Chronicles of the Heart Chronicles of the Heart

The Roaring of the Sound of the Sea

“And there will be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars. And on earth, distress of the nations and confusion from the roaring of the sound of the sea. And upheaval that casts out life from men, because of fear of what is about to come upon the earth. And the powers of heaven will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of man who will come in the clouds with much power and great glory. But when these things begin to happen, have courage and lift up your heads, because your salvation draws near.” ~ Luke 21:25-28

Tidal Wave (Tsunami)

Tidal Waves are a part of the sea and can cause death and destruction that will also cause mankind to have heart attacks upon death. They are not only caused by Earthquakes but are caused by Hurricanes.


Hurricanes when the arrive from the Sea usually has a sound of freight trains but 100 times louder and more powerful as such which also can cause mankind to have heart attacks upon death.


Large Earthquakes can cause the Sea to roar of the sound of freight trains as described above which can cause a tidal wave or a tsunami wave.

Sea Creatures

The largest Sea Creature of the “entire current world” and the “entire prehistoric world” is the Blue Whale which is still alive today. It dwarfs the Megalodon Shark and the Blue Whale appears to be the whale that Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale. The Blue Whale can reach 100 feet in length. The Blue Whale was around when the earth was created and is still today and is also known as a prehistoric creature, so the theory that all “Prehistoric Creatures” where kill off is nothing more than a lie. What would happen if you see many and many prehistoric sea creatures in a tidal wave (tsunami) with the sound of a 100 freight trains barring down on you on the shore of the sea. It would cause you to have a heart attack and probable kill you. The Bible tells us that the Prehistoric World was about 6,000 years ago and not 150 million years, that they existed prior to the flood of Noe (Noah) where many were killed in the flood. The Prehistoric World also had Nephilim (Giants) where many were killed in the flood as well. In Genesis it tells us that they stood as tall and compared to us as we are to the grasshopper. What would happen if you see Nephilim (Giants) coming from a 100 foot tidal wave onto the shore of the sea, it would also cause you to have a heart attack and would probable kill you. This is what is mentioned in the Bible that they will return in the tribulation period. Earthquakes and Super Earthquakes There has been only a few earthquakes since the earth was created until about the beginning of the 20th Century -- 1900CE (1900AD) after that time earthquakes have increased seriously with severity each year thereafter. Earthquakes They are registered as a Magnitude 0.1 to a Magnitude 7.9 Super Earthquakes They are registered as a Magnitude 8.0 or greater USGS reports There is only about 500 years of data and of such there are 5 super earthquakes of 9.0 or greater. The Nation of Israel Israel was brought back together once again and reconsidered a Nation in 1948 where 5 earthquakes in the World of a Magnitude 9.0 or greater have occurred after Israel became a Nation once again and of these earthquakes since the 21st Century 2000CE (2000AD) 2 earthquakes of 9.0 or greater have occurred in the world, in this Century. These earthquakes are happening with more intensity and more frequently as the Bible affirms. Here's what the Bible has to say... The Prophet Isaiah said… "...and the foundations of the earth will quake. Broken, broken will be the land; crumbled, crumbled will be the land; trembling, trembling will be the land; tottering, the land will totter like a drunkard, and sway like a shack; and its sins will weigh heavily upon it, and it will fall, never to rise again." ~ Isaiah 24:18-21 Yeshua said recorded in Matthew "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines and plagues and earthquakes in different places." ~ Matthew 24:7 While he said recorded in Luke "And there will be severe earthquakes from place to place and famine and plagues. And there will be fears and terrors and great signs will be seen from Heaven. And the winters will be severe." ~ Luke 21:11 The Great Earthquake during the tribulation period as recorded in Revelation by the vision of Yochanan (John) of the revelation of Yeshua HaMachiah (Yeshua the Messiah). "And there were flashes of lightning, and thunders, and voices; and there was a great earthquake, the like of which there was never, since men were on the earth, such an earthquake, and so great. And the great city became three parts." ~ Revelation 16:18-19 The great city is referred to as Jerusalem and gives meaning to huge cracks dividing Jerusalem into 3 parts but not until Jerusalem is completely the Nation of Israel once again. How powerful would this earthquake have to be in order to rip the city into 3 parts? It is clear that earthquakes will be severe but what is unclear of how severe they will be that will cause destruction and will cause tidal waves (tsunami) that will destroy and kill thousands. -- If damages from an earthquake is not enough than tidal waves will do even more damages and destructions. Hurricanes are a part of the sea. Today many things are happening unlike any other time in history and are becoming more intense each year than the previous, which is referred to as Bible Prophecy coming to pass and hurricanes are just a small part of what is coming upon the earth. The Bible says that these current times we are living will be unlike any other time in the past or will be in the future. "And on earth, distress of the nations and confusion from the roaring of the sound of the sea." ~ Matthew 21:26 Hurricanes have a sound which is like a freight train barreling down to destroy everything in it's path and as the sound becomes louder fear grips the hearts of people which can cause heart attacks. Imagine the sound 100 times louder than a freight train. Another part of the sea is a Tidal Wave or Tsunami, which usually occur by earthquakes, however Scientists further affirm that tidal waves (tsunamis) can be formed from Hurricanes. Another part of the sea is creatures within it especially huge sea creatures. Scientific Theorize Hypothetical of a Hypercane could also be real. In theory a hypercane is a hurricane which unlike the normal hurricanes it can reach heights which go into the upper-atmosphere of heaven into the ionosphere and can bring radiation and damaging protons, electrons, ions, neutrons, and plasma which can kill many of mankind within a specific area, but not all. This is why God created an atmosphere which is the ionosphere, troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, stratosphere, exosphere as many layers to block this from happening, however if this theory is ever proven true and we ever get a hypercane it will affect the entire world. This may also be real because the Bible makes mention of blisters and scorching of peoples skin and the heat from the sun which can kill many of mankind but not all. What many people think is a global killer of the earth like a comet, global warming, nuclear annihilation, etc., is not at all true. There is no such thing as a global killer as the Bible affirms but the Bible give us signs which will feel like a global killer, but remember the Bible talks about the sign of the Great Sufferings which are; 1) prelude to the time of “Great Sufferings” and the “Increased Information Age” - this began around 1900 C.E. possible around 1895 C.E. 2) the tribulation period of 7 years as Christians Believe is wrong. Christians quote Daniel in which he was talking about the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E., not in our time. The Hebrew Bible does not talk about a “Third Temple being built” and does not give a specific time that the time of “Great Sufferings” is, however I have reason to believe in the “theory” that the time of “Great Sufferings” began after 1995 C.E. which is 2,000 years after the birth of the Messiah and possible will conclude around 2030 C.E. which is 2,000 years after his Crucifixion but is only a theory. 3) 1,000 years with the Adonai (LORD) on this earth 4) about 1 year after the conclusion of the thousand years 5) the end will come, and the judgement day will begin 6) eternity without the LORD for those which have denied him 7) eternity with Adonai El Shaddai (LORD God Almighty) and His Mashiach (Messiah) for those which have accepted him So this means we have a lot of time left on this earth. The next verse of this scripture is "heart attacks" because of "fear". "And upheaval that casts out life from men, because of fear of what is about to come upon the earth. And the powers of heaven will be shaken." ~ Matthew 21:27 This heart attack scripture applies to everything coming upon the earth, not just to the "sound" of the roaring of the sea but to the disaster it wheels of destruction. Last year in the Atlantic Ocean we saw an unprecedented number of hurricanes with destruction like we have never seen. This year so far in the Pacific Ocean we have seen many hurricanes including the current Hurricane Lane which is baring down on the Hawaiian Islands. This year we could see even more. Signs in the Earth are getting stronger and stronger each year. Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Revolutions, Wars and Rumors of War. People are turning from good and embracing evil just as the Bible affirms in Isaiah 5:20. The Signs are all around for the coming of the LORD is near and becoming clearer each year of how close we are. Don't wait any longer Repent today and do what he has told us in the Bible, before it is to late.
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The Roaring of the Sea By M. Eichhorst
Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry
"And on earth, distress of the nations and confusion from the roaring of the sound of the sea." Matthew 21:26

The Roaring of the Sound of the Sea

“And there will be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars. And on earth, distress of the nations and confusion from the roaring of the sound of the sea. And upheaval that casts out life from men, because of fear of what is about to come upon the earth. And the powers of heaven will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of man who will come in the clouds with much power and great glory. But when these things begin to happen, have courage and lift up your heads, because your salvation draws near.” ~ Luke 21:25-28
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The Roaring of the Sea By M. Eichhorst
Chronicles of the Heart Chronicles of the Heart

Sea Creatures

The largest Sea Creature of the “entire current world” and the “entire prehistoric world” is the Blue Whale which is still alive today. It dwarfs the Megalodon Shark and the Blue Whale appears to be the whale that Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale. The Blue Whale can reach 100 feet in length. The Blue Whale was around when the earth was created and is still today and is also known as a prehistoric creature, so the theory that all “Prehistoric Creatures” where kill off is nothing more than a lie. What would happen if you see many and many prehistoric sea creatures in a tidal wave (tsunami) with the sound of a 100 freight trains barring down on you on the shore of the sea. It would cause you to have a heart attack and probable kill you. The Bible tells us that the Prehistoric World was about 6,000 years ago and not 150 million years, that they existed prior to the flood of Noe (Noah) where many were killed in the flood. The Prehistoric World also had Nephilim (Giants) where many were killed in the flood as well. In Genesis it tells us that they stood as tall and compared to us as we are to the grasshopper. What would happen if you see Nephilim (Giants) coming from a 100 foot tidal wave onto the shore of the sea, it would also cause you to have a heart attack and would probable kill you. This is what is mentioned in the Bible that they will return in the tribulation period. Earthquakes and Super Earthquakes There has been only a few earthquakes since the earth was created until about the beginning of the 20th Century -- 1900CE (1900AD) after that time earthquakes have increased seriously with severity each year thereafter. Earthquakes They are registered as a Magnitude 0.1 to a Magnitude 7.9 Super Earthquakes They are registered as a Magnitude 8.0 or greater USGS reports There is only about 500 years of data and of such there are 5 super earthquakes of 9.0 or greater. The Nation of Israel Israel was brought back together once again and reconsidered a Nation in 1948 where 5 earthquakes in the World of a Magnitude 9.0 or greater have occurred after Israel became a Nation once again and of these earthquakes since the 21st Century 2000CE (2000AD) 2 earthquakes of 9.0 or greater have occurred in the world, in this Century. These earthquakes are happening with more intensity and more frequently as the Bible affirms. Here's what the Bible has to say... The Prophet Isaiah said… "...and the foundations of the earth will quake. Broken, broken will be the land; crumbled, crumbled will be the land; trembling, trembling will be the land; tottering, the land will totter like a drunkard, and sway like a shack; and its sins will weigh heavily upon it, and it will fall, never to rise again." ~ Isaiah 24:18-21 Yeshua said recorded in Matthew "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines and plagues and earthquakes in different places." ~ Matthew 24:7 While he said recorded in Luke "And there will be severe earthquakes from place to place and famine and plagues. And there will be fears and terrors and great signs will be seen from Heaven. And the winters will be severe." ~ Luke 21:11 The Great Earthquake during the tribulation period as recorded in Revelation by the vision of Yochanan (John) of the revelation of Yeshua HaMachiah (Yeshua the Messiah). "And there were flashes of lightning, and thunders, and voices; and there was a great earthquake, the like of which there was never, since men were on the earth, such an earthquake, and so great. And the great city became three parts." ~ Revelation 16:18-19 The great city is referred to as Jerusalem and gives meaning to huge cracks dividing Jerusalem into 3 parts but not until Jerusalem is completely the Nation of Israel once again. How powerful would this earthquake have to be in order to rip the city into 3 parts? It is clear that earthquakes will be severe but what is unclear of how severe they will be that will cause destruction and will cause tidal waves (tsunami) that will destroy and kill thousands. -- If damages from an earthquake is not enough than tidal waves will do even more damages and destructions. Hurricanes are a part of the sea. Today many things are happening unlike any other time in history and are becoming more intense each year than the previous, which is referred to as Bible Prophecy coming to pass and hurricanes are just a small part of what is coming upon the earth. The Bible says that these current times we are living will be unlike any other time in the past or will be in the future. "And on earth, distress of the nations and confusion from the roaring of the sound of the sea." ~ Matthew 21:26 Hurricanes have a sound which is like a freight train barreling down to destroy everything in it's path and as the sound becomes louder fear grips the hearts of people which can cause heart attacks. Imagine the sound 100 times louder than a freight train. Another part of the sea is a Tidal Wave or Tsunami, which usually occur by earthquakes, however Scientists further affirm that tidal waves (tsunamis) can be formed from Hurricanes. Another part of the sea is creatures within it especially huge sea creatures. Scientific Theorize Hypothetical of a Hypercane could also be real. In theory a hypercane is a hurricane which unlike the normal hurricanes it can reach heights which go into the upper-atmosphere of heaven into the ionosphere and can bring radiation and damaging protons, electrons, ions, neutrons, and plasma which can kill many of mankind within a specific area, but not all. This is why God created an atmosphere which is the ionosphere, troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, stratosphere, exosphere as many layers to block this from happening, however if this theory is ever proven true and we ever get a hypercane it will affect the entire world. This may also be real because the Bible makes mention of blisters and scorching of peoples skin and the heat from the sun which can kill many of mankind but not all. What many people think is a global killer of the earth like a comet, global warming, nuclear annihilation, etc., is not at all true. There is no such thing as a global killer as the Bible affirms but the Bible give us signs which will feel like a global killer, but remember the Bible talks about the sign of the Great Sufferings which are; 1) prelude to the time of “Great Sufferings” and the “Increased Information Age” - this began around 1900 C.E. possible around 1895 C.E. 2) the tribulation period of 7 years as Christians Believe is wrong. Christians quote Daniel in which he was talking about the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E., not in our time. The Hebrew Bible does not talk about a “Third Temple being built” and does not give a specific time that the time of “Great Sufferings” is, however I have reason to believe in the “theory” that the time of “Great Sufferings” began after 1995 C.E. which is 2,000 years after the birth of the Messiah and possible will conclude around 2030 C.E. which is 2,000 years after his Crucifixion but is only a theory. 3) 1,000 years with the Adonai (LORD) on this earth 4) about 1 year after the conclusion of the thousand years 5) the end will come, and the judgement day will begin 6) eternity without the LORD for those which have denied him 7) eternity with Adonai El Shaddai (LORD God Almighty) and His Mashiach (Messiah) for those which have accepted him So this means we have a lot of time left on this earth. The next verse of this scripture is "heart attacks" because of "fear". "And upheaval that casts out life from men, because of fear of what is about to come upon the earth. And the powers of heaven will be shaken." ~ Matthew 21:27 This heart attack scripture applies to everything coming upon the earth, not just to the "sound" of the roaring of the sea but to the disaster it wheels of destruction. Last year in the Atlantic Ocean we saw an unprecedented number of hurricanes with destruction like we have never seen. This year so far in the Pacific Ocean we have seen many hurricanes including the current Hurricane Lane which is baring down on the Hawaiian Islands. This year we could see even more. Signs in the Earth are getting stronger and stronger each year. Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Revolutions, Wars and Rumors of War. People are turning from good and embracing evil just as the Bible affirms in Isaiah 5:20. The Signs are all around for the coming of the LORD is near and becoming clearer each year of how close we are. Don't wait any longer Repent today and do what he has told us in the Bible, before it is to late.

Tidal Wave (Tsunami)

Tidal Waves are a part of the sea and can cause death and destruction that will also cause mankind to have heart attacks upon death. They are not only caused by Earthquakes but are caused by Hurricanes.


Hurricanes when the arrive from the Sea usually has a sound of freight trains but 100 times louder and more powerful as such which also can cause mankind to have heart attacks upon death.


Large Earthquakes can cause the Sea to roar of the sound of freight trains as described above which can cause a tidal wave or a tsunami wave.
Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry Good Treasure Ministry
And on earth, distress of the nations and confusion from the roaring of the sound of the sea." Matthew 21:26