Sabbath or Weekly Shabbat - Leviticus 23:1-3 The burial rights were not able to be conducted by Jewish law on the Sabbath. In the evening the day changed to 19 Nisan Day 8: 19 Nisan - Resurrection Sunday When it became evening on Saturday (6:00pm) when the day changed after the Sabbath on Saturday to Sunday evening according to the Hebrew Calendar, Maryam, the other Maryam came to the tomb to give the burial rights and the anointing of oil and herbs according to Jewish law and found the tomb open. Matthew 27:52-53 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 52. And the tombs were opened and many bodies of the Set Apart Holy believers who were asleep arose, 53. And went out. And after his resurrection, they entered into the Set Apart [Holy] city (Jerusalem) and were seen by many. Today we already have prepared olive oil which is called Extra Virgin Olive Oil. After the preparation of the olive oil, it was prayed over in compliance to Jewish law and cannot ever be used for cooking, only for holy ceremonies in compliance with Judaism. Once prayed over it cannot be used for cooking in the Hebrew and Christian beliefs to be used only as anointing oil. On the 19th Day of Nisan, in the evening of Saturday night when the day changed to Sunday after 6:00pm, Maryam of the city of Magdalene, Joanna, Maryam the mother of James, and other women went to the tomb where Rabbi Yeshua was placed to give him the burial rights and administering the oils and herbs to find the stone had been rolled away and his body was missing. Rabbi Yeshua was never given these burial rights after the crucifixion because it was already given to him. Maryam of the city of Magdalene entered the tomb where she did not find him but saw two Cherubim Messenger Angels standing at the place where Rabbi Yeshua was laid. One at the head and one at the foot to represent the living ark of the covenant. Later Rabbi Yeshua appeared standing before her. You can further read about the events while at the tomb in Matthew 27:57-66, Matthew 28:1-15, and Luke 24:1-12. Matthew 28:1. Now in the closing (11th Hour: evening of Saturday*) of the Shabbat (Sabbath), as the first of the week was dawning (6:00pm Sunday), came Maryam of Magdala and the other Maryam that they might see the grave. Luke 24:54-55 54. And the day was ending and the (Annual) Shabbat (Sabbath) was closing. (11th Hour: evening of Saturday*) 55. And those women who came with him from Galeela were drawing near, and they saw the tomb, and how his body had been placed. *This is talking about the 11th Hour of daylight in the evening of the Sabbath Saturday and is from 5:00pm to 5:59pm. Then the day changed to the first day of the week Sunday at 6:00pm when the 1st Hour of night began of the New Day. Each day is divided into 12 hours of night and 12 hours of day. The Affirmation of the Yeshua -- Sign in the Heavens: Four Blood Moons or Tetrad Blood Moons Acts of the Shlichim (Acts) 2:19-20 Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) 19. And I will cause signs in heaven and mighty deeds upon the earth: blood, and fire, and columns of smoke, 20. the sun will be changed into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of Master YHVH. Every 50 years since the Last Supper, Crucifixion, and Resurrection -- God has placed a Sign in the Heavens to commemorate the event of the Messiah Yeshua’s Birth and the Death. Some call this a Jubilation Year however the Jubilation was stopped when the 2nd Temple was destroyed and we no not when it was, which is one of the reasons why they want the 3rd Temple built, to restart the Jubilation each 50 years thereafter, however there is no indication of a 3rd Temple in the Bible. During the SUKKOT (Succos) Feast of Tabernacles on the 15th day of the month of Tishri we celebrate the Birth of Yeshua, and During the PASSOVER Feast of the Unleavened Bread (Exodus from Egypt) on the 15th day of the month of Nissan we celebrate the Last Supper of Yeshua. These 4 Blood Red Moons or Tetrad Blood Red Moons will always be the “SIGN” on or about these dates according to the Hebrew Calendar. The Hebrew or Jewish Calendar never changes only the Roman Calendar as we use today does. In Conclusion There is more about these events listed in the New Testament or Brit Chadashah (New Covenant). The Resurrection Day must comply with the Passover or Pesach Holiday as listed above otherwise it is not the true date and you are living a lie. Easter is a pagan holiday of the Roman Empire Catholic Church of the goddess Inanna or Ishtar and should not be celebrated as the Resurrection Day. Christmas December 25th is a pagan holiday of the Roman Empire Catholic Church of the god of Saturn or the god Saturnalia and should not be celebrated as the Birth of Yeshua. Jesus is a pagan name and is linked to the pagan Greek Mythological god Iesous and the Roman Mythological god in Latin is Iesus which means “Hail Zeus”. Christ means in Latin “The Anointed”, so when you say “Jesus Christ” you are actually saying “Hail Zeus, the Anointed”. This is not what Yeshua means. Immanuel, Emmanuel, Ammanuel, and Yehoshua (Yeshua) all mean the same thing “Our El (God) is with us”. This is talking about the Reminiscent of God the Father within Yeshua. The dates above are precise and affirmed by God’s Sign in the Heavens the 4 Blood Moons. The Hebrew or Jewish Calendar never changes only the Roman Calendar as we use today does where Hashem uses the Hebrew Calendar as His Time, as God is Time. If Kristyane or Kristianay (Christians) today would have used the Hebrew Calendar and Judaism especially when it comes to Bible Prophecy, they’re would not be disagreements or much lessor disagreements. The correct interpretation in the Brit Chadashah is the word “Messianic” not Kristyane, Kristianay, or Christian, however what the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church did was create a new religion called Christian. They took the word “Messianic” and changed it to “Christian” which does not mean the same and is not what the original scrolls says. Today the Roman Empire influences still live today within the Roman Catholic Church also known as the Religious Roman Empire or Revived Roman Empire which also rewrote the Christian Religion and rewrote the Bible which is a violation of Revelation 22:18-19. This is why the Roman Catholic Church is the Harlot of Babylon and it’s Babylon System is the Christian Bible as described in Revelation 17- 18.
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