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The Holy Bible by M. Eichhorst The Bible was given by God unto the entire world Katbi HaKodesh means “The Holy Scriptures”. The Bible was given by God unto the entire world not just for the Jews but unto the entire world however most of the world rejected it except the Jews and some non-Jews. The Bible today is a misunderstanding of God’s word and we need to reevaluate what we were always taught, to what was really done by God. It is arrogance that dictates that Christianity is the only way to God and the Jews must believe in Christianity; actually, the truth is far from this belief. Christianity must be more like Judaism and Judaism must be more like Christianity, as God tells us in Ephesians chapter 4 that “his faith” is only one way. The Truth Premise The King James Version as we know today is the most correct Bible that is in Christianity and with the other versions which came afterwards, have a much lessor understanding of the truth however the flaws within it are vast. Christianity and other denominations are “wrong doctrines of men” which are “full of the names of blasphemy”. The only correct versions are the Hebrew Tanach and the Aramaic Tanakh and the Aramaic Brit Chadashah. Today the versions in Hebrew & Aramaic are of “God’s Hebrew Faith” (not Judaism) and for the entire World in multiple languages. The Hebrew & Aramaic Tanach is correct but where Judaism fails this because “they do not believe in HaMashiach (the Messiah) as Rabbi Yeshua” so therefore they do not believe in the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant). This is what makes Judaism as “wrong doctrines”. Christianity is from the Roman Empire Catholic Church which is “wrong doctrines of men” “full of the names of blasphemy” and therefore has filtered down into all other Christianity beliefs which makes them also the same wrong doctrines. If Judaism and Christianity would change some things, then they would be in alignment of the Hebrew Faith of God Almighty. Let’s examine what the word “Truth Premise” means; it is a noun meaning “if the premise is true, then the conclusion must be true” so therefore, is the King James Version of the Bible this? In order to answer this question, we need to examine where the Bible came from and how it came into being for the world today. The “Truth Premise” is mankind’s interpretation and not El Shaddai’s (God Almighty) interpretation. In other words, it is either God’s Truth or it is man’s truth. The Doctrines of Men or the Doctrines of God. Which do you want to believe? Ephesians 4:14. And that we might not be children uprooted and turned about by every direction of wind by the “wrong doctrines of men” who plot to seduce by their cunning. Revelation 17:3. And he led me in spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting on a red beast of prey, which was “full of names of blasphemy”, and had seven heads and ten horns. Both of these Scriptures are talking about the “wrong doctrines of men” which are “full of the names of blasphemy”. The Bible re-written and re-translated by mankind wrongly which include the wrong teachings that is not correctly taught in the Bible. Doctrines that are not in the Bible or not in the Bible correctly are “wrong doctrines of men”. Examples are; “not excepting the Brit Chadashah”, not excepting “Yeshua HaMashiach”, and changing the name of “Yeshua HaMashiach which means Our El is with Us, the Messiah” to “Jesus Christ which means Hail Zeus the Anointed”, belief in the “Trinity” (325 C.E.) when the Bible says El Shaddai (God Almighty) and his Kodesh (Spirit) which is the 7 Kodesh’s of Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) and, Yeshua and his Kodesh (Spirit), the correct interpretation of the “rapture” last trumpet which is supposed to be the last shofar, “candlestick” is supposed to be the 7 branch Menorah, the added text of “John 8:1-11” (400 C.E.), the added text of “1st John 5:7” (157 C.E.), not using the “Hebrew Eternal Torah Calendar”, the “Hebrew Calendar” and the “Hebrew Holidays” when studying the Bible, to name a few. Yochanan (John) called Mark died in 68 C.E. before the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E. and was part of the building of the Synagogue in Alexandria, Matthew died before 100 C.E. (unknown year), Luke the physician died in 84 C.E., Rabbi Shaul (Rabbi Saul) called Paul died between 64-67 C.E. and Yochanan (John) HaTalmid (the Disciple) wrote his texts which completed the Bible and was part of the building of the Synagogue in Ephesus before his death in 100 C.E. Anything added or removed after 100 C.E. is a violation of Revelation 22:18-19. Revelation 22:18-19. – 18. I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, that if anyone will add to them, El Shaddai will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. 19. And if anyone will take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, El Shaddai will take away his portion from the tree of life and from the Set Apart city, which are described in this book.
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