Pure Faith by M. Eichhorst “Now faith is the assurance of the things that are in hope as if they were in actual reality. Faith is also the manifesting of the things that are still invisible”. Hebrews 11:1 All religions are the “faith of mankind” and not necessarily of the “faith of El Shaddai (God Almighty) with His Son Yeshua HaMashiach (Yeshua the Messiah). Mankind over the thousands of years has tried to interpret what God said and has placed Religious Practices which many times contradict what God said. Only through prayer with El Shaddai can we truly know what he has for our faith. We must first ask God to tell us the truth even if it contradicts what we have believed in the past to restructure us to the true meaning from El Shaddai. This may take months if not years through prayer in order for El Shaddai to reveal unto us his truth, not our truth. If you are not willing to change then God will let you believe what you want to believe and this may not be God’s truth and faith. Pure Faith can only come from God and is the manifestation of El Shaddai in our lives where El Shaddai came unto mankind to write the Bible (the Tanach and the Brit Chadashah). Pure Faith is from “Adonai El Shaddai’s Pure Faith” for all Jews and Goyim; One God, One Son of God, One Pure Language, and One Pure Faith, which is translated into the Hebrew Beliefs for the entire world to include Jews and Goyim (non-Jews) and is according to the Beliefs of El Shaddai (God Almighty) with his Mashiach (Messiah), as mentioned in the Bible, but not from any denominational beliefs. I hold the belief according to the Bible especially Ephesians chapter 4 and Pure Faith was translated into the Hebrew Faith after the languages and faith was changed at the Tower of Bavel, (not Judaism or not Christianity or not others) and we hold the belief that all those which wrote the Tanach, and the Brit Chadashah were all Hebrew. All languages and faith today came from the Pure Language and Pure Faith from the beginning of time. The Bible is the Tanach (Old Covenant) and the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) which was written in Hebrew then translated into Aramaic then translated into English, other translations in Latin, and Greek, then translated into English (ex: Christian Bible) have false thing in it. Today all Aramaic (not Arabic) that was written in the Bible is Hebrew today and is for the entire world, as El Shaddai intended. It is sad that we had to leave the Pure Language for all the Languages in the world today. Who is God? God is one God and there is no other. He goes by many names; Ehyeh Aser Ehyeh in Hebrew which means “I am that I am”. Other names are; God, God the Father, Hashem, YHVH, YHWH, Jehovah, El, Eloah, El Shaddai, Adonai (LORD [all caps]). Elohim is a Aramaic name for God but is a misrepresentation and a mistranslation of who God is. It applies to the meaning of more than one, however God is only one so therefore Elohim is a name which is an oxymoron and should never be used to describe God. Yeshua is not God. El Shaddai in Hebrew means “God Almighty”. Adonai in Hebrew means “LORD [all caps]”. Adonai El Shaddai in Hebrew means “LORD God Almighty”. **Any of these names do not have the same meaning for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Yeshua the Messiah) which is not God. YHVH in Hebrew and YHWH in Aramaic (which today is Hebrew) is pronounced “Yahweh” and is a pronunciation of the word but not an actual word in both languages which is not a name for Yeshua. Who is the Messiah? The Messiah was born “Yehoshua Ben Yosef” which means “Yehoshua Son of Joseph”. Yehoshua, Immanuel, Emmanuel, and Ammanuel all have the same meaning which is “Our El is with us” or “Our God is with us”. The Shortened name for “Yehoshua” is “Yeshua” not Jesus. He is the Son of God and God’s “Mashiach” which means “Messiah” not Christ and as such cannot be God. If he were God than that would be a violation of “Ha Mitzvot” which means “The Commandments”. The Messiah is the Head of all God’s Creation. He has the Power and Authority of El Shaddai. “Our God is with us” refers to the reminiscent of God, not that the Messiah is God, but he is reminiscent of God. Who is the Holy Spirit? Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew means “The Holy Spirit” or “The Set Apart Holy Spirit” and is El Shaddai (God Almighty) for He is Spirit and does not have a human body unlike the Spirit of the Messiah. The Holy Spirit or God is always “Set Apart”. The Hebrew “Kodesh” or “Kadosh” is often mistranslated as "holy" and should have the original meaning as “Set Apart”. However, I like to refer to it as “Set Apart Holy”. The principles of the meaning are revealed throughout YHVH's instructions in the Torah, the Mashiach and the Talmidim (Disciples) who call upon all true Believers to establish Set Apart lifestyles and have the Torah written upon their heart. El Shaddai or Ruach HaKodesh appeared unto Maryam and placed into her womb (conception) a child to be the Messiah unto the world. He has appeared unto mankind as a “Spiritual Dove” descending from Heaven when Rav Yochanan Ha Matbil (Rabbi John the immerser) conducted “Ha Mikveh” which means “the immersion” in water for the purification of the faith and/or the cleansing for those entering the Temple of God. The Spirit of HaMashiach is not Ruach HaKodesh, for they are separate. The 7 Spirits of Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) (think of it as 7 parts to the one Spirit) 1) Spirit of El Shaddai (God Almighty) 2) Spirit of Wisdom 3) Spirit of Understanding 4) Spirit of Counsel 5) Spirit of Strength 6) Spirit of Knowledge 7) Spirit of the Fear of El Shaddai Isaiah 11:2. The Spirit of El Shaddai will rest upon him, a Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, a Spirit of Counsel and Strength, a Spirit of Knowledge and Fear of El Shaddai. Revelation 5:6. And I looked, and in the midst of the Elders stood a lamb, as if slain; and it had seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven Spirits of El Shaddai that are sent into all the earth. The Lamb which was slain is the Messiah and he was slain on the cross for our sins. According to El Shaddai’s teachings there is a ritual that a lamb must be slain on the alter before the Temple of God as an offering of redemption unto El Shaddai which sits on the throne. Yeshua HaMashiach became this offering. Who is the Spirit of HaMashiach? The Spirit of HaMashiach is not Ruach HaKodesh for the Spirit of HaMashiach (The Messiah) is Yeshua’s Spirit and as such cannot be El Shaddai. The Spirit of HaMashiach is completely different than Ruach HaKodesh however he is a reminiscent of Ruach HaKodesh. Rav Yehoshua Ben Josef (Rabbi Yeshua, Son of Joseph) is HaMashiach (The Messiah) and is the Son of God. Acts 16:7. When they came into the region of Mysia, they were disposed to go from there into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Yeshua HaMashiach did not permit them. Mysia and Bithynia is Anatolia or Asia (Asia Minor) which is Turkey today. What is Immersion? Immersion (Baptism) is “Ha Mikveh” which means “the immersion” and did not begin with “Rav Yochanan Ha Matbil” (Rabbi John the immerser) as Christianity teaches but this practice was for thousands of years prior to him in the Hebrew Beliefs and Rabbi John was just in compliance with these beliefs on immersion when he Immersed (Baptized) Rav Yehoshua (Rabbi Yeshua). See John the Immerser and the Mikveh. “Immersion” (Baptism) is not sprinkling and must be in acknowledgement of the faith. A young child who is unaware of the faith cannot be Baptized. Ha Mikveh (Immersion/Baptism): Is the acceptance of faith that you will do the things that El Shaddai commanded, and you must do the Ha Mikveh before entering the Temple of God Hashem. This is in addition to a new convert coming to the faith. All those which wrote the Bible were Jewish following the Hebrew Beliefs according to El Shaddai, this includes the Tanach (Old Covenant) and the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant). These first Talmidim (Disciples) and Set Apart Believers of Rabbi Yeshua wrote the Brit Chadashah and were following the “Pure Language and Pure Faith” translated into the Hebrew Beliefs according to El Shaddai. I hold to these first “Pure Faith” beliefs or “El Shaddai’s Faith” beliefs and not of Christianity, Judaism, or not any other. The Christian Cross is a symbol of hatred, torture, and murder from the Roman Republic (c.509BCE – c.27BCE), then the Roman Empire (c.27BCE – c.476CE) and then the Religious Roman Empire (Roman Catholic Church c.313CE to present) (First Council of Nicaea in c.325CE murder authorized by the Church) which is 2,537+ years of Roman Occupation in the world. [changing its name does not change who and what they are as described in Revelation 17-18] The Roman Empire’s Religious Practices et al, will never be used by me, as I have denounced all Christian Religions which use the Christian Bible and its Religious Practices as “Wrong Doctrines” (Ephesians 4:14) which are “full of the names of blasphemy” (Revelation 17:3). I use the Tanach and the Brit Chadashah Hebrew/Aramaic Bible and have chosen the Pure Faith from Adonai El Shaddai.
Pure Faith by M. Eichhorst “Now faith is the assurance of the things that are in hope as if they were in actual reality. Faith is also the manifesting of the things that are still invisible”. Hebrews 11:1 All religions are the “faith of mankind” and not necessarily of the “faith of El Shaddai (God Almighty) with His Son Yeshua HaMashiach (Yeshua the Messiah). Mankind over the thousands of years has tried to interpret what God said and has placed Religious Practices which many times contradict what God said. Only through prayer with El Shaddai can we truly know what he has for our faith. We must first ask God to tell us the truth even if it contradicts what we have believed in the past to restructure us to the true meaning from El Shaddai. This may take months if not years through prayer in order for El Shaddai to reveal unto us his truth, not our truth. If you are not willing to change then God will let you believe what you want to believe and this may not be God’s truth and faith. Pure Faith can only come from God and is the manifestation of El Shaddai in our lives where El Shaddai came unto mankind to write the Bible (the Tanach and the Brit Chadashah). Pure Faith is from “Adonai El Shaddai’s Pure Faith” for all Jews and Goyim; One God, One Son of God, One Pure Language, and One Pure Faith, which is translated into the Hebrew Beliefs for the entire world to include Jews and Goyim (non-Jews) and is according to the Beliefs of El Shaddai (God Almighty) with his Mashiach (Messiah), as mentioned in the Bible, but not from any denominational beliefs. I hold the belief according to the Bible especially Ephesians chapter 4 and Pure Faith was translated into the Hebrew Faith after the languages and faith was changed at the Tower of Bavel, (not Judaism or not Christianity or not others) and we hold the belief that all those which wrote the Tanach, and the Brit Chadashah were all Hebrew. All languages and faith today came from the Pure Language and Pure Faith from the beginning of time. The Bible is the Tanach (Old Covenant) and the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) which was written in Hebrew then translated into Aramaic then translated into English, other translations in Latin, and Greek, then translated into English (ex: Christian Bible) have false thing in it. Today all Aramaic (not Arabic) that was written in the Bible is Hebrew today and is for the entire world, as El Shaddai intended. It is sad that we had to leave the Pure Language for all the Languages in the world today. Who is God? God is one God and there is no other. He goes by many names; Ehyeh Aser Ehyeh in Hebrew which means “I am that I am”. Other names are; God, God the Father, Hashem, YHVH, YHWH, Jehovah, El, Eloah, El Shaddai, Adonai (LORD [all caps]). Elohim is a Aramaic name for God but is a misrepresentation and a mistranslation of who God is. It applies to the meaning of more than one, however God is only one so therefore Elohim is a name which is an oxymoron and should never be used to describe God. Yeshua is not God. El Shaddai in Hebrew means “God Almighty”. Adonai in Hebrew means “LORD [all caps]”. Adonai El Shaddai in Hebrew means “LORD God Almighty”. **Any of these names do not have the same meaning for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Yeshua the Messiah) which is not God. YHVH in Hebrew and YHWH in Aramaic (which today is Hebrew) is pronounced “Yahweh” and is a pronunciation of the word but not an actual word in both languages which is not a name for Yeshua. Who is the Messiah? The Messiah was born “Yehoshua Ben Yosef” which means “Yehoshua Son of Joseph”. Yehoshua, Immanuel, Emmanuel, and Ammanuel all have the same meaning which is “Our El is with us” or “Our God is with us”. The Shortened name for “Yehoshua” is “Yeshua” not Jesus. He is the Son of God and God’s “Mashiach” which means “Messiah” not Christ and as such cannot be God. If he were God than that would be a violation of “Ha Mitzvot” which means “The Commandments”. The Messiah is the Head of all God’s Creation. He has the Power and Authority of El Shaddai. “Our God is with us” refers to the reminiscent of God, not that the Messiah is God, but he is reminiscent of God. Who is the Holy Spirit? Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew means “The Holy Spirit” or “The Set Apart Holy Spirit” and is El Shaddai (God Almighty) for He is Spirit and does not have a human body unlike the Spirit of the Messiah. The Holy Spirit or God is always “Set Apart”. The Hebrew “Kodesh” or “Kadosh” is often mistranslated as "holy" and should have the original meaning as “Set Apart”. However, I like to refer to it as “Set Apart Holy”. The principles of the meaning are revealed throughout YHVH's instructions in the Torah, the Mashiach and the Talmidim (Disciples) who call upon all true Believers to establish Set Apart lifestyles and have the Torah written upon their heart. El Shaddai or Ruach HaKodesh appeared unto Maryam and placed into her womb (conception) a child to be the Messiah unto the world. He has appeared unto mankind as a “Spiritual Dove” descending from Heaven when Rav Yochanan Ha Matbil (Rabbi John the immerser) conducted “Ha Mikveh” which means “the immersion” in water for the purification of the faith and/or the cleansing for those entering the Temple of God. The Spirit of HaMashiach is not Ruach HaKodesh, for they are separate. The 7 Spirits of Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) (think of it as 7 parts to the one Spirit) 1) Spirit of El Shaddai (God Almighty) 2) Spirit of Wisdom 3) Spirit of Understanding 4) Spirit of Counsel 5) Spirit of Strength 6) Spirit of Knowledge 7) Spirit of the Fear of El Shaddai Isaiah 11:2. The Spirit of El Shaddai will rest upon him, a Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, a Spirit of Counsel and Strength, a Spirit of Knowledge and Fear of El Shaddai. Revelation 5:6. And I looked, and in the midst of the Elders stood a lamb, as if slain; and it had seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven Spirits of El Shaddai that are sent into all the earth. The Lamb which was slain is the Messiah and he was slain on the cross for our sins. According to El Shaddai’s teachings there is a ritual that a lamb must be slain on the alter before the Temple of God as an offering of redemption unto El Shaddai which sits on the throne. Yeshua HaMashiach became this offering. Who is the Spirit of HaMashiach? The Spirit of HaMashiach is not Ruach HaKodesh for the Spirit of HaMashiach (The Messiah) is Yeshua’s Spirit and as such cannot be El Shaddai. The Spirit of HaMashiach is completely different than Ruach HaKodesh however he is a reminiscent of Ruach HaKodesh. Rav Yehoshua Ben Josef (Rabbi Yeshua, Son of Joseph) is HaMashiach (The Messiah) and is the Son of God. Acts 16:7. When they came into the region of Mysia, they were disposed to go from there into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Yeshua HaMashiach did not permit them. Mysia and Bithynia is Anatolia or Asia (Asia Minor) which is Turkey today. What is Immersion? Immersion (Baptism) is “Ha Mikveh” which means “the immersion” and did not begin with “Rav Yochanan Ha Matbil” (Rabbi John the immerser) as Christianity teaches but this practice was for thousands of years prior to him in the Hebrew Beliefs and Rabbi John was just in compliance with these beliefs on immersion when he Immersed (Baptized) Rav Yehoshua (Rabbi Yeshua). See John the Immerser and the Mikveh. “Immersion” (Baptism) is not sprinkling and must be in acknowledgement of the faith. A young child who is unaware of the faith cannot be Baptized. Ha Mikveh (Immersion/Baptism): Is the acceptance of faith that you will do the things that El Shaddai commanded, and you must do the Ha Mikveh before entering the Temple of God Hashem. This is in addition to a new convert coming to the faith. All those which wrote the Bible were Jewish following the Hebrew Beliefs according to El Shaddai, this includes the Tanach (Old Covenant) and the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant). These first Talmidim (Disciples) and Set Apart Believers of Rabbi Yeshua wrote the Brit Chadashah and were following the “Pure Language and Pure Faith” translated into the Hebrew Beliefs according to El Shaddai. I hold to these first “Pure Faith” beliefs or “El Shaddai’s Faith” beliefs and not of Christianity, Judaism, or not any other. The Christian Cross is a symbol of hatred, torture, and murder from the Roman Republic (c.509BCE – c.27BCE), then the Roman Empire (c.27BCE – c.476CE) and then the Religious Roman Empire (Roman Catholic Church c.313CE to present) (First Council of Nicaea in c.325CE murder authorized by the Church) which is 2,537+ years of Roman Occupation in the world. [changing its name does not change who and what they are as described in Revelation 17-18] The Roman Empire’s Religious Practices et al, will never be used by me, as I have denounced all Christian Religions which use the Christian Bible and its Religious Practices as “Wrong Doctrines” (Ephesians 4:14) which are “full of the names of blasphemy” (Revelation 17:3). I use the Tanach and the Brit Chadashah Hebrew/Aramaic Bible and have chosen the Pure Faith from Adonai El Shaddai.