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The Talmud, the Hebrew Judaism most revered writings second to the Tanach/Tanakh is Aramaic from the Babylonian Jews which wrote in the Talmud that the Torah was given unto the world by Hashem, but the world rejected it, but the Jews did not. I believe with the first part to this statement; that the Torah was given to the world, but not the second part because there are indications throughout history that Hashem (God) gave it unto the world including the Goyim (non-Jews). The Hebrew word for the Bible is Tanach and the first five books of Moshe (Moses) is called the Torah and the Bible in Aramaic is spelled the Tanakh with the Torah spelled the same, but both have the same meaning and in Hebrew it is spelled the Tanach. The Entire Tanach/Tanakh and the Brit Chadashah/Brit Chadasha was written by those of “Hebrew birth” in both the Hebrew language and the Aramaic language. Around 509 B.C.E. the Roman Republic was founded in Italy later in 27 B.C.E. it was known as the Roman Empire. Greece was conquered in around 146 B.C.E. by the Roman Republic and the Greek Mythology was taken from Greece to Rome where they changed the many gods and “added to and took away from”, adding many more gods and then called it Roman Mythology. This was a normal practice of Rome to add to and take away from every nation they conquered, and every nations writing were incorporated into the Roman culture and the culture of Greece was no exception. That means what you think is Greek is actually Roman because what the Romans didn’t like they either changed it or destroyed it. The Bible was always written in Hebrew because in the Hebrew faith where it is a must that all text written, all spoken words in the synagogue or the temple, holidays, and all daily prayer be in Hebrew. This is what happened to the Tanach (Old Covenant/Old Testament) and the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant/New Testament). What was told to Bible Scholars that the New Testament was first written in Aramaic was in fact written first in Hebrew, then retranslated into Aramaic where some things became misinterpreted. The misinterpretation only became worse in the retranslation from Aramaic into Greek, then Greek into Latin, then Latin into English. Hebrew was for the educated while Aramaic, Greek, and Latin were predominantly for the uneducated in those days, however later this would change after 313 C.E. Today the Hebrew version of the New Testament has gone missing (maybe destroyed in “The Purge” by the Roman Empire between 299-311 C.E. or maybe in the Vatican Archives Vault after 313 C.E.) while the Aramaic version was kept safe. It appears that the Hebrew version was written sometime between 60-69 C.E. before the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E. and it was retranslated into Aramaic between 70-100 C.E. after the death Emperor Domitian in 69 C.E. Yochanan (John) left the Prison Island of Patmos, Greece for Ephesus, Anatolia. Yochanan (John) the Talmid (Disciple) of Rav Yochanan HaMatbil (Rabbi John the immerser) and was also the Talmid (Disciple) of Rav Yehoshua HaMashiach (Rabbi Yeshua the Messiah) wrote his vision “The Revelation of Rabbi Yeshua the Messiah” after 69 C.E. and before his natural death sometime between 98-100 C.E. in Ephesus, Anatolia which is Turkey today. The exact date of his death is not known but was after 98 C.E. Yochanan (John) would have first written the Good News of John, 1st John, 2nd John, 3rd John, and The Revelation, in Hebrew in compliance with the Hebrew faith as the other writings of the New Testament were.
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