New Heaven, New Earth, and the Set Apart City, the New Jerusalem by M. Eichhorst And I saw new heavens and a new earth: for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away: and the sea was no more. And I saw the Set Apart city, the New Urishlim, descending from El Shaddai out of heaven, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Revelation 21:1-2 Yochanan (John) saw a vision from El Shaddai (God Almighty) of New Heavens, a New Earth, and the Set Apart City, the New Jerusalem for the former Heavens [plural] and the former Earth [singular] and the former Jerusalem had passed away and there were no more seas. And he saw the Set Apart Holy City, which is the New Jerusalem descending from the El Shaddai out of Heaven which was prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Revelation 21 1. And I saw new heavens and a new earth: for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away: and the sea was no more. 2. And I saw the Set Apart (Holy) city, the New Urishlim (Jerusalem), descending from El Shaddai out of heaven, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Imagine a World without evil Today we see so much evil in the world that it is hard to believe that it will all be gone, and a New Heaven and a New Earth will decend upon this earth, but that is exactly what was told to us in El Shaddai’s Word. Adonai El Shaddai (LORD God Almighty) will take control of this world and there will be no more need for the sun and the moon, as the light which shines will be a Holy light from the Father El Shaddai and His Mashiach (Messiah) which is Yeshua the Sacrificial Lamb Slain for the forgiveness of our sins. Revelation 21 3. And I heard a great voice from heaven, which said: “Behold, the tabernacle of Elohim is with men; and he dwells with them: they will be his people; and Elohim will be with them, an Elohim to them. 4. And every tear will be wiped from their eyes; and there will no more be death, nor mourning, nor wailing; nor will pain be any more; because the former things are passed away.” The Temple of El Shaddai on Earth 5. And He who sat on the throne, said: “Behold, I make all things new.” And he said: “Write; ‘because these are the faithful and true Words of El Shaddai.’” 6. And he said to me: “I am Alef and the Tav, the Beginning and the Completion: to him who thirsts, will I give of the fountain of living water, freely. 7. He that overcomes will inherit these things; and I will be his El Shaddai, and he will be my son. 8. But to the timid and the unbelieving, and to the sinful and polluted, and to manslayers and sexual sinners, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and to all false persons, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” El Shaddai made it clear that “the bride” is “the wife” of “the Lamb” which is the Set Apart Holy city of Jerusalem descending from Heaven from El Shaddai. Many people have this wrong thinking that the bride is the church, and we are the church, however it clearly indicates “the bride” is “the wife” of “the Lamb” which is the Set Apart Holy city of Jerusalem and the Lamb, the Slain Sacrificial Lamb is for the forgiveness of our sins and is Yeshua HaMashiach (Yeshua the Messiah). To better understand the Temple of El Shaddai you must understand that there needs to be a sacrificial lamb to be slaughtered on the alter and given up to El Shaddai as an offering. This is why the Lamb of El Shaddai is His Son Yeshua HaMashiach, the one who died for our sins. The Set Apart Holy city on Earth will look like Many people have this wrong thinking this is a description of Heaven when in fact is a description of the Set Apart City of Jerusalem on Earth. 9. And there came one of those seven Messengers who have the seven cups filled with the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying: “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” 10. And he bore me away in the spirit to a mountain great and high, and he showed me the Set Apart city, Urishlim, descending out of heaven from El Shaddai; 11. in which was the glory of El Shaddai, as a brilliant light, and resembling a very precious gem; like a jasper stone, resembling crystal. 12. And it had a wall great and lofty, which had twelve gates, and names inscribed on them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. 13. On the east, three gates; on the north, three gates; (on the south, three gates; and on the west, three gates). 14. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and upon them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. 15. And he that talked with me had a measure, a golden reed; so that he could measure the city and its gates, and its wall. 16. And the city stood up four square; and its length was the same as its breadth. And he measured the city with the reed to twelve furlongs of twelve thousand; and the length and the breadth and the height of it were (all) equal. 17. And he measured its wall, a hundred and forty and four measures of the cubits of a man, that is, of the Messenger. The 12 Walls of the New Set Apart city of Jerusalem on Earth 18. And the structure of its wall (was of) jasper; and the city was of pure gold, like pure glass. 19. And the foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every precious stone. The first foundation, a jasper; the second, a sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; 20. the fifth, a sardonyx; the sixth, a sardius; the seventh, a chrysolite; the eighth, a beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. (the First) Jasper, an aggregate of microgranular quartz and/or chalcedony and other mineral phases, is an opaque, impure variety of silica, usually red, yellow, brown, or green in color; and ra blue. The common red color is due to iron inclusions. Jasper breaks with a smooth surface and is used for ornamentation or as a gemstone. (the Second) Sapphire is a precious gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum, consisting of aluminium oxide with trace amounts of elements such as iron, titanium, chromium, vanadium, or magnesium. The name sapphire is derived from the Latin "saphirus" and the Greek "sapheiros", both of which mean blue. (the Third) Chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline form of silica, composed of very fine intergrowths of quartz and moganite. These are both silica minerals, but they differ in that quartz has a trigonal crystal structure, while moganite is monoclinic. Chalcedony's standard chemical structure (based on the chemical structure of quartz) is SiO2 (silicon dioxide). Chalcedony has a waxy luster and may be semitransparent or translucent. It can assume a wide range of colors, but those most commonly seen are white to gray, grayish-blue or a shade of brown ranging from pale to nearly black. (the Fourth) Emerald is a gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl (Be3Al2(SiO3)6) colored green by trace amounts of chromium and/or sometimes vanadium. Beryl has a hardness of 7.5–8 on the Mohs scale. Most emeralds are highly included, so their toughness (resistance to breakage) is classified as generally poor. Emerald is a cyclosilicate. (the Fifth) Sardonyx is Onyx primarily refers to the parallel banded variety of the silicate mineral chalcedony. Agate and onyx are both varieties of layered chalcedony that differ only in the form of the bands: agate has curved bands and onyx has parallel bands. The colors of its bands range from black to almost every color. Commonly, specimens of onyx contain bands of black and/or white. Onyx, as a descriptive term, has also been applied to parallel banded varieties of alabaster, marble, calcite, obsidian and opal, and misleadingly to materials with contorted banding, such as "Cave Onyx" and "Mexican Onyx". (the Sixth) Sardius is a red precious stone mentioned in the Bible (e.g., Exod. 28:17) and in classical writings, probably ruby or carnelian. Sardius (or Sard) A precious stone that is a variety of cornelian, varying in color from pale yellow to reddish orange. According to ancient tradition, it is an antidote to the onyx. (the Seventh) Chrysolite is the seventh precious stone, mentioned in the Bible, used to create the foundation of God's New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:20). Chrysolite (noun); chrysolites (plural noun) a yellowish-green or brownish variety of olivine, used as a gemstone. (the Eighth) Beryl (noun); beryls (plural noun)a transparent pale green, blue, or yellow mineral consisting of a silicate of beryllium and aluminum, sometimes used as a gemstone. Beryl (/ˈbɛrəl/ BERR-əl) is a mineral composed of beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate with the chemical formula Be₃Al₂Si₆O₁₈. Well-known varieties of beryl include emerald and aquamarine. Naturally occurring, hexagonal crystals of beryl can be up to several meters in size, but terminated crystals are relatively rare. Pure beryl is colorless, but it is frequently tinted by impurities; possible colors are green, blue, yellow, and red (the rarest). Beryl can also be black in color. It is an ore source of beryllium. (the Ninth) Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine with the chemical formula Al₂SiO₂. It is used as a gemstone in jewelry and other adornments. Common topaz in its natural state is colorless, though trace element impurities can make it pale blue, golden brown to yellow orange. Topaz is often treated with heat, or radiation to make it a deep blue, reddish-orange, pale green, pink, or purple. Although it is often associated with golden yellow and blue, it comes in a variety of colors, including colorless. The rarest are natural pinks, reds and delicate golden oranges, sometimes with pink hues. (the Tenth) Chrysoprase, chrysophrase or chrysoprasus is a gemstone variety of chalcedony that contains small quantities of nickel. Its color is normally apple-green but varies to deep green. (the Eleventh) Jacinth or hyacinth is a yellow-red to red-brown variety of zircon used as a gemstone. In Exodus 28:19, one of the precious stones set into the hoshen is called, in Hebrew, leshem, with jacinth seems to have been popularised by Martin Luther, who may in turn have been following a fourth-century tradition. In Revelation 21:20, one of the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem is hyacinth (Greek: hyakinthos). However, Strong's Concordance and Thayer's Greek Lexicon describe this as a stone of the colour of the hyacinth plant, i.e. dark blue. The stone intended may be the sapphire. In Revelation 9:17, the word appears in adjective form (hyakinthinous, "hyacinthine"); this, again, is thought to be descriptive of a blue or purple colour, with no reference to the modern jacinth stone (the Twelfth) Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. The name comes from the Koine Greek αμέθυστος amethystos from α- a-, "not" and μεθύσκω methysko / μεθώ metho, "intoxicate", a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. Ancient Greeks wore amethyst and carved drinking vessels from it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. Amethyst, a semiprecious stone, is often used in jewelry and is the traditional birthstone for February. The 12 Gates of the 12 Walls of the New Set Apart city of Jerusalem on Earth 21. And the twelve gates (were) twelve pearls; each (pearl) one gate, and each (gate) one pearl: and the broad street of the city was pure gold, like brilliant glass. 22. And I saw no temple in it; for Master YHVH Almighty (El Shaddai – God Almighty) is its temple, and the Lamb (Yeshua HaMashiach – Yeshua the Messiah). The word spelling of YHVH is pronounced Yah-veh. Yah-veh is not a word only a pronunciation of the word in Hebrew. The word spelling YHWH is pronounced Yah-weh and not a word only a pronunciation of the word in Aramaic. No More Sun to give light for the day or Moon to give light for the night. The light will be the glory of El Shaddai (God Almighty) and the Lamb is the Lamps of it. 23. And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to enlighten it; for the glory of El Shaddai enlightens it, and the Lamb is the lamps of it. 24. And the nations that were saved will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory and the wealth of the nations into it. 25. And its gates will not be shut by day; for there is no night there. 26. And they will bring the glory and honor of the nations into it. 27. And there will not enter it anything polluted, or that practices impurity and falsehood; but they who are registered in the Lamb’s book of life. __________
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New Heaven, New Earth, and the Set Apart City, the New Jerusalem by M. Eichhorst And I saw new heavens and a new earth: for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away: and the sea was no more. And I saw the Set Apart city, the New Urishlim, descending from El Shaddai out of heaven, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Revelation 21:1-2 Yochanan (John) saw a vision from El Shaddai (God Almighty) of New Heavens, a New Earth, and the Set Apart City, the New Jerusalem for the former Heavens [plural] and the former Earth [singular] and the former Jerusalem had passed away and there were no more seas. And he saw the Set Apart Holy City, which is the New Jerusalem descending from the El Shaddai out of Heaven which was prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Revelation 21 1. And I saw new heavens and a new earth: for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away: and the sea was no more. 2. And I saw the Set Apart (Holy) city, the New Urishlim (Jerusalem), descending from El Shaddai out of heaven, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Imagine a World without evil Today we see so much evil in the world that it is hard to believe that it will all be gone, and a New Heaven and a New Earth will decend upon this earth, but that is exactly what was told to us in El Shaddai’s Word. Adonai El Shaddai (LORD God Almighty) will take control of this world and there will be no more need for the sun and the moon, as the light which shines will be a Holy light from the Father El Shaddai and His Mashiach (Messiah) which is Yeshua the Sacrificial Lamb Slain for the forgiveness of our sins. Revelation 21 3. And I heard a great voice from heaven, which said: “Behold, the tabernacle of Elohim is with men; and he dwells with them: they will be his people; and Elohim will be with them, an Elohim to them. 4. And every tear will be wiped from their eyes; and there will no more be death, nor mourning, nor wailing; nor will pain be any more; because the former things are passed away.” The Temple of El Shaddai on Earth 5. And He who sat on the throne, said: “Behold, I make all things new.” And he said: “Write; ‘because these are the faithful and true Words of El Shaddai.’” 6. And he said to me: “I am Alef and the Tav, the Beginning and the Completion: to him who thirsts, will I give of the fountain of living water, freely. 7. He that overcomes will inherit these things; and I will be his El Shaddai, and he will be my son. 8. But to the timid and the unbelieving, and to the sinful and polluted, and to manslayers and sexual sinners, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and to all false persons, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” El Shaddai made it clear that “the bride” is “the wife” of “the Lamb” which is the Set Apart Holy city of Jerusalem descending from Heaven from El Shaddai. Many people have this wrong thinking that the bride is the church, and we are the church, however it clearly indicates “the bride” is “the wife” of “the Lamb” which is the Set Apart Holy city of Jerusalem and the Lamb, the Slain Sacrificial Lamb is for the forgiveness of our sins and is Yeshua HaMashiach (Yeshua the Messiah). To better understand the Temple of El Shaddai you must understand that there needs to be a sacrificial lamb to be slaughtered on the alter and given up to El Shaddai as an offering. This is why the Lamb of El Shaddai is His Son Yeshua HaMashiach, the one who died for our sins. The Set Apart Holy city on Earth will look like Many people have this wrong thinking this is a description of Heaven when in fact is a description of the Set Apart City of Jerusalem on Earth. 9. And there came one of those seven Messengers who have the seven cups filled with the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying: “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” 10. And he bore me away in the spirit to a mountain great and high, and he showed me the Set Apart city, Urishlim, descending out of heaven from El Shaddai; 11. in which was the glory of El Shaddai, as a brilliant light, and resembling a very precious gem; like a jasper stone, resembling crystal. 12. And it had a wall great and lofty, which had twelve gates, and names inscribed on them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. 13. On the east, three gates; on the north, three gates; (on the south, three gates; and on the west, three gates). 14. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and upon them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. 15. And he that talked with me had a measure, a golden reed; so that he could measure the city and its gates, and its wall. 16. And the city stood up four square; and its length was the same as its breadth. And he measured the city with the reed to twelve furlongs of twelve thousand; and the length and the breadth and the height of it were (all) equal. 17. And he measured its wall, a hundred and forty and four measures of the cubits of a man, that is, of the Messenger. The 12 Walls of the New Set Apart city of Jerusalem on Earth 18. And the structure of its wall (was of) jasper; and the city was of pure gold, like pure glass. 19. And the foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every precious stone. The first foundation, a jasper; the second, a sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; 20. the fifth, a sardonyx; the sixth, a sardius; the seventh, a chrysolite; the eighth, a beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. (the First) Jasper, an aggregate of microgranular quartz and/or chalcedony and other mineral phases, is an opaque, impure variety of silica, usually red, yellow, brown, or green in color; and ra blue. The common red color is due to iron inclusions. Jasper breaks with a smooth surface and is used for ornamentation or as a gemstone. (the Second) Sapphire is a precious gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum, consisting of aluminium oxide with trace amounts of elements such as iron, titanium, chromium, vanadium, or magnesium. The name sapphire is derived from the Latin "saphirus" and the Greek "sapheiros", both of which mean blue. (the Third) Chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline form of silica, composed of very fine intergrowths of quartz and moganite. These are both silica minerals, but they differ in that quartz has a trigonal crystal structure, while moganite is monoclinic. Chalcedony's standard chemical structure (based on the chemical structure of quartz) is SiO2 (silicon dioxide). Chalcedony has a waxy luster and may be semitransparent or translucent. It can assume a wide range of colors, but those most commonly seen are white to gray, grayish-blue or a shade of brown ranging from pale to nearly black. (the Fourth) Emerald is a gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl (Be3Al2(SiO3)6) colored green by trace amounts of chromium and/or sometimes vanadium. Beryl has a hardness of 7.5–8 on the Mohs scale. Most emeralds are highly included, so their toughness (resistance to breakage) is classified as generally poor. Emerald is a cyclosilicate. (the Fifth) Sardonyx is Onyx primarily refers to the parallel banded variety of the silicate mineral chalcedony. Agate and onyx are both varieties of layered chalcedony that differ only in the form of the bands: agate has curved bands and onyx has parallel bands. The colors of its bands range from black to almost every color. Commonly, specimens of onyx contain bands of black and/or white. Onyx, as a descriptive term, has also been applied to parallel banded varieties of alabaster, marble, calcite, obsidian and opal, and misleadingly to materials with contorted banding, such as "Cave Onyx" and "Mexican Onyx". (the Sixth) Sardius is a red precious stone mentioned in the Bible (e.g., Exod. 28:17) and in classical writings, probably ruby or carnelian. Sardius (or Sard) A precious stone that is a variety of cornelian, varying in color from pale yellow to reddish orange. According to ancient tradition, it is an antidote to the onyx. (the Seventh) Chrysolite is the seventh precious stone, mentioned in the Bible, used to create the foundation of God's New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:20). Chrysolite (noun); chrysolites (plural noun) a yellowish-green or brownish variety of olivine, used as a gemstone. (the Eighth) Beryl (noun); beryls (plural noun)a transparent pale green, blue, or yellow mineral consisting of a silicate of beryllium and aluminum, sometimes used as a gemstone. Beryl (/ˈbɛrəl/ BERR-əl) is a mineral composed of beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate with the chemical formula Be₃Al₂Si₆O₁₈. Well-known varieties of beryl include emerald and aquamarine. Naturally occurring, hexagonal crystals of beryl can be up to several meters in size, but terminated crystals are relatively rare. Pure beryl is colorless, but it is frequently tinted by impurities; possible colors are green, blue, yellow, and red (the rarest). Beryl can also be black in color. It is an ore source of beryllium. (the Ninth) Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine with the chemical formula Al₂SiO₂. It is used as a gemstone in jewelry and other adornments. Common topaz in its natural state is colorless, though trace element impurities can make it pale blue, golden brown to yellow orange. Topaz is often treated with heat, or radiation to make it a deep blue, reddish-orange, pale green, pink, or purple. Although it is often associated with golden yellow and blue, it comes in a variety of colors, including colorless. The rarest are natural pinks, reds and delicate golden oranges, sometimes with pink hues. (the Tenth) Chrysoprase, chrysophrase or chrysoprasus is a gemstone variety of chalcedony that contains small quantities of nickel. Its color is normally apple-green but varies to deep green. (the Eleventh) Jacinth or hyacinth is a yellow- red to red-brown variety of zircon used as a gemstone. In Exodus 28:19, one of the precious stones set into the hoshen is called, in Hebrew, leshem, with jacinth seems to have been popularised by Martin Luther, who may in turn have been following a fourth-century tradition. In Revelation 21:20, one of the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem is hyacinth (Greek: hyakinthos). However, Strong's Concordance and Thayer's Greek Lexicon describe this as a stone of the colour of the hyacinth plant, i.e. dark blue. The stone intended may be the sapphire. In Revelation 9:17, the word appears in adjective form (hyakinthinous, "hyacinthine"); this, again, is thought to be descriptive of a blue or purple colour, with no reference to the modern jacinth stone (the Twelfth) Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. The name comes from the Koine Greek αμέθυστος amethystos from α- a-, "not" and μεθύσκω methysko / μεθώ metho, "intoxicate", a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. Ancient Greeks wore amethyst and carved drinking vessels from it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. Amethyst, a semiprecious stone, is often used in jewelry and is the traditional birthstone for February. The 12 Gates of the 12 Walls of the New Set Apart city of Jerusalem on Earth 21. And the twelve gates (were) twelve pearls; each (pearl) one gate, and each (gate) one pearl: and the broad street of the city was pure gold, like brilliant glass. 22. And I saw no temple in it; for Master YHVH Almighty (El Shaddai – God Almighty) is its temple, and the Lamb (Yeshua HaMashiach – Yeshua the Messiah). The word spelling of YHVH is pronounced Yah- veh. Yah-veh is not a word only a pronunciation of the word in Hebrew. The word spelling YHWH is pronounced Yah-weh and not a word only a pronunciation of the word in Aramaic. No More Sun to give light for the day or Moon to give light for the night. The light will be the glory of El Shaddai (God Almighty) and the Lamb is the Lamps of it. 23. And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to enlighten it; for the glory of El Shaddai enlightens it, and the Lamb is the lamps of it. 24. And the nations that were saved will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory and the wealth of the nations into it. 25. And its gates will not be shut by day; for there is no night there. 26. And they will bring the glory and honor of the nations into it. 27. And there will not enter it anything polluted, or that practices impurity and falsehood; but they who are registered in the Lamb’s book of life. __________
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