John the Immerser and the Mikveh by M. Eichhorst And when Yeshua was immersed, he arose at once from the water and heaven was opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of El Shaddai which was descending like a dove, and it came upon him. Matthew 3:16 Yochanan HaMatbil (John the Immerser) Yochanan Ben Zecharya (John the Son of Zachariah) was born Hebrew (Jewish) and was the son of Zachariah, the Kohen (Cohen) meaning “Priest” in the Second Temple of God in Jerusalem and his mother was Elizabeth of the lineage of the Kohen Ahron (Priest Aaron) of Moshe (Moses) for many generations (ex: great, great, great, etc. granddaughter of Aaron) and her Son Yochanan (John) was born in c.5BCE 6 months before Yehoshua Ben Yosef (Yeshua the Son of Joseph) was born. Yochanan was born somewhere in the Month of Nisan and in the Month of the Pesach (Passover) Feast of the Unleavened Bread, and was born in Urishlim, Yehuda (Jerusalem, Judea, Israel). As he grew, he was a reminiscent (mirror image) to the Prophet Eliyahu (Elijah) and later Yochanan (John) became a Rabbi, Rav Yochanan Ben Zecharya (Rabbi John the Son of Zachariah) and was also known as Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the Immerser). Kohen Zachariah was a Priest of the Second Temple. What was Rabbi Yochanan conducting when he Immersed Rabbi Yeshua and the Believers in the Jordan River? What Rabbi John the Son of Zechariah was doing was the Hebrew ritual of the “Mikveh” which is the purification in water ceremony or cleansing ceremony when a new believer which comes to the Hebrew faith. It is also the purification ceremony before entering the temple or a woman before her wedding. The Mikveh began over 1,300 years prior to Rabbi John the Immerser and Rabbi Yeshua. Rabbi John was in compliance with the Hebrew Faith when he Immersed the believers in HaYarden Nahar (the Jordan River). This was a normal practice in the Hebrew Faith and did not begin with Rabbi John the Immerser, however what Rabbi John was doing was the cleansing in faith of the Hebrew Faith of YHVH of HaMashiach (The Messiah) and in the “Mikveh” a pool or bath was immersed with water and in Ruach (Spirit). First Peter 3:20-22. 20. which were formerly disobedient in the days of Noah when the long suffering of El Shaddai commanded an ark to be made, in hope of their repentance; and eight souls only entered into it and were kept alive in the waters*. 21. And you also, by a like figure, are made alive by immersion** and by the resurrection of Yeshua the Mashiach 22. who is taken up to heaven and is on the right hand of El Shaddai and Messengers and authorities, and powers are subject to him. __ * ““Alive in the waters” points to the waters of the Mikveh, the complete immersion into living waters after a soul has repented of sin and agreed to walk in the newness of life (the Kingdom) as offered through Mashiyach… **Immersion – not when you wash your bodies from filth, but when you confess [El Shaddai] with a pure conscience... A common misconception among many Christians is that “baptism” was invented by “John the Baptist,” but of course Jews have been “purifying” themselves with a ritual immersion in water for over 3200 years and at least 1300 years before Y’shua came to Earth as Mashiyach. The synagogue system that arose after the Captivity but before +/- 150 BCE had as one of its key architectural aspects a ritual bath called a “mikveh,” through which the faithful passed prior to entering the service… Rav Shaul exposed counterfeit immersions to illustrate the validity of the resurrection: “Otherwise, what shall they do who are immersed for the dead, if the dead do not rise? Why are they immersed for the dead?” (1 Corinthians 15:29), It is foolish for someone to be immersed on behalf of a dead person because it is the voluntary will of each living soul to live for YHWH and His Mashiyach according to His Word… Once we are immersed into YHWH our Salvation (Y’shua) then the “righteous by faith, shall live” which means living righteous lives and having Torah written upon the heart. As we live from faith to faith, we recognize the development of the spiritual man within us and each Shabbat and Feast day of YHWH we enter in literally to the days of Mashiyach; these are prophetic days within our own generation and our own lives. The physical immersion in water is the first step toward drawing close to YHWH after repentance is made; it is also the first step towards the excitement and joy of living in Mashiyach.” Andrew Gabriel Roth Aramaic English New Testament Bible __ The Mikveh at the Riverbanks of HaYarden Nahar (the Jordan River) where it is believed to be where Yochanan (John) HaMatbil (the Immerser) immersed Rabbi Yeshua. This Mikveh is refreshed with the waters of HaYarden Nahar (the Jordan River). Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority have discovered a Mikveh outside the walls of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, Israel and a passageway leading to the Temple and is dated to around 20-30 C.E. which would have been during the time of Rabbi Yeshua. This is the passageways leading from the Mikveh to the Temple. It is just enough space for one person at a time to walk through to enter the Temple. Rabbi John further said that there will be another that would come (referring to Rabbi Yeshua) which is greater than him and will immerse us with Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) or HaKodesh of El Shaddai (the Spirit of God Almighty). Christianity does not teach this, this way. Christianity further does not teach that Rabbi John the Immerser was the Second (2nd) cousins to Rabbi Yeshua. Rabbi John the Immerser’s mother “Elizabeth” and Rabbi Yeshua’s mother “Maryam (Mary)” were cousins. The Mikveh is an age-old tradition of faith dating back for thousands of years and is where Rabbi John was conducting what is called the “Mikveh”; The Immersion in water for the purification of the faith for new believers (new converts) after confession their sins before El Shaddai. Yochanan’s Parents Luke chapter 1 5. In the days of Herodus the king of Yehuda, there was a certain priest whose name was Zakharyah (Zachariah), from the order of the house of Awiya and his wife from the descended daughters of Ahron (Aaron). Elishwa (Elizabeth) was her name. 6. And both of them were righteous before El Shaddai (God Almighty) and walked in all the Mitzvah (Commandments) and in the righteousness of Master YHVH without blame. 7. But they did not have a son because Elishwa (Elizabeth) was barren, and both of them were many in their days. (over 60 years old). The Messenger Angel Gabriel appeared to Zachariah the Priest inside the Temple Luke chapter 1 8. And it came to pass while he was serving as priest in the order of his ministry before El Shaddai (God Almighty), 9. In the custom of the priesthood, it was his turn to place the incense. And he entered into the temple of Master YHVH. The word spelled YHVH is pronounced Yah-Veh in Hebrew, and the word spelled YHWH is pronounced Yah-Weh in Aramaic. The Yah-Veh (Yah-Weh) word was created by the Roman Empire and is not a word in Hebrew or in Aramaic, but a pronunciation of the word. This is a misconception and wrong doctrine in Greek, Latin, and English Christianity. Master YHVH is in reference to Adonai El Shaddai (LORD God Almighty). YHVH of HaMashiach is in reference to the Messiah, Yeshua. 10. And all the crowds of the people would pray outside at the time of the incense. 11. And a Messenger (Angel) of Master YHVH appeared to Zakharyah (Zachariah) who stood at the right of the altar of incense. 12. When Zakharyah (Zachariah) saw him he was dumbfounded (amazed), and fear fell upon him. 13. And the Messenger (Angel) said to him, “Do not have fear because your prayer has been heard and your wife, Elishwa (Elizabeth), will bear you a son, and you will call his name “Yochanan”. 14. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. 15. For he will be great before Master YHVH (God). And he will not drink strong drink and wine, and he will be filled with the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) while he is in the womb of his mother. 16. And many of the sons of Israel he will turn to Master YHVH their El Shaddai (God Almighty). 17. And he will go before Him in the spirit and in the might of Eliyahu (Elijah) the prophet, that he might turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and those that are not obedient to the knowledge of the just, and he will prepare a perfect people for Master YHVH.” The Power and Authority given to the Messenger Gabriel through God 18. And Zakharyah (Zachariah) said to the Messenger (Angel), “How should I understand this, for I am an elderly man* and my wife is many in her days?” * 19. And the Messenger (Angel) answered and said to him, “I am Gawriel (Gabriel) who stands before Eloah (God), and I have been sent to speak with you and declare these things. 20. Now you will be mute, and you will not be able to speak until the day that these things happen, because you did not believe these my words which will be fulfilled in their time.” * What I could gather from the Bible is “elderly man” is considered at least 65 years of age, possible 70 years of age and over, while “many in her days” is at least 55 years of age, possible 60 years of age and over. Zachariah disbelieved the things the Messenger Gabriel told him; “because you did not believe these my words” that “you will not be able to speak” until Elizabeth his wife gives birth and after the 8th day after his birth when he will be given circumcision and be given his name at the Brit Milah (Covenant of the Circumcision Ceremony). The circumcision was performed by the Priest in the Synagogue or Temple and on the 8th day, the infant baby child would be given his name at the ceremony and since the Messenger Gabriel was standing at the “Throne of Eloah (God)” that his words were actually Eloah’s (God’s) words, and that it was Eloah (God) which gave Yochanan (John) his name and it would be given through his wife Elizabeth and then her husband Zachariah would then be allowed to speak once again. In the Hebrew faith this is considered wrong because it is the man who stands before the congregation and gives the child’s name, but Eloah (God) changed this rule by not allowing him to speak for a little over 9 months. The Messenger Angel Gabriel appeared prior to the Month of Av (July-August) 9 Months before the Birth of Yochanan in the Month of Nissan (March-April) in 5 B.C.E. Yochanan’s Birth was 6 Months before the Birth of Yeshua. Yochanan’s Birth was in the Month of Nissan which is when the Pesach (Passover) occurred. Elizabeth was the Great, Great, Great, etc., Granddaughter of Kohen Ahron (Priest Aaron) which was the spokesman for Moshe (Moses) and he was a Priest. Elizabeth was also the Cousin of Maryam (Mary) the Mother of Yeshua. Yochanan and Yeshua were Second Cousins. Yochanan is reminiscent of the Prophet Elijah. The Priest Zachariah was delayed coming out of the Temple Luke chapter 1 21. And the people were standing and waiting for Zakharyah (Zachariah) and were wondering about his delay in the temple. 22. And when Zakharyah (Zachariah) came out he was not able to speak with them. And they understood that he saw a vision in the temple. And he was repeatedly making signs but remained mute to them. When the Priest Zachariah had completed his duty at the Temple in Jerusalem, Judea, Israel that he went home and had sexual relations with his wife Elizabeth where she became Pregnant and no longer was, she barren. The Bible says Zachariah saw the Messenger Angel Gabriel a little over 9 months later when their son was born in the Month of Av, Zachariah was unable to speak from when the Messenger Angel Gabriel visited for over 9 months. Yochanan was born and then 8 days later when the Brit Milah (Covenant of Circumcision Ceremony) had occurred in compliance with the Hebrew Faith and during this time he was to be named on the 8th Day. Luke chapter 1 23. And when the days of his service were fulfilled, he went to his house. 24. And it happened after those days Elishwa (Elizabeth) his wife conceived. And she had hidden herself for five months and she said, 25. “These things Master YHVH has done for me in the days that he looked on me to take away my reproach that was among the sons of men.” In order for the accuracy of the calculations things that are mentioned in the Bible you must use the Day, Time of Day, and Month of the Hebrew Calendar. Never use the Roman or Greek Calendars as all calculations of Bible Prophecy, and Events are all according to the “Hebrew Calendar”. The Bible says this will occur “until we all become one and the same in faith” described in Hebrews chapter 4. Ephesians 4:13. Until we all become one and the same, in faith and in the knowledge of the Son of El Shaddai, and “one complete man” according to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Mashiach (Messiah). Yochanan was conceived in the month of Av and 9 months later he was born in the Month of Nisan. The Messenger Angel Gabriel appeared to Maryam (Mary) in the 6th Month of Elul and Ruach HaKodesh or Eloah (the Holy Spirit or God) conceived her at first day of Hanukkah which is the 24th Day of the Month of Kislev and 9 Months later and 6 Months after the birth of Yochanan on the 15th Day of the Month of Tishri Yeshua was born. This is how we know when Yeshua was actually born, and you must calculate both Yochanan and Yeshua and to affirm these calculation God Almighty placed a “Sign in Heaven” which is an affirmation of Rabbi Yeshua, the Messiah known as the Tetrad Blood Red Moons or the Four Blood Red Moons to commemorate the Passover Feast on the 15th Day of the Month of Nisan also known as the Last Supper and the Birth of Yeshua on the 15th Day of the Month of Tishri. These Blood Moons were “Precisely” on the proper Days. What did Yochanan eat for food as an infant baby? Matthew 3:4. Now Yochanan’s clothes were from the hair of camels, and upon his loins a girdle of skins. And his food was locusts (parsnip or Locusts beans) and wild honey. Parsnip Puree Locust Flower Soup Parsnip Latkes (Hanukkah) Kharuv Tree Bean Pods (Carob Tree Locust Bean Pods) Many people have the word Locusts wrong. Locusts described in the Brit Chadashah uses the Aramaic word “qamtsa” meaning “parsnip” the plant possible a parsnip puree or locust flower soup or parsnip latkes for Hanukkah and other holidays, but “definitely not the locust insects”. Followers of Rabbi Yeshua after his crucifixion believed John’s Bread was from the Kharuv Tree Bean Pods (Carob Pods or Carob Beans also known as Locusts Bean Pods). Kharuv or Charuv are Hebrew words for the Kharuv Tree (Carob Tree) and “the Tree and it’s bean pods (Kharuv Tree Beans, Carob Tree Beans, or Locusts Beans)” are native to the Mediterranean Sea region specifically Israel. This is the mistranslation of the word Locusts in English and should be translated as Parsnip or the Locusts Tree Beans, ground into multiple foods; puree, bread, latkes, soup, etc. Luke chapter 1 26. And in the sixth month, the Messenger Gawriel (Angel Gabriel) was sent from the presence of El Shaddai (God Almighty) to Galeela (Galilee) to the city whose name is Nasrath (Nazareth), 27. To a virgin who was betrothed to a man whose name was Yosip (Josef) from the house of Dawid (David). And the name of the virgin was Maryam (Mary). 28. And the Messenger came to her and said to her, “Peace to you full of grace, our Master is with you (and so you are) blessed among women!” 29. But when she saw him, she was disturbed at his saying and wondered, “What is this greeting?” 30. And the Messenger said to her, “Do not be afraid, Maryam, for you have found grace with El Shaddai. 31. For behold you will receive conception and bear a son and you will call his name Yehoshua (Yeshua). Definitions Mitzvah means the “Commandments” Mikveh means a “Jewish ritual of purifications for the purpose of ritual Matbil (Immersion) in water in the Hebrew Faith to achieve ritual purity” and is what Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the Immerser) was conducting. The Mikveh is an ago old tradition in the Hebrew Faith at least 1,300 years before Rav Yochanan and Rav Yeshua. Kristianae in Hebrew or Kristianay in Aramaic means “Christians” and call this “water Baptism” and have been doing it for a short time for nearly 1,600 years while in the Hebrew Faith is much longer at about 3,300 years or more. The first Believers were actually following “the Hebrew Faith” and practices as Rav Yehoshua (Rabbi Yeshua) was. Rav means Rabbi What is a Mikveh? A Mikveh is a pool or bath in a specific formation, and it must be sunk in the ground. Jewish law requires of the Hebrew Faith to be immersed in a mikveh as part of the process of conversion to the faith. It also requires women to immerse before getting married and when observing the laws of Niddah (menstrual purity). There are also various other reasons — both traditional and modern — that women, as well as men be Immersed in the mikveh. What Yochanan Ben Zachariah was called Ha Matbil (the Immerser) was doing was complying with the Hebrew Faith. The Mikveh dates back at least 1,300 years before Yochanan (John) so when Christians say that the first Baptism was with John the Baptist, this is not true and “wrong doctrines of men”. Baptism refers to Ha Mikveh which is what John the Immerser was doing, and he was in compliance with God Almighty of immersing new converts. The first Messianics were those of a small sect about 30 years after the Crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua where majority of his followers were following the Hebrew Faith. After 313 C.E. the Messianics became perverted by the Roman Empire and those in Rome changed the name Messianic to Christianity, so today Christians need to turn away from their beliefs and embrace the Hebrew Faith as the new Messianic Beliefs of today have. El Shaddai says in the Brit Chadashah – “until we all become one in faith” which means the same beliefs as God Almighty. We need to join as one in El Shaddai and His Son, Ha Mashiach (The Messiah) Yeshua which is “the head of all El Shaddai’s creation". The Requirement of a Mikveh (1) For converts to the Hebrew Faith (2) Priests in the Temple before divine service (3) Men on the eve of Yom Kippur (also optionally, before Shabbat) (4) Women after childbirth or menstruation – For the menstruant woman, immersion in a mikvah is part of a larger framework best known as Taharat HaMishpachah (the Family Purity). The laws of Niddah (menstrual purity) from the onset of menstruation and for seven days after of the woman’s menstruation cycle has concluded, an additional 7 days after, the Husband and Wife will be separated and have no sexual relations until she is immersed in the Mikvah for the family purity. This could be anywhere from 9 to 14 days later. (5) A bride before her wedding (6) In preparation of a dead person for burial – The manual pouring of water in a highly specific manner over the entire body of the deceased serves this purpose. (7) For new kitchen pots, dishes, and utensils
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John the Immerser and the Mikveh by M. Eichhorst And when Yeshua was immersed, he arose at once from the water and heaven was opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of El Shaddai which was descending like a dove, and it came upon him. Matthew 3:16 Yochanan HaMatbil (John the Immerser) Yochanan Ben Zecharya (John the Son of Zachariah) was born Hebrew (Jewish) and was the son of Zachariah, the Kohen (Cohen) meaning “Priest” in the Second Temple of God in Jerusalem and his mother was Elizabeth of the lineage of the Kohen Ahron (Priest Aaron) of Moshe (Moses) for many generations (ex: great, great, great, etc. granddaughter of Aaron) and her Son Yochanan (John) was born in c.5BCE 6 months before Yehoshua Ben Yosef (Yeshua the Son of Joseph) was born. Yochanan was born somewhere in the Month of Nisan and in the Month of the Pesach (Passover) Feast of the Unleavened Bread, and was born in Urishlim, Yehuda (Jerusalem, Judea, Israel). As he grew, he was a reminiscent (mirror image) to the Prophet Eliyahu (Elijah) and later Yochanan (John) became a Rabbi, Rav Yochanan Ben Zecharya (Rabbi John the Son of Zachariah) and was also known as Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the Immerser). Kohen Zachariah was a Priest of the Second Temple. What was Rabbi Yochanan conducting when he Immersed Rabbi Yeshua and the Believers in the Jordan River? What Rabbi John the Son of Zechariah was doing was the Hebrew ritual of the “Mikveh” which is the purification in water ceremony or cleansing ceremony when a new believer which comes to the Hebrew faith. It is also the purification ceremony before entering the temple or a woman before her wedding. The Mikveh began over 1,300 years prior to Rabbi John the Immerser and Rabbi Yeshua. Rabbi John was in compliance with the Hebrew Faith when he Immersed the believers in HaYarden Nahar (the Jordan River). This was a normal practice in the Hebrew Faith and did not begin with Rabbi John the Immerser, however what Rabbi John was doing was the cleansing in faith of the Hebrew Faith of YHVH of HaMashiach (The Messiah) and in the “Mikveh” a pool or bath was immersed with water and in Ruach (Spirit). First Peter 3:20-22. 20. which were formerly disobedient in the days of Noah when the long suffering of El Shaddai commanded an ark to be made, in hope of their repentance; and eight souls only entered into it and were kept alive in the waters*. 21. And you also, by a like figure, are made alive by immersion** and by the resurrection of Yeshua the Mashiach 22. who is taken up to heaven and is on the right hand of El Shaddai and Messengers and authorities, and powers are subject to him. __ * ““Alive in the waters” points to the waters of the Mikveh, the complete immersion into living waters after a soul has repented of sin and agreed to walk in the newness of life (the Kingdom) as offered through Mashiyach… **Immersion – not when you wash your bodies from filth, but when you confess [El Shaddai] with a pure conscience... A common misconception among many Christians is that “baptism” was invented by “John the Baptist,” but of course Jews have been “purifying” themselves with a ritual immersion in water for over 3200 years and at least 1300 years before Y’shua came to Earth as Mashiyach. The synagogue system that arose after the Captivity but before +/- 150 BCE had as one of its key architectural aspects a ritual bath called a “mikveh,” through which the faithful passed prior to entering the service… Rav Shaul exposed counterfeit immersions to illustrate the validity of the resurrection: “Otherwise, what shall they do who are immersed for the dead, if the dead do not rise? Why are they immersed for the dead?” (1 Corinthians 15:29), It is foolish for someone to be immersed on behalf of a dead person because it is the voluntary will of each living soul to live for YHWH and His Mashiyach according to His Word… Once we are immersed into YHWH our Salvation (Y’shua) then the “righteous by faith, shall live” which means living righteous lives and having Torah written upon the heart. As we live from faith to faith, we recognize the development of the spiritual man within us and each Shabbat and Feast day of YHWH we enter in literally to the days of Mashiyach; these are prophetic days within our own generation and our own lives. The physical immersion in water is the first step toward drawing close to YHWH after repentance is made; it is also the first step towards the excitement and joy of living in Mashiyach.” Andrew Gabriel Roth Aramaic English New Testament Bible __ The Mikveh at the Riverbanks of HaYarden Nahar (the Jordan River) where it is believed to be where Yochanan (John) HaMatbil (the Immerser) immersed Rabbi Yeshua. This Mikveh is refreshed with the waters of HaYarden Nahar (the Jordan River). Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority have discovered a Mikveh outside the walls of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, Israel and a passageway leading to the Temple and is dated to around 20-30 C.E. which would have been during the time of Rabbi Yeshua. This is the passageways leading from the Mikveh to the Temple. It is just enough space for one person at a time to walk through to enter the Temple. Rabbi John further said that there will be another that would come (referring to Rabbi Yeshua) which is greater than him and will immerse us with Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) or HaKodesh of El Shaddai (the Spirit of God Almighty). Christianity does not teach this, this way. Christianity further does not teach that Rabbi John the Immerser was the Second (2nd) cousins to Rabbi Yeshua. Rabbi John the Immerser’s mother “Elizabeth” and Rabbi Yeshua’s mother “Maryam (Mary)” were cousins. The Mikveh is an age-old tradition of faith dating back for thousands of years and is where Rabbi John was conducting what is called the “Mikveh”; The Immersion in water for the purification of the faith for new believers (new converts) after confession their sins before El Shaddai. Yochanan’s Parents Luke chapter 1 5. In the days of Herodus the king of Yehuda, there was a certain priest whose name was Zakharyah (Zachariah), from the order of the house of Awiya and his wife from the descended daughters of Ahron (Aaron). Elishwa (Elizabeth) was her name. 6. And both of them were righteous before El Shaddai (God Almighty) and walked in all the Mitzvah (Commandments) and in the righteousness of Master YHVH without blame. 7. But they did not have a son because Elishwa (Elizabeth) was barren, and both of them were many in their days. (over 60 years old). The Messenger Angel Gabriel appeared to Zachariah the Priest inside the Temple Luke chapter 1 8. And it came to pass while he was serving as priest in the order of his ministry before El Shaddai (God Almighty), 9. In the custom of the priesthood, it was his turn to place the incense. And he entered into the temple of Master YHVH. The word spelled YHVH is pronounced Yah-Veh in Hebrew, and the word spelled YHWH is pronounced Yah-Weh in Aramaic. The Yah-Veh (Yah-Weh) word was created by the Roman Empire and is not a word in Hebrew or in Aramaic, but a pronunciation of the word. This is a misconception and wrong doctrine in Greek, Latin, and English Christianity. Master YHVH is in reference to Adonai El Shaddai (LORD God Almighty). YHVH of HaMashiach is in reference to the Messiah, Yeshua. 10. And all the crowds of the people would pray outside at the time of the incense. 11. And a Messenger (Angel) of Master YHVH appeared to Zakharyah (Zachariah) who stood at the right of the altar of incense. 12. When Zakharyah (Zachariah) saw him he was dumbfounded (amazed), and fear fell upon him. 13. And the Messenger (Angel) said to him, “Do not have fear because your prayer has been heard and your wife, Elishwa (Elizabeth), will bear you a son, and you will call his name “Yochanan”. 14. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. 15. For he will be great before Master YHVH (God). And he will not drink strong drink and wine, and he will be filled with the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) while he is in the womb of his mother. 16. And many of the sons of Israel he will turn to Master YHVH their El Shaddai (God Almighty). 17. And he will go before Him in the spirit and in the might of Eliyahu (Elijah) the prophet, that he might turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and those that are not obedient to the knowledge of the just, and he will prepare a perfect people for Master YHVH.” The Power and Authority given to the Messenger Gabriel through God 18. And Zakharyah (Zachariah) said to the Messenger (Angel), “How should I understand this, for I am an elderly man* and my wife is many in her days?” * 19. And the Messenger (Angel) answered and said to him, “I am Gawriel (Gabriel) who stands before Eloah (God), and I have been sent to speak with you and declare these things. 20. Now you will be mute, and you will not be able to speak until the day that these things happen, because you did not believe these my words which will be fulfilled in their time.” * What I could gather from the Bible is “elderly man” is considered at least 65 years of age, possible 70 years of age and over, while “many in her days” is at least 55 years of age, possible 60 years of age and over. Zachariah disbelieved the things the Messenger Gabriel told him; “because you did not believe these my words” that “you will not be able to speak” until Elizabeth his wife gives birth and after the 8th day after his birth when he will be given circumcision and be given his name at the Brit Milah (Covenant of the Circumcision Ceremony). The circumcision was performed by the Priest in the Synagogue or Temple and on the 8th day, the infant baby child would be given his name at the ceremony and since the Messenger Gabriel was standing at the “Throne of Eloah (God)” that his words were actually Eloah’s (God’s) words, and that it was Eloah (God) which gave Yochanan (John) his name and it would be given through his wife Elizabeth and then her husband Zachariah would then be allowed to speak once again. In the Hebrew faith this is considered wrong because it is the man who stands before the congregation and gives the child’s name, but Eloah (God) changed this rule by not allowing him to speak for a little over 9 months. The Messenger Angel Gabriel appeared prior to the Month of Av (July-August) 9 Months before the Birth of Yochanan in the Month of Nissan (March-April) in 5 B.C.E. Yochanan’s Birth was 6 Months before the Birth of Yeshua. Yochanan’s Birth was in the Month of Nissan which is when the Pesach (Passover) occurred. Elizabeth was the Great, Great, Great, etc., Granddaughter of Kohen Ahron (Priest Aaron) which was the spokesman for Moshe (Moses) and he was a Priest. Elizabeth was also the Cousin of Maryam (Mary) the Mother of Yeshua. Yochanan and Yeshua were Second Cousins. Yochanan is reminiscent of the Prophet Elijah. The Priest Zachariah was delayed coming out of the Temple Luke chapter 1 21. And the people were standing and waiting for Zakharyah (Zachariah) and were wondering about his delay in the temple. 22. And when Zakharyah (Zachariah) came out he was not able to speak with them. And they understood that he saw a vision in the temple. And he was repeatedly making signs but remained mute to them. When the Priest Zachariah had completed his duty at the Temple in Jerusalem, Judea, Israel that he went home and had sexual relations with his wife Elizabeth where she became Pregnant and no longer was, she barren. The Bible says Zachariah saw the Messenger Angel Gabriel a little over 9 months later when their son was born in the Month of Av, Zachariah was unable to speak from when the Messenger Angel Gabriel visited for over 9 months. Yochanan was born and then 8 days later when the Brit Milah (Covenant of Circumcision Ceremony) had occurred in compliance with the Hebrew Faith and during this time he was to be named on the 8th Day. Luke chapter 1 23. And when the days of his service were fulfilled, he went to his house. 24. And it happened after those days Elishwa (Elizabeth) his wife conceived. And she had hidden herself for five months and she said, 25. “These things Master YHVH has done for me in the days that he looked on me to take away my reproach that was among the sons of men.” In order for the accuracy of the calculations things that are mentioned in the Bible you must use the Day, Time of Day, and Month of the Hebrew Calendar. Never use the Roman or Greek Calendars as all calculations of Bible Prophecy, and Events are all according to the “Hebrew Calendar”. The Bible says this will occur “until we all become one and the same in faith” described in Hebrews chapter 4. Ephesians 4:13. Until we all become one and the same, in faith and in the knowledge of the Son of El Shaddai, and “one complete man” according to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Mashiach (Messiah). Yochanan was conceived in the month of Av and 9 months later he was born in the Month of Nisan. The Messenger Angel Gabriel appeared to Maryam (Mary) in the 6th Month of Elul and Ruach HaKodesh or Eloah (the Holy Spirit or God) conceived her at first day of Hanukkah which is the 24th Day of the Month of Kislev and 9 Months later and 6 Months after the birth of Yochanan on the 15th Day of the Month of Tishri Yeshua was born. This is how we know when Yeshua was actually born, and you must calculate both Yochanan and Yeshua and to affirm these calculation God Almighty placed a “Sign in Heaven” which is an affirmation of Rabbi Yeshua, the Messiah known as the Tetrad Blood Red Moons or the Four Blood Red Moons to commemorate the Passover Feast on the 15th Day of the Month of Nisan also known as the Last Supper and the Birth of Yeshua on the 15th Day of the Month of Tishri. These Blood Moons were “Precisely” on the proper Days. What did Yochanan eat for food as an infant baby? Matthew 3:4. Now Yochanan’s clothes were from the hair of camels, and upon his loins a girdle of skins. And his food was locusts (parsnip or Locusts beans) and wild honey. Parsnip Puree Locust Flower Soup Parsnip Latkes (Hanukkah) Kharuv Tree Bean Pods (Carob Tree Locust Bean Pods) Many people have the word Locusts wrong. Locusts described in the Brit Chadashah uses the Aramaic word “qamtsa” meaning “parsnip” the plant possible a parsnip puree or locust flower soup or parsnip latkes for Hanukkah and other holidays, but “definitely not the locust insects”. Followers of Rabbi Yeshua after his crucifixion believed John’s Bread was from the Kharuv Tree Bean Pods (Carob Pods or Carob Beans also known as Locusts Bean Pods). Kharuv or Charuv are Hebrew words for the Kharuv Tree (Carob Tree) and “the Tree and it’s bean pods (Kharuv Tree Beans, Carob Tree Beans, or Locusts Beans)” are native to the Mediterranean Sea region specifically Israel. This is the mistranslation of the word Locusts in English and should be translated as Parsnip or the Locusts Tree Beans, ground into multiple foods; puree, bread, latkes, soup, etc. Luke chapter 1 26. And in the sixth month, the Messenger Gawriel (Angel Gabriel) was sent from the presence of El Shaddai (God Almighty) to Galeela (Galilee) to the city whose name is Nasrath (Nazareth), 27. To a virgin who was betrothed to a man whose name was Yosip (Josef) from the house of Dawid (David). And the name of the virgin was Maryam (Mary). 28. And the Messenger came to her and said to her, “Peace to you full of grace, our Master is with you (and so you are) blessed among women!” 29. But when she saw him, she was disturbed at his saying and wondered, “What is this greeting?” 30. And the Messenger said to her, “Do not be afraid, Maryam, for you have found grace with El Shaddai. 31. For behold you will receive conception and bear a son and you will call his name Yehoshua (Yeshua). Definitions Mitzvah means the “Commandments” Mikveh means a “Jewish ritual of purifications for the purpose of ritual Matbil (Immersion) in water in the Hebrew Faith to achieve ritual purity” and is what Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the Immerser) was conducting. The Mikveh is an ago old tradition in the Hebrew Faith at least 1,300 years before Rav Yochanan and Rav Yeshua. Kristianae in Hebrew or Kristianay in Aramaic means “Christians” and call this “water Baptism” and have been doing it for a short time for nearly 1,600 years while in the Hebrew Faith is much longer at about 3,300 years or more. The first Believers were actually following “the Hebrew Faith” and practices as Rav Yehoshua (Rabbi Yeshua) was. Rav means Rabbi What is a Mikveh? A Mikveh is a pool or bath in a specific formation, and it must be sunk in the ground. Jewish law requires of the Hebrew Faith to be immersed in a mikveh as part of the process of conversion to the faith. It also requires women to immerse before getting married and when observing the laws of Niddah (menstrual purity). There are also various other reasons — both traditional and modern — that women, as well as men be Immersed in the mikveh. What Yochanan Ben Zachariah was called Ha Matbil (the Immerser) was doing was complying with the Hebrew Faith. The Mikveh dates back at least 1,300 years before Yochanan (John) so when Christians say that the first Baptism was with John the Baptist, this is not true and “wrong doctrines of men”. Baptism refers to Ha Mikveh which is what John the Immerser was doing, and he was in compliance with God Almighty of immersing new converts. The first Messianics were those of a small sect about 30 years after the Crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua where majority of his followers were following the Hebrew Faith. After 313 C.E. the Messianics became perverted by the Roman Empire and those in Rome changed the name Messianic to Christianity, so today Christians need to turn away from their beliefs and embrace the Hebrew Faith as the new Messianic Beliefs of today have. El Shaddai says in the Brit Chadashah – “until we all become one in faith” which means the same beliefs as God Almighty. We need to join as one in El Shaddai and His Son, Ha Mashiach (The Messiah) Yeshua which is “the head of all El Shaddai’s creation". The Requirement of a Mikveh (1) For converts to the Hebrew Faith (2) Priests in the Temple before divine service (3) Men on the eve of Yom Kippur (also optionally, before Shabbat) (4) Women after childbirth or menstruation – For the menstruant woman, immersion in a mikvah is part of a larger framework best known as Taharat HaMishpachah (the Family Purity). The laws of Niddah (menstrual purity) from the onset of menstruation and for seven days after of the woman’s menstruation cycle has concluded, an additional 7 days after, the Husband and Wife will be separated and have no sexual relations until she is immersed in the Mikvah for the family purity. This could be anywhere from 9 to 14 days later. (5) A bride before her wedding (6) In preparation of a dead person for burial – The manual pouring of water in a highly specific manner over the entire body of the deceased serves this purpose. (7) For new kitchen pots, dishes, and utensils
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